Tag: Monthly Reads

April Monthly Reads

April Monthly Reads

Holly says: April was a pretty sad reading month for me. I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but I lost my job last September. Since then I’ve been struggling to find another job while playing at being a stay-at-home-mom for the first time in almost 10 years. Naturally being off work also […]

March Reads: Winners

March Reads: Winners

The Key by Lyndsay Sands: TracyGiving Chase by Lauren Dane: LisaFBlood Magic by Jennifer Lyons: SamanthadelayedMaverick by Lora Leigh: Cathy MBlue Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas: Kaetrin Congratulations to the winners! Please email your info to us at contests@thebookbinge . com (no spaces). Thanks to all of you for playing! It was nice to see […]

March Monthly Reading Lists

March Monthly Reading Lists

Holly Says: March was a slow reading month for me (in comparison to Jan and Feb, anyway). I started the month out (unfortunately) with a total wallbanger and it ruined my reading mojo. I read a total of 14 books, 2 of which were re-reads. 14 isn’t a bad number, unless you consider that I […]

February Monthly Reading Lists

February Monthly Reading Lists

Holly Says: Last month I decided to start listing my monthly reads and I enticed Casee and Rowena to do theirs, too. So this month you get all three of our lists. I’m doing really well keeping track of my reads. I read 20 and re-read 8 for a total of 28. That’s an average […]

GoodReads and Holly’s January Reading List

I don’t make New Years Resolutions because I always feel like I’m setting myself up for failure when I do. Why put that kind of pressure on yourself, you know? Especially since 95% of the time you set resolutions that are ridiculously hard to achieve (or at last I do). Even though I don’t do […]