What Are You Reading?

Posted March 28, 2010 by Holly in Features | 40 Comments

What Are You Reading is a new feature we’re starting. WAYR is a weekly open thread we’ll start every Sunday. We’ll tell you what we’re reading and ask that you do the same in the comments. Throughout the week we’ll update in the comments as we go along and we urge all of you to do the same.

Holly: I’m about 140 pages into a reread of Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase. LoS is arguably one of the best historical romance novels ever written. I am absolutely loving it (as I do every time I reread) but I’m also frustrated as hell because I can’t seem to find any dedicated reading time this weekend. Every time I sit down to read something comes up.

I’ve just finished reading the part where they consummate their marriage. Jessica has confessed to being in lust with Dain all along and his reaction is..priceless. While I love Dain (who doesn’t?), it’s really Jessica who steals the show here. She’s witty, kind, strong and manages Dain with aplomb. Here’s a snippet from early on in the book. Withers, the butler, has just learned that Jessica and her grandmother Genevieve have just arrived. Her brother, Bertie, has been running amuck in London and Withers is eternally grateful that Miss Jessica has shown up to take him in hand:

More important, in the practical Withers’ view, Miss Jessica had inherited her late father’s brains, physical agility, and courage. She could ride, fence, and shoot with the best of them. Actually, when it came to pistols, she was the best of the whole family, and that was saying something. During two brief marriages, her grandmother had borne four sons by her first husband, Sir Edmund Trent, and two by her second, Viscount Pembury, and daughters and sons alike had bred males in abundance. Yet not a one of those fine fellows could outshoot Miss Jessica. She could pop the cork off a wine bottle at twenty paces —and Withers himself had seen her do it.

He wouldn’t mind seeing her pop Lord Dain’s cork for him. The great brute was an abomination, a disgrace to his country, an idle reprobate with no more conscience than a dung beetle. He had lured Sir Bertram—who, lamentably, was not the cleverest of gentlemen—into his nefarious circle and down the slippery slope to ruin. Another few months of Lord Dain’s company and Sir Bertram would be bankrupt —if the endless round of de-bauchery didn’t kill him first. But there wouldn’t be another few months, Withers reflected happily as he nudged his reluc-tant master to the door. Miss Jessica would fix everything. She always did.

You might think, from the snippet, that Jessica is one of those annoying, “managing” types, but she’s very practical and down to earth. Which is good, since Lord Dain is anything but. I’ve been Tweeting about it under the hashtag #LoS if you want to follow along, though you will have to wade through some other non-related tweets to get there. (http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23LoS).

Rowena: I just started a book that I’m reading for review here on Book Binge. I read Libby Malin’s last book, Fire Me and was really looking forward to reading this one.

So far, the book is just so-so but I’m hopeful that it will get better. It’s not a bad start to a new reading week that’s for sure but I’m not as into this book as I was in the first book. I’ll keep you guys updated on whether I change my mind about this book as the week continues on.

Casee: Defeat the Darkness is a book from Morgan’s Paladin series. I haven’t read the last few, but I really liked the first three in the series. I’m only about two chapters in, but it is very promising.

So tell us, what are you reading? Are you loving it or hating it?

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40 responses to “What Are You Reading?

  1. A book fairy was very kind to me and I got an ARC of Lynn Viehl’s DREAMVEIL, which I started and finished last night-it rocked. I loved it, it blew me away. I told her she’s the Queen of Weird and Awesome.

    Also reading Magic in the Shadows by Devon and Monk and enjoying it.

  2. I’m about halfway through Sea Swept by Nora Roberts. It’s Book 1 in the Chesapeake Bay Saga. I like it so far and am planning on reading the rest of the series.

    BTW, I like this new feature. I’ll be stopping back by to see what everyone else is reading.

  3. I just started reading Deanna Raybourn’s The Dead Travel Fast. This is my first time read this author, but so far I’m enjoying it.

  4. I’m reading In Bed With the Duke by Christina Dodd. I keep reading wonderful reviews for Lord of Scoundrels so I’m moving that closer to the top of the list. Did anyone here read IBWTD yet?

  5. Chelsea B.

    I’m read Velvet Haven by Sophie Renwick. Its a really fantastic book full of a great cast and interesting plot! And of course, awesome romance 🙂
    I want to read Lord of Scoundrels! Everywhere I turn there is another great review for it!

  6. I’ve just come off a spring break week I am calling my “Pamela Clare Historical Readfest.” Having read all her excellent contemporary I-Team books, I don’t know why it took me so long to read the fascinating historicals. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

    Now, I’m just beginning Karen Robards “Shattered.” Only into the book about 25 pages so can’t give a review. I’ve heard good things about it though!

    This is a great new idea!

  7. Anonymous

    I’m currently reading Meg Cabot’s Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls #2: The New Girl. I’m really enjoying this series a lot, which isn’t a surprise since I’m a big fan of Meg’s books.


  8. ritu

    I like this new feature too.

    I am currently reading Wolfskin by Juliet Marillier. I am currently on a Marillier glom ever since I read her first book, Daughter of the forest. Currently, reading book #6 of hers :P. Btw, her books are fantasy and romance genres. I’d suggest to give her a try!

    @Collen – I read the Chesapeake triology and the dreamers triology a month back. I just love those two triologies (:

  9. I loved the Chesapeake Bay trilogy. Read it years ago.

    Try her dream series too if you haven’t already. Finding the Dream, etc. It was great. I like her older stuff better. But did enjoy her first book in the bride series and look forward to reading the rest.

    Come to think of it, Barbara Delinsky also wrote a great Dream series. It sat on my tbr for a few years and when I finally got to it, said wow, sorry I waited so long.

  10. I’ve just started Lessons in French by Laura Kinsale. It’s one of those books where 2 pages in I know I’m gonna love it.

  11. Ing

    I just finished “The Chief” by Monica McCarty and absolutely loved it. It’s the first book in her Highland Guard series. It’s Braveheart meets the SEALS.

    I’m about to start “No Choice but Seduction” by Johanna Lindsey. Gotta get my Malory kick.

  12. Rowena


    I love that series, it was my favorite NR series ever! Oh man, you have a lot of good reading ahead of you if you’re gonna finish the series out. So good!

  13. Natasha

    Just finished Lessons from a Scarlet Lady by Emma Wildes. It started off very good. But by the middle of the book there was THE misunderstanding. I wasn’t too happy about it. I liked the flow of the book before that.

    Overall, it was a good book.

    Now trying to decide what to read next.

  14. Rowena

    I adored Lessons from a Scarlet Woman but I know what you’re talking about. Those misunderstandings can really get under my skin.


    I just finished reading TNBT and I thought it was good.

  15. Hopeless Romantic

    I just finished reading ‘Dark Paradise’ by Tami Hoag. It was a l-o-o-o-n-g book, 500+ pages, and I was unsure for 200 of those pages if I would continue on, but I am glad that I did. J.D. Rafferty, the hero, was a bit much to take at times, not the nicest cowboy on the range, but his reasons for being so were legitimate enough. The heroine, Marilee, was a spunky ‘city girl’ and I really liked her. Most of the time she was able to hold her own against J.D. and, by the end, she was toe-to-toe with him!

    I have started ‘When The Storm Breaks’ by Heather Lowell, my first by her, and so far, so good.

    Happy reading all!

  16. Finished reading Spiral Hunt by Margaret Ronald, Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs on Saturday. Put me in the mood to re-read Hunting Ground, also by Patricia Briggs… and then, picked up Lois Lane Tells All by Karen Hawkins which was okay.

  17. @ColleenFL – I find NR to be rather hit or miss, but that series is one of my favorites. She writes family relationships so well. I love those brothers!

    @Mary – I have IBWTD in my TBR pile but haven’t read it yet. Let me know what you think.

    @Chantal – is that part of the series Ames has been trying to get me to read?

    @Chelsea B – You really should read LoS. It really is amazing.

    @Natasha – I really hate BIG MISUNDERSTANDINGS. So annoying. I just read a book by Susan Mallery w/ one and it drove me insane!

    @ritu – Those sound pretty good. I added them to my wishlist. Thanks for the rec.

    @Kaetrin – I have Lessons in French TBR, too, but I’ve been putting off reading it until I had a solid block of reading time to dedicate. I know it’s going to be one I just want to fall into.

    @c2s – <3 Kiss, but Dark is much better!

    @Hopeless Romantic – I’ve read a couple of Hoag’s novels in the past and always felt the same at the end; they’re great books at the end, but they could stand to be a bit shorter.

    @nath – How was Spiral Hunt? What’s Lois Lane Tells All? I haven’t heard of that book.

  18. As for myself, I finally finished Lord of Scoundrels last night. Because of RL issues, it took me FOUR DAYS to reread it. I kept getting annoyed at all the interruptions.

    In the end I loved it just as much as always. I just wanted to wrap Dain up like an ice cream cone and lick him…and maybe Jessica too. 😀

    Now I’m not sure what to start. Mind Games by Carolyn Crane and Beyond the Night are at the top of this list though. Suggestions?

  19. I couldn’t find any time to read this weekend either Holly. Bummer.

    I’m reading Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole and also Private Dicks by Katie Allen. I’ll finish them…someday. lol

  20. ranearia

    Pleasurably Undone!
    by Christine Merrill, Michelle Willingham , Louise Allen, Terri Brisbin, Diane Gaston

    and enjoying it so far!

  21. My Sunday has been “hell on wheels” with everything I needed to do, but I am finishing “His Favorite Mistress” by Tracy Anne Warren as well as starting “Naked Dragon” by Annette Blair, a book I am reviewing for Book Binge. Warren is one of my favorite authors as well as being so good at the historical romance genre. I am enjoying the dragon story as well.

  22. teenyann (aka hopeless romantic)

    Last time I posted, I had begun to read ‘When The Storm Breaks’ by Heather Lowell. I got as far as page 150 and the book has sadly become a DNF for me.

    Claire, the heroine, witnessed a murder and, while fleeing from the killer, falls down some stairs and suffers temporary amnesia. She meets the hero, Sean, a cold case detective, who thinks this murder is linked to others he and his partner/cousin Aidan are investigating. After she gets out of the hospital and is threatened by the killer, Claire does what she can to discover what information the police have regarding her case. When they do not give her an acceptable (to her) answer, she starts investigating on her own. She does some foolhardy things, one in particular that involves two female friends and which puts them in danger. Granted, they are all adults with functioning brains and free will, but one of the women has 3 month old twin boys who could very well become motherless.

    I simply could not get past the actions of Claire (and friends) and her attitude toward Sean and Aidan, expecting to be kept up to date on every little detail regarding her case. The story was well written and moved along at a brisk pace, but the situations just did not sit right with me and I had to stop reading.

    Hmm…what to read next? Perhaps something by Jayne Ann Krentz. She is quickly becoming my go-to author when I encounter a DNF.

    Happy reading all.

  23. Spiral Hunt wasn’t good 🙁 Disappointing. Lois Lane Tells All is the sequel of Talk of the Town by Karen Hawkins. It’s her contemp series.

  24. by the way, I like this new feature 😀 However, I think it’d be great if you could make it a stick post or something. You ladies post a lot 😀

  25. ritu

    So after reading your post, I got an urge to read LoS myself. And i did – yesterday. And I have to say (even after so many rereads), LoS is awesome. I love love love it 😛 Moving to reread of Butterfly Tattoo – another awesome book

    @Holly – I like to read Marillier’s take on some fantasies – for ex: Daughter of the Forest is based on The Seven Swans fairy tale. Heart’s Blood based on the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale. Ok, enough pimping from me 😛

  26. @ritu – isn’t it wonderful? LoS is one of those books I could finish and turn back and start from the beginning again immediately. I adore it.

    I added Marillier’s books to my wishlist. 🙂

    @Nath – I haven’t read the contemp series. What do you think of it?

    @teenyann – I hate it when the heroine and her friends get up to stupid antics that put themselves or others at risk. I don’t blame you for giving up.

    @Dr. J – You read/review so quick! If only I could do that. lol

    I think I have that TAW in my TBR pile. I might have to go dig it out. I’ve been in the mood for historicals lately.

  27. I read Her Lone Cowboy by Donna Alward last night. It was really good, but something about the end isn’t sitting quite right with me. I need to think on it a bit more before I decide what I thought of it.

    It wasn’t that it was bad…it’s just I was all set to be annoyed with the heroine for pushing the hero away. But then upon further reflection I can see why she was as troubled as she was. I’m conflicted!

    Not sure what I’m going to pick up next. I was thinking Mind Games by Carolyn Crane or After the Night by Joss Ware, but I think I’m in the mood for a historical instead.

    Maybe I’ll read Julia Quinn’s Ten Things I Love About You.

  28. Chelsea B.

    I started reading Pried Mates by Jennifer Ashley last night! I’ve only read one other book by her (The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. Which is one of my all-time favorite Historicals) but still I have no doubt that its going to be fantastic!

  29. Rowena

    @Dr. J- Is the Tracy series that you’re reading right now better than the Byron series?

    I couldn’t resist, I started and finished Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn yesterday. I adored it.

    Now, I’m going to get back to reading the Libby Malin story. I still don’t know whether I like it or not.

  30. DianeN

    Delurking to say I just finished JR Ward’s Covet. I gave up on the BDB long ago but for some reason this one intrigued me. I know the reviews have been mixed, but I really enjoyed it! It’s set in Caldwell, but it reads differently than the BDB books–the characters don’t use annoying slang, there are fewer product placements, and it has a fully realized love story as well. I’m now moving on to a non-romance, Andre Agassi’s autobiography, Open.

  31. Hi DianeN! Thanks for de-lurking! I heard mixed things about Covet..I gave up on Ward awhile back, however, and don’t think she’s for me any longer.

    I started The Care and Taming of a Rogue by Suzanne Enoch last night. It’s been in my TBR for ages. I’m only about 4 chapters in, but so far I’m VERY upset on behalf of the hero (he was defrauded).

    It’s too early to say what I think of the romance, however.

  32. @DianeN the problem I had with Covet was that the BDB and Fallen Angel worlds really exist in the same world. Which totally didn’t work for me.

  33. I’m rereading “Bed of Roses” by Nora Roberts to get ready for “Savour the moment”.

    This week I also read “Dark Deceptions” by Dee Davis, “Lion’s heat” by Lora Leigh, “The trouble with magic” by Madelyn Alt , “Murder on the Eightfold Path” by Diana Killian, “Broken” by Shiloh Walker and I reread
    “Drop dead gorgeous” by Linda Howard.

    The best is that I enjoyed all the books I read a lot.

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