Genres: Paranormal Romance 
I’ve been whining and crying about the flood of paranormal romances for ages now (along with the lack of straight contemporaries). The thing is, I’ve never really been a fan of vampires. Ever. Sure, there are some ok vamp books on the market, but I think the market got flooded and the few SUPER great ones got lost in the shuffle. Shifters are ok (I have favorites, like Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling series), but there’s also been a flood of those. You know what they say, too much of a good thing….
But, in all my lamenting, I didn’t considering one important thing: There’s another type of PNR. One I absolutely adore. Ghost-y type ones. You know, parapsychology and etc. I love a good ghost story, and if someone has a psychic ability, so much the better.
But I haven’t really seen any of these on the market. Are there any? Not that I’ve really looked too hard (psst..I’m kind of lazy) but nothing has jumped out at me.
Can you please recommend a good paranormal romance that has no shifters or vampires, but has psychics, ghosts or parapsychology related themes? Do such things exist anymore?
Help a girl out, would you?