Posted August 28, 2009 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 0 Comments
Reviewer: Tracy
Saving Midnight by
Emma Holly Series: Midnight series #6 Also in this series: Kissing Midnight Publisher:
PenguinPublication Date: August 4, 2009
Format: eARC Genres: Paranormal Romance Add It:
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Graham Fitz Clare became a vampire to save his adoptive father from a deadly enemy. Sadly, the price of that rescue may have been too high. Edmund’s captors are at large again, and are amassing the sort of power that could make them unstoppable. In the end, the love the Fitz Clares share with each other could be all that stands between them and a desperate storm of destruction.
This book pretty much continues where the last book, Breaking Midnight, left off. It’s 3 months later and the Fitz Clare family has moved to the family home Bridesmere. Edmund has blocked Estelle from his mind and the bond they once shared is slowly slipping away. Edmund is scared that Estelle won’t love him any longer if she see’s what’s in his mind.
Pen, who is in love with Graham and helped out in the last book, has gone to South Carolina to take over the home there since her mother has died. While there the evil upyr, Frank and Li-Hua, attack her. Her “boss” comes to her rescue and saves her. When the Fitz Clare family finds out about the attack they (except Edmund and Estelle) head to the Carolina’s to track and take down the evil ones.
When Pen and Graham are together again they immediately continue their sexual relationship but when Graham realizes that what he’s feeling for Pen is love he tries courting her rather than ravishing her. The problem is that the way Graham starts phrasing things to Pen she’s thinking he just wants to be friends. It makes for an interesting relationship.
This third story in the Fitz Clare Chronicles was a good one. When the whole family took off for the Carolina’s I didn’t get the feeling, like I did in the second book, that their participation was unnecessary. I was closer to the characters than I had been in the second book and could see that each one had their place in the story and in the final events with the villains.
This book also brought to light exactly what Pen’s “job” was. It was a secret no-named agency that was investigating the existence of upyrs. Though I was happy for this information (as I was wondering about it in the second book) I didn’t felt that it added too much to the story. Yes, it gave Pen some good fighting skills but that was about it.
Overall I think this was a good conclusion to the storyline from the last few books. There was a little bit more romance in this one which was nice – since I’m a romance junkie – and of course Emma Holly always has the rockin’ hot sex scenes.
Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Tagged: 3.75 Reviews, Berkley, Berkley Sensation, Emma Holly, Midnight series, Paranormal, Reviews, Tracy's Reviews
Posted August 21, 2009 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 3 Comments
Reviewer: Tracy
Kissing Midnight by
Emma Holly Series: Midnight series #4 Also in this series: Saving Midnight Publisher:
PenguinPublication Date: June 2, 2009
Format: Print ARC Genres: Paranormal Romance Add It:
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Series Rating:
Edmund Fitz Clare has been keeping secrets he can’t afford to expose. Not to the orphans he’s adopted. Not to the woman he’s been yearning after for years. This seeming professor of history is a shapeshifting vampire, determined to redeem past misdeeds.
Estelle Berenger knows better than to fall for her best friend’s father, but he holds the key to a mystery: that ever since she was struck by lightning, she’s had abilities no normal woman should be able to call upon.The question is, can these star-crossed lovers survive a vampire war?
Estelle has been in love with her best friends father since she was 15 and first met him. While it was a completely innocent love at first, since she’s come of age she has anything but innocent thoughts about Edmund Fitz Clare.
Edmund, almost against his will, finally gives in to his desire for Estelle and realizes that he’s loved her for a damned long time. Even though he’s a upyr, and can’t let her know that information, he wants to be with her for the rest of his life. Estelle does find out what Edmund is which makes for some incredibly tense moments.
While the E and E romance is happening, Edmund’s oldest adopted son, Graham, is being thralled by a fellow upyr. He’s told what Edmund is and is made to believe that Edmund is the epitome of evil. Graham is torn between taking care of his siblings, his loyalty to Edmund and his conscience, and of course the thrall. He’s not quite sure what to believe and what to do. When all hell breaks loose at home Graham is unsure who are the bad guys and who are the good guys.
This is story 6 in the upyr series of vampire/shapeshifting books by Emma Holly. I’ve not read any of the others, but I didn’t feel like I had missed any information by starting with this one. Also, from the author’s website I found that this book and the next 2 in the series are tightly connected. In fact so much so that there wasn’t a definite conclusion to this book (I’m not saying what cuz that would just give too much away).
Although there were some parts that dragged for me slightly I found the book to be an intriguing mix of historical (takes place in 1933), paranormal and suspense with all of the wonderfully hot erotic romance that Emma Holly is famous for. I think if that is a blend that appeals to you, as it does to me, that you would very much enjoy this story. Now I’m off to start the next book in the series.
Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Tagged: 3.75 Reviews, Berkley, Contemporary, Emma Holly, Erotica, Midnight series, Paranormal, Reviews, Tracy's Reviews