Tag: Rowena Says

What Are You Reading? 1-9-11. (40)

What Are You Reading? 1-9-11. (40)

Rowena: This week, I got some good hours of reading in and I’m happy with the books that I’ve read so far. I’m still on my YA kick so I read and adored Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins which is getting a lot of good buzz around the blogs, I read Fall […]

Best of 2010: The Heroines

Best of 2010: The Heroines

Rowena: There were a lot of heroines this year that I was pretty hot dang impressed with this year and a lot of heroines that stayed with me long after I put their books down and here’s my best of list of them all: 1. Cameron Lynde from Something About You by Julie James.2. Parker […]

Best of 2010: The Series

Best of 2010: The Series

Holly: In this day and age, it’s almost impossible to not be reading one series or another. Pretty much every book that’s released is part of a series, or a spin-off of another series, or related in some way to another book. Even authors who write stand-alone books often include tidbits or mentions from previous […]

Worst of 2010: The Books

Worst of 2010: The Books

Holly It’s hard coming up with this list. Reading is so subjective – depending on my mood, the subject matter of the book and the author’s writing style. Plus, I know I hate books others love, and vice verse. Take Crush on You by Christie Ridgway, Rowena hated that book, but Casee and I loved […]

Best of 2010: The Books

Best of 2010: The Books

Here we go….The best books we read in 2010: HollyThe hardest part for me is deciding what order they go in. 1. The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook2. Water Bound by Christine Feehan3. Welcome to Harmony by Jodi Thomas4. Moon Craving by Lucy Monroe5. Meet Me in Manhattan by Judith Arnold Meet Me in Manhattan […]