Honor's Splendour by Julie Garwood
Publication Date: August 31st 2010
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 384
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This classic medieval romance from New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood is a fan favorite—a beautiful lady needs rescue from a knight in shining armor, and gets an alpha warrior instead.
In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered the cruel whims of her ruthless brother, Baron Louddon. Then, in vengeance for a bitter crime, Baron Duncan of Wexton—the Wolf—unleashed his warriors against Louddon. Exquisite Madelyne was the prize he catured...but when he gazed upon the proud beauty, he pledged to protect her with his life. In his rough-hewn castle, Duncan proved true to his honor. But when at last their noble passion conquered them both, she surrendered with all her soul. Now, for love, Madelyne would stand fast...as bravely as her Lord, the powerful Wolf who fought for...Honor’s Splendour.
Holly‘s review of Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood
I never get tired of reading this book. I simply adore it.
Baron Duncan of Wexton showed up at Baron Louddon’s keep. Louddon has plans to kill Duncan by lashing him to a tree outside. Since it’s the middle of winter he figues Duncan will freeze to death, then his body can be dumped in the wood for the animals to get to. What Louddon’ doesn’t know is that Duncan plans to take is sister captive. Louddon dishonored Duncan’s sister, and he plans to repay him in the same fashion. Louddon leaves for London and Duncan is just about to attack when Madelyne changes everything. She comes forward to release him and then she does something he never would have expected: She warms his feet. From then on he doesn’t know what to do with her, though it would seem their roles have become reversed; For Madelyne has captured him, not the other way around.
While I like Madelyne, Duncan is the one that steals the show. He captures Madelyne as a way to exact revenge against her brother, but right from the beginning he’s intrigued by her. He can’t seem to figure her out and it drives him crazy. He does decide right from the beginning that Madelyne will be his, though. I just love that he’s the one who falls into Madelyne, instead of it being the other way around.
Madelyne is strong and courageous. I loved watching her open up with Duncan. In the beginning she’s very closed off, but Duncan and his family really draw her out. I loved the way she took charge of his household, especially his sister and brothers. Even though she’s younger than most of them, she still acts like a mother figure to them. Or tries to.
I really loved Duncan’s siblings, especially Adella. The secondary storyline between her and Baron Gerald – one of Duncan’s allies – was hilarious.
As with all Garwood novels there are many humorous scenes in this novel, especially in the beginning while Madelyne is settling in at Duncan’s keep. I love how he tries to convince himself he doesn’t care for her. The arguments he has with himself are so logical and well thought out.
If you haven’t already, you really need to read this book.
This book is available from Pocket. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
Adding this to my TBB list!
Along with Saving Grace, top favorites, love this one.
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