Tag: Rowena’s Reading

Books to Binge On: September 2014

Books to Binge On: September 2014

Rowena: It’s a new month of new releases and I’m always excited about new books! 1. Screwdrivered (Cocktail, Book 2) by Alice Clayton. Readers back for a third round of the bestselling Cocktail series will enjoy a madcap romantic comedy about bodice ripping and chest heaving, fiery passion and love everlasting. Plus a dash of […]

What Are You Reading? (213)

What Are You Reading? (213)

Holly: I’m still not reading as much as I’d like to be.  A big part of it is the return of the school year and my mom having surgery (she’s home now, but caring for her is a time consuming job). I read No Attachments by Tiffany King. Rowena and I will be reviewing this together […]

What Are You Reading? (212)

What Are You Reading? (212)

Rowena: I don’t do too much reading of Romantic Suspense books. I used to, back in the day but now? Not so much. This week, I read two Romantic Suspense books and one, I like. The other one? Not so much. I read Irresistible Force by D.D. Ayres, Badlands by Jill Sorenson and Echoes of […]

What Are You Reading? (211)

What Are You Reading? (211)

Holly: Last week Rowena and I were out and about and didn’t post our weekly update, so I’m going to include last week’s reading list here. Last week was weird for me, reading-wise. I wanted to read, I just had a hard time deciding what I wanted to read. I re-read a couple books. I […]

Books to Binge On: August 2014

Books to Binge On: August 2014

Rowena: I think my most anticipated read of the year comes out this month but there are a lot of fantastic authors coming out with new books this month so I’m sure there’s something for everyone to look forward to. Here are the books we’re anxious for: 1. Isla and the Happily Ever After by […]