2020 has been a busy year. Kobe Bryant died, we’re going through a pandemic and people are finally fed up and taking the time to educate themselves on what the black community has been telling us for years and years and years. In the last couple of weeks, protests for the Black Lives Matter movement have spread all over the world and everyone is doing their part in trying to help further the cause. Police brutality needs to be a thing of the past and equality for all should be the standard that we live by.
Here at Book Binge, we’ve been busy listening, reading, signing petitions, and donating to various causes that support the BLM movement because we stand with our black friends against racism and against police brutality. We know that all lives can’t matter if black lives don’t and we’re also hopeful that change is on the way.
If you’re looking for ways to support black authors in Romancelandia, then check out Adriana Herrera’s thread below:
Okay #Romancelandia…#BlackOutBestsellersList.
I got authors, I got books, I got people that need to be on your Kindle because they are killing the game!
So get those 1-Click fingers ready…Because I got a thread with links! pic.twitter.com/TmpWAHj1ix— Adriana "Deadlining" Herrera 🇩🇴⚡️ (@ladrianaherrera) June 15, 2020
There’s a Google doc that is a fountain of information on everything you need to know on just about every topic regarding Black Lives Matter. You’ll find what petitions to sign, where to donate to protest bail funds for cities all over the country, there’s information on relevant events that have led to where we are now. You can find that link here:
here’s a google doc of resources to support george floyd and the blm movement pls share #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd https://t.co/MRT6BoMKAT
— betsy (@ambivaIcnt) May 27, 2020
Our friend Limecello posted about this on her blog and Sadie said the following and I completely agree with every single word so I thought I’d share it here:
The country feels like it’s burning. And may be it should. Maybe it needs to burn so we can to dismantle the systemic racism and white supremacy this country was founded upon. Maybe out of the ashes we will be able to work toward restorative justice. Maybe we should defund the police and narrow the scope of their responsibilities while we build community safety nets and infrastructures necessary to ensure everyone has healthcare, mental health care resources, housing, food, and the security of knowing none of these things can be taken away. Maybe we need to take a hard look at our own belief systems and do the hard work of confronting our inner racists so we can heal and listen and cede space for those who have not been given the time or opportunities to heal from centuries of generational trauma.
Maybe we should dismantle white supremacy and systemic racism because it’s wrong. Black lives matter. They always have.
You can read their entire post on Black Lives Matter here.
We’ve got a lot of work to do but we’re committed to doing better. We’re committed to listening, to speaking up and to making sure that we boost up those that need boosting. This isn’t something that one single post will fix but we’ll remain dutiful in supporting the cause in every avenue that we can because black lives matter to us. We’ll remember George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and the many innocent lives that were taken far too soon. We’ll have the hard talks and face the harsh truths because the future depends on it. If you have the means, get out there and donate, donate, donate and support black authors and book bloggers while you’re at it. We’re all in this together and it’s such a beautiful thing to watch the world come together for something this important.
And please, please, please don’t forget to vote in November!! It’s going to be a Herculean task to overturn and dismantle the corrupt grifting system currently in place and it’s going to take a tremendous amount of political will, but if we all vote in November, it’s a start!
I chose to be at your blog to discuss and read about books. I appreciate your taking a stand for what is important to you. But the hypocrisy and double standards of this movement are too much for me. I have visited the BLM website and followed the current protests and riots. Please understand—George Floyd’s death angers me; Ahmaud Arbery’s death raises deeper feelings than that. But violence and revisionist history will not solve the problem. If politics, violence, religion, health, history, socialism, the justice system and a host of other hot-button topics are to be a blog focus, I’ll politely say goodbye now and wish Book Binge the best. Take care.