It’s 6/6, What Are You Reading? (10)

Posted June 7, 2010 by Holly in Features | 13 Comments

: I spent a very relaxing day at the beach yesterday, which was very much needed since I spent the two days prior to that at Disneyland and California Adventure Park with my family. Running around a busy amusement park with 4 very energetic kids (5 if you count my husband..) is totally exhausting. Just so you know. 😀

Anyway, I started Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas while I was at the beach yesterday. I’m only got about a quarter of the way through it, though, because I ended up falling asleep. Plus, the kids kept burying each other and I had to take pictures and laugh rescue them. Did I say very relaxing? Let’s downgrade that to kind of relaxing.

This morning I set aside Married by Morning to read Carrie Lofty’s upcoming Carina Press release, Song of Seduction. I’m only about 5 pages in, but so far I’m intrigued. Carrie will be guest blogging with us tomorrow, and we’ll have two copies of Song to giveaway!

Casee: I’m reading Fade to Midnight by Shannon McKenna. It’s Kev McCloud’s book, which I’ve been waiting for since we found out that he was alive. So far it’s exactly what I’ve come to expect from McKenna. It’s engaging and hawt. I can’t wait to finish it. After I finish it, I am going to start Sweet Temptation by Maya Banks.

Rowena: I’m really late adding to this (sorry guys) but right now, I’m reading Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery. I haven’t read AT ALL this weekend but that’s because I was busy with my brother’s wedding yesterday. The wedding was beautiful and the happy couple were adorable and I’m happy for them. It was a fun day so reading took a back seat to real life for once. Now that the wedding is out of the way, I have one more wedding to prepare for but while I’m preparing for that wedding, I’m reading and enjoying both Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery and Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz, a book that my friend Theresa has been on my ass about reading for a very long time. I’m finally getting around to reading that so I’m excited to be reading both.

Here’s to a happy reading week!

So…what are YOU reading right now?

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13 responses to “It’s 6/6, What Are You Reading? (10)

  1. Sherryl Woods – Sweet Tea at Sunrise. I have read book 1 and 3 in the series, so this will complete it. Nice series and continuation of the Sweet Magnolias.

  2. MJFredrick

    I’m almost done with Savor the Moment. I didn’t think I’d care for Laurel, but this is actually my favorite of the series so far.

  3. I’m reading Patti O’Shea’s Edge of Dawn and enjoying it very much. I’m going to read Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn next.

  4. Anonymous

    I’m rereading Medeiros’s The Bride and the Beast for a study on romance I’m particpating in. I chose it because it was the book that sucked me back in after 30 years. 🙂 — willaful

  5. @ Cassee I’ll be interested in what you think of both books – I’ve got Fade to Midnight on my wishlist at Books on Board and it’s going to be in my next download and I read Sweet Temptation a little while ago – it was a bit of a disappointment. I had such high hopes for Micah!

    As for me, I’m reading two things at once – The Summer of You by Kate Noble (which I won from this here blog – thx again!) and Necking, a m/m/m anthology from Dreamspinner Press. The stories are very short, so if I’ve only got a few minutes I’ll pick up one of those. I’ve found that I can’t just read them one after the other – the stories get a bit blurry if I do that.

  6. Chelsea B.

    I’m reading Suddenly You by Lisa Kleypas and so far its amazing! I get kinda worried after I read a book from an author that I really loved, because I think ‘their other books can NOT be as good as this one!’ But that is not so with this author! I’m finding this one diferent, of course, but just as good!

  7. Anonymous

    Had a long weekend here. Finished Julia quinn’s Ten Things I love About You – enjoyed it very much but its not her best.

    Then picked up Lisa Kleypas’ Married By Morning and devoured it. Finished it off in one day. Slept very late and couldn’t wake up this morning :).

    Started Karen Rose’s Silent Scream.

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