Thing 1:
Happy Friday! I’m so happy that my day is almost over! I get to leave early today (at 3) to go to a women’s weekend at my boss’s cabin near Lake Arrowhead. It’s only about an hour and a half from here. Some women from my church are going and we eat and drink and play games and go shopping and take hikes and it’s just fun and relaxing. I say cabin cuz it’s in the mountains but it’s like a fully stocked/equipped home. I’m definitely looking forward to it.

Thing 2:
My review for Saving Midnight by Emma Holly is up at The Book Binge. Just FYI.
Thing 3:
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for this week was a book that I got from the book swap
during the first So Cal Blogger Get Together that I attended. I grabbed All About Men by Shannon McKenna off the shelf and was looking forward to reading it. This book ended up being a DNF for me and since I can’t remember who I got it from I’m curious to see what that person, whoever they may be, thought about it. And if anyone else has read it, what did you think?
It’s a book with 3 novellas in it. I read the first novella and tried really hard not to chuck the book against the wall…3 or 4 times. The hero of the story was a little stalkerish at first (following the heroine 800 miles on his motorcycle cuz he wanted to “taste” her. Uh, yeah. But he was so sweet I kind of let it slide. Then the heroine made him mad and he got all sexually controlling – and controlling in other ways – throwing her stuff away cuz he didn’t think it was good enough, etc. I didn’t like him AT ALL! The fact that the heroine was running from a controlling boyfriend made it even worse…and that she fell in love with him. Oy. I started to think she was as nuts as the hero by the end of the story.
Then the second story was about a woman who worked for a head hunter. She was going after a GM of a hotel group and lied about who she was to get past the receptionist. When she got to the appointment she discovered that there had been an emergency and the GM wouldn’t be able to meet her but the CEO would. She tried to leave but just couldn’t manage it. The CEO and her hit it off (on the couch) and he asked her to dinner. She accepted. During dinner the CEO finds out that she’s not who she says she is so he takes her to his room and has wild sex with her. (cuz that’s what you do when someone lies to your, right?) She of course feels vulnerable so doesn’t ever take her dress off…during 2 rounds of sex and him going down on her twice. Okaaaay. If you feel that vulnerable and uncomfortbale then leave! Omg I hate stupid women. When he finally tells the head hunter that he knows that she’s not who she says she is and that he thinks she’s a scam artist she says, “you thought I was a criminal and you still had sex with me?” and he says (get this), “well just cuz I thought you were a criminal didn’t mean I didn’t want to fuck your brains out.” Oh dear God. I stopped reading immediately. The men in that book were a little too scary for my liking! lol Yet, when I looked on ratings from Goodreads I saw that there was anywhere from 2 stars to 5. Apparently those stories appeal to some women – just not me.
An Observance:
This morning after I dropped the kids off at school I saw a girl/woman walking down the street. I’m not sure if she was walking for exercise or if she was going somewhere. She had regular clothes on but she was definitely walking with a purpose so it was hard to tell. She wasn’t a large woman from the back but wasn’t small in size either. When I passed her I saw that she had a crop top on and when I looked in the rearview mirror I saw something similar to this:

Eeew. Is it me or are we seeing more and more of this? I see this often in my city – especially in teens. I don’t think I’m a prude and think that everyone should be completely covered at all times but when you’re belly’s on the large side should it be put out there for the world to see? I have to think that the girls who wear outfits like this have great self-esteem (which is awesome) and don’t care what anyone else thinks but then I have to wonder…do they think that boys find this attractive. Just cuz it’s skin doesn’t mean it’s pretty.
I’m not sure why I brought this up – it’s just kind of been on my mind all day! lol The things I think about. 🙂
Ok – I’m off to finish my work so I can go and have fun in the mountains. I won’t have internet access until I get home on Sunday but can’t wait to see what you all have to say!
Have a fabulous weekend!