I’m Home!!

Posted March 16, 2008 by Holly in Discussions | 9 Comments

And tired and ready for a week long vacation to recover from all the running around we did. I’ll be posting about my wedding/honeymoon on my personal blog over the next few days, so if you’re interested, feel free to stop by.

As for this blog, can you believe I only read one book my entire vacation? While at the Grand Canyon, my husband (tee hee) and I discovered Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon by Michael P. Ghiglieri and Thomas M. Meyers. The book details every death ever recorded at Grand Canyon, from accidental falls over the edge to murders as far back as 1000 A.D. It was very interesting, but I’ve begun referring to it as the book of “No Common Sense”. Bascially, it’s a warning to all of us who may visit the Canyon to not leave our common sense at the gate. With the exception of a couple freak accidents (people getting hit by lightening or having rocks fall on them) pretty much every death listed was due to someone not using plain ol common sense.

Although it seems somewhat morbid, the book was actually very interesting and I’d recommend it.

It was kind of depressing, however, and now I need something to cheer me up. Since I haven’t been around for two weeks, I have no idea what y’all have been reading and recommending. Did something wonderful come out in the last couple weeks that I have to read? Something you just read for the first time that I may have missed along the way? I’m really anxious to read a good romance, so give me a rec, will you?

Oh, and just so you know, I currently have 598 unread blogs in my Google Reader. So chances are, if you blogged about a book, I didn’t see it. Feel free to tell me what the book is and leave me the link for it.

I tell you, it’s good to be home!

Update @ e10:46 p.m.: Only 276 blogs left to go through in my Google Reader. Some of you are only getting skimmed, however. Sorry, but as much as I love you, there’s only so much time in a day…

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9 responses to “I’m Home!!

  1. azteclady

    Welcome back, Mrs MM!!! *grin*

    If you haven’t read it yet, read Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer.

    If you have already, read it again.

    And… rest!

  2. Welcome home! I’m feeling a little special b/c not only did you go to my blog, but you commented too. Ah, the little joys in life. 🙂

  3. Yeah, I’ve come home to over 300 posts after being away for like 4 days. If I wasn’t such a Nosy Nora I would just “mark all as read” but I gotta at least skim. You never know what you might miss! 🙂

    Welcome back.

  4. That is a hilarious book to read at the Grand Canyon. I love book of “no common sense.”
    I hope you find your book to counteract it. Let us know what it is, and hey, congratulations.

  5. Dang, that book would be right up my alley! Course, it would get old fast if most people freaked out about a bee on themselves and fell over the edge (happened here).

    I have no recommends but just wanted to say HI!!


  6. Welcome back Holly, glad you had such a wonderful time with your MM. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Or at least the stuff you can share *g*

  7. Welcome back, girl!! Life just isn’t the same without you. It just felt like something was missing. Soooo glad you’re home!


  8. Welcome, back!
    What a fantastic coffee table book momento from your honeymoon! LOL No seriously…. much more interesting conversation starter than if you picked up the more mundane book about the dude who built that cabin at the end of the rim trail.

    I read a few books while you were gone. The one I most highly recommend … and not just because I finished 20 minutes ago… is The Spymaster’s Lady by Joanna Bourne. Seriously, this book came out in January I think, and I feel like I’m the last one to read it. I absolutely loved it, by the way.

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