What Are You Reading – 5/23 (8)

Posted May 23, 2010 by Casee in Features | 12 Comments

Casee: It’s that time again. Every Sunday I find myself wondering where in the world the weekend went. On this particular Sunday, I have to say that it didn’t go to reading. Which is a bummer.

I’ve found myself up in the air when it comes to reading. I’ll start a book, but then lose interest. That happened with Marked by Elisabeth Naughton. I know she’s a good author and I have enjoyed her books in the past, but it just wasn’t keeping my interest. So I decided to try Cold Sight by Leslie Parrish. I’m really enjoying it so far. Then again, I’m only two chapters in.

Holly: My reading isn’t much improved from last week. I did read a couple novels – Tessa Dare’s upcoming release, One Dance with a Duke, and the first book in Jodi Thomas’ new contemporary trilogy, Welcome to Harmony (both authors are guest blogging this coming week) – but that’s about it. The good news is that both books were fabulous.

Today I read A Safe Harbor by Moira Rogers. It’s a prequel of sorts to her Sanctuary series. It’s set in the depression era and I really enjoyed it, though I was a bit disappointed that more attention wasn’t given to the time period. (I’m going to have contest details here soon about how you can enter to win a Kindle – or a $250 gift certificate to another book store – thanks to Moira Rogers).

I’m hoping my reading will pick up this week. Wish me luck, would you?

Rowena: This is the second straight weekend where I haven’t gotten very much reading done. I blame Brenna’s basketball. She’s had weekend tournaments both weekends about thirty minutes away from home and we’ve had game after game after game so I’ve been busy with that. I’m still reading Darker Than Night by Kim Lenox. I have no idea why it’s taking me so long to read this book because when I’m reading it, I’m liking it but when I put it down, I drag my feet to pick it back up again.

Ugh, I hope this slight reading slump doesn’t last any longer because I was on such a roll. Ugh.

What about you guys? What are you guys reading right now? Anything good that we should know about?

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12 responses to “What Are You Reading – 5/23 (8)

  1. I’m reading “Perfect Chemistry” by Simone Elkeles and then “Desire Unchained” by Larissa Ione, “Romancing the dead” by Tate Hallaway and “The not so secret diary of a city girl” by Allie Spencer.

  2. ritu

    I was in a bit of reading slump lately. Read only 2 books in 2 weeks of which one was a category. Midway through The Demon’s Lexicon – enjoyed it while I was reading, but have to continue; but I just completed The Passions of Emma by Penelope Williamson. I loved it! Added to my favorites list. I do think my reading slump might be cured now!

  3. Reading a new YA: Wolves, Boys, & Other Things That Might Kill Me by debut author Kristen Chandler. Really enjoying it. It’s so smartly written and refreshing. Almost finished with it then plan to start Charlene Harris’ Dead and Gone!

  4. Last week I read 3 wonderful contemporaries: Nora Roberts’ SAVOR THE MOMENT, Lori Wilde’s THE TRUE LOVE QUILTING CLUB, and Julie James’ SOMETHING ABOUT YOU. Today I started a historical by Michelle Sinclair. So far, THE HIGHLANDER’S BRIDE is really good.

  5. Chelsea B.

    I’m reading The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt and absolutely adoring it! Books like this make me wish I could sit down and read all day!

  6. I just finished Lover Mine by JR Ward….. Huge fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books.I enjoyed it but not as much as some of the other books in the series.
    Currently reading Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas and LOVING Leo! So far it’s great…..

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