Rowena’s review of Darkest Hour (Mediator #4) by Meg Cabot.
Main Character: Susannah Simon
Love Interest: Jesse
Series: Mediators, Book 4
Author: Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads
When the nineteenth–century ghost of Maria de Silva wakes her up in the middle of the night, Suze knows this is no ordinary visitation — and not just from the knife at her throat, either. In life, Maria was the fiancée of Jesse — the same Jesse who was murdered a hundred and fifty years before. The same Jesse Suze is in love with.
Maria threatens Suze: The backyard construction must cease. Suze has a pretty good idea what — or rather, who — Maria doesn’t want found. But in solving Jesse’s murder, will Suze end up losing him forever?
Spoilers in this review, if you don’t like them, move on and come back once you’ve read the book.
You’ve been warned.
I was expecting this book to be my favorite book because it centers around what happened to Jesse and I was looking forward to really getting to know the Jesse that I have fallen for since the beginning of the series, but the book was more about stupid Maria and I found out a lot of things about her that I really could care less about. I don’t care about how she lived, how many kids she had, how happy she was with her stupid ugly husband, Diego…all I wanted to know about was Jesse, but did we get enough Jesse in this book?
Not really.
But man, I enjoyed the new characters. I loved little Jack and his hottie brother Paul, well I don’t know if I love him but I am intrigued to see just what this boy is up to and what exactly he is.
I’m pissed off that he didn’t help his little brother, Jack deal with being a mediator. I mean, Jack was literally freaked out about his ability and Paul, having the SAME ability didn’t help him out? What’s really going on? I don’t know if I like this guy at all because then at the end when everything is coming together, I came to the same conclusion that Suze came to and I was like, oh hell to the nah, I wanna kick his ass.
But then I read the letter and got confused all over again and though, oh hell, I can’t wait to read the next book to see what the hell is going on.
I really liked the storyline of this book, I loved the whole Maria coming back to scare Suze off and keep Andy and Dopey away from Jesse’s body but I’ve got to wonder, was THAT why he was still here? Because he was waiting for someone to find his body so that they will know that he was killed and did not disappear? I mean, when Suze asks him, he says that’s not it but if that’s not it, then what is it?
Because he’s in love with Suze just as much as she’s in love with him? Oh goodness, I hope so but seriously guys, how the hell is a relationship like that going t work?
I’ve got to say that the ending was whoa, I loved it! I wasn’t expecting it but when it happened, I was jumping for joy, YAY SUZE!
I really enjoyed this book but not as much as the book before. I enjoyed meeting Jack and reading about the old characters that I still know and love in this book and I am going to stop this review now so that I can go and read the next book.
..and that’s your scoop!
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