Series: Kerr Chronicles

Throwback Thursday Review: Losing Control by Jen Frederick

Posted December 17, 2020 by Rowena in Reviews | 0 Comments

Throwback Thursday Review: Losing Control by Jen FrederickReviewer: Rowena
Losing Control by Jen Frederick
Series: Kerr Chronicles #1
Also in this series: Losing Control, Taking Control
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: June 16, 2014
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 280
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: three-stars

I’d do anything to keep my mother alive.

Anything, including ask Ian Kerr for help. I don’t know much about him, except that he has more money than some small countries. And he’s willing to spend it on me. Just one catch: there’s a string attached, and not just the one I feel pulling me into his arms and his bed. There’s also the plan for revenge he wants my help with.

Every time he says my name, it makes my body shiver and my heart stutter. I know he’s going to wreck me, know there won’t be anything left of me but lust and sensation by the time he’s done with me, but even though I can see the heartbreak coming towards me like a train, ready to crash into me, I can’t get out of the way. I want what he makes me feel. Want what he’s offering.

This may have started out as something to save my mother, but now…now it’s about what he makes me feel. I’m in danger of losing everything that’s important. Worse? Ian's whispered words and hot caresses are making me believe that's okay.

This review was originally posted on December 23, 2014.

I read this book for my book club meeting last month. Jen Frederick is an author that I enjoy so it wasn’t hard for me to jump right in. It didn’t take me long to read the book but when I was finished, I was a bit underwhelmed and I can’t blame that on the cliff-hanger at the end. I knew there was a second book so the cliff-hanger didn’t bother me one bit.

I just didn’t connect with Victoria, the heroine. And while I enjoyed Ian (the hero), I thought his high-handedness where Victoria was concerned was kind of offensive and reminded me of Christian Grey (even though I’ve never read those books). Yeah, we all wish that a billionaire would come into our lives, become so enchanted with us and then take us away from our poor lives. The fantasy is great but for some reason, it didn’t work for me here.

Victoria is a bike messenger trying to make ends meet. She’s taking care of her sick Mom and doing whatever needs to be done in order to make sure they have a roof over their heads, food on the table and their bills paid. Even if it means working for her douche-hole of a criminal step-brother, Malcolm. She does some shady delivery services for him, asks no questions and makes more money than she would at her normal every day bike messenger job. There are plenty of risks but to keep her Mom healthy and comfortable, Victoria will gladly take those risks.

When we first meet Victoria, I really liked her. She was a bad-ass with enough stress to drown a sumo wrestler but she kept right on going, taking care of business. So when Ian bulldozes into her life, I felt like a lot of the bad-ass I admired kind of went out the window. She turned from this determined young woman who was fighting the good fight against poverty to this new person who was trying to stay strong and independent by coming off bratty and whiny and who still rolled over whenever Ian was around. And then in the end when her life is drastically changed forever, I felt like she dropped the ball. The strong and independent girl that I liked in the beginning was completely gone. She spent so much time worried about her Mom in the book and then when everything goes to shit, she kind of just fell apart. Maybe it’s the way that I was brought up but when shit gets hard, you handle your shit. You don’t fall into a pit of depression and let other people handle shit that you should handle yourself and Victoria (I didn’t like her nickname, Tiny so I refuse to call her that) let me down. She wanted to put distance between her and Ian after all of that stuff with her Mom but who the hell was taking care of YOUR business while you were thinking of leaving him? NOT YOU.


My friend Tasha and I had completely different reactions to this book. She was hooked and though it wasn’t her favorite read, she still really enjoyed it but not me. Even Holly liked this book more than I did but sometimes it happens that way. I didn’t completely hate it. There were moments between Ian and Victoria that I thought were cute and the beginning showed such promise so that was good but those moments didn’t stand out to me in the end because I didn’t rush to start the next book and I have it to read.

Rating: 2 out of 5

Kerr Chronicles


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Review: Taking Control by Jen Frederick

Posted September 26, 2014 by Holly in Reviews | 0 Comments

Review: Taking Control by Jen FrederickReviewer: Holly
Taking Control by Jen Frederick
Series: Kerr Chronicles #2
Also in this series: Losing Control, Losing Control

Publication Date: September 8th 2014
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 300
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: three-stars

I thought I needed only one thing in my life--the money and power to crush one man. But the moment I laid eyes on Victoria Corielli, my thirst for revenge was replaced by my craving for her. No rule would keep me away; no obstacle too large to overcome. Not her will, not our differing social positions, not my infamous past.
When she lost everything, I helped her pick up the pieces. When she trusted me with everything, she sealed her fate. I've convinced Victoria she can put her heart in my hands. Now I have to protect it--from her shady stepfather and my business rivals, from enemies known and hidden. I'll do anything to keep her. And I might have to prove it, because now Victoria's risking more than her heart to be with me; she's risking her life.

While Losing Control was told primarily from Tiny’s POV, Taking Control is told mostly from Ian’s. For years his only goal has been to amass as much wealth as possible so he can get revenge against the man who ruined his mother. His plan originally included using Victoria aka “Tiny”, but then he fell in love with her. Allowing her to come in contact with his enemy isn’t an option, so he tries to put it aside. Keeping her happy is all that matters.

Ian and Tiny are still getting to know each other. He wants everything from her. Her love, her trust, everything.  He considers her his equal partner in every way, but she still holds part of herself back, which frustrates him. He wants nothing more than to give her the world, but she refuses to take anything from him.

When I say that you‘re my heart, my everything, those aren‘t just words. They are the only truth in my world. I‘d give up money, revenge, success—anything, as long as I can lie down next to you at night and wake up with your face beside mine.

Tiny feels like Ian holds all the power in their relationship. She doesn’t understand what he sees in her or what she contributes to the relationship. So she stands back, waiting for him to get bored with her. Add into that the grief she’s struggling to contain and the inadequacy she feels because of a learning disorder, and she’s kind of a mess. She wants to believe in Ian, but trusting what’s in front of her is one of the hardest things she’s ever been asked to do.

Even now, I‘m not sure how many walls I‘ve managed to tear down, how far inside the citadel of her heart I stand

One of the things I loved was how Ian thought in terms of “us”, when it came to Tiny. He considered everything of his, theirs. She was his equal partner,  not someone he considered beneath him. I felt like their relationship wasn’t fully developed at the end of Losing Control,  so it was good to see their romance continue here. I didn’t doubt their love,  but neither was secure in their future together.

“You don‘t have to change your life for me.”
“Why not? I expect you to change for me. I want you to live with me, accept my gifts, allow me to provide for you. It‘s reasonable for you to expect me to change as well. I want our lives to be different. That‘s the point of being together. You are now my life, and I want to see evidence of you here.” I wave at the empty shelves and drawers.

Tiny has to learn to live her life again now that her mother has passed away. For years she put her life on hold to care for her mom, forsaking friendships and education. Her struggle to find her place in Ian’s life, as well as learning to live again, felt very real. From the beginning I felt Tiny was both vulnerable and strong, and that continues here. She’s still living a half-life, but she’s working on it.

If I didn‘t love Ian so goddamn much I‘d run away. Run away from this job I don‘t really like. Run away from the lifestyle that makes me uncomfortable. Run away from the grief of my mother‘s death. But my love binds me to him more effectively than a pair of gold handcuffs.

My main frustration was the lack of communication between them in the beginning. They both kept secrets and tried to hide things in order to protect the other.  Just when I was about to throw the book, they realized what they were doing and took steps to correct it.

She grimaces. “And you didn‘t say anything?”
Taking another swallow of the beer, I raise an eyebrow. “I was waiting for you.”
“I guess we should start sharing things with each other.” She studies her hands.
The room seems slightly chilled, and after a day like I‘ve had, the last thing I want to do is fight. “We‘re both used to be carrying our own burdens. This is a process.” I pull her toward me for a quick kiss. “We‘re learning we can lean on someone else. That‘s new and it will take time.”

The sub-plot featuring the return of Tiny’s step-father seemed superfluous. I’m not sure why it was included. Same with the revelations about Tiny’s step-brother, Malcolm. I don’t want to spoil it, but I will say it wasn’t a surprise, I just don’t know why it was included. Ian’s quest for revenge was fleshed out better here than in the previous book, and I found I actually enjoyed watching it develop. I also really liked the glimpse into Ian’s business.

What made this book for me is the continued development of the characters, both Ian and Tiny as a couple as well as individuals. Ian’s devotion to Tiny and his determination to keep her happy really tugged at my heartstrings. His struggle to let go of the past and keep control of his company, along with Tiny’s struggle to find her feet in a new world – one without her mother where she’s safe and has stability – is what really kept me glued to the pages.

“Are you okay with the direction we‘re going?”
“Yes,” she says impatiently. “It‘s your business, Ian.”
“It has my name on it, but everything I do affects you now, so it‘s our business.”
Her face softens. She‘s finally getting it, I think. How much she means to me. How I‘ll do anything she asks. How all of my decisions start and end with whether they will make her happy.

The friendships they have and create also really worked. Steve, Ian’s bodyguard and Kaga, his best friend, were the most notable. I loved the inside jokes between Tiny and Ian about Steve. Tiny’s best friend also comes back in the picture, which was nice. She wasn’t solely reliant on Ian to make or have friends, which was good.

This book is at times tender, emotional, possessive, funny, and very dirty (but in the best possible way). The story of Ian and Tiny really engaged me.

4 out of 5


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Review: Losing Control by Jen Frederick

Posted August 27, 2014 by Holly in Reviews | 0 Comments

Review: Losing Control by Jen FrederickReviewer: Holly
Losing Control by Jen Frederick

Publication Date: June 2nd 2014
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 300
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books

I’d do anything to keep my mother alive. Anything, including ask Ian Kerr for help. I don’t know much about him, except that he has more money than some small countries. And he’s willing to spend it on me. Just one catch: there’s a string attached, and not just the one I feel pulling me into his arms and his bed. There’s also the plan for revenge he wants my help with. 
Every time he says my name, it makes my body shiver and my heart stutter. I know he’s going to wreck me, know there won’t be anything left of me but lust and sensation by the time he’s done with me, but even though I can see the heartbreak coming towards me like a train, ready to crash into me, I can’t get out of the way. I want what he makes me feel. Want what he’s offering. 
This may have started out as something to save my mother, but now…now it’s about what he makes me feel. I’m in danger of losing everything that’s important. Worse? Ian's whispered words and hot caresses are making me believe that's okay.

This started out slow for me but really picked up about 1/3 of the way in. I think the blurb is a bit misleading. It makes it sound like the book is about a billionaire trying to buy a weak, virginal heroine. That isn’t the case. It isn’t even about exchanging help in a revenge plot for sex, or anything else.

Victoria (aka Tiny) is a bike courier whose sole purpose in life is to see her mother through a second bought of chemo. She’d beaten cancer several years ago, but it’s back. They’re still drowning in a mountain of debt from the first go-round, and Victoria will do anything she can to help her mother. Even ask her drug dealing step-brother for a job. It’s a last resort for her, but she doesn’t have a lot of options if she wants her mother to get the treatment she needs.

Her brother tells her he wants her for a “special” job, but won’t give her any additional details. He sends her to a warehouse to meet Ian Kerr, the man who has hired her brother for help with a special problem. Victoria is surprised to discover Ian Kerr is the man she met on the street a few days before – one she was inexplicably drawn to. He’s also a mutli-billionaire and, possibly, the answer to all her problems.

Only Ian doesn’t want her for his secret project – he wants her for himself. When she makes it clear she isn’t comfortable taking anything from him with nothing to give in exchange, he makes a deal with her; He’ll help her with her mother if she helps him with his project. She can’t say no because she and her mother need the help, but she wouldn’t say no even if she could. She’s drawn to Ian in a way she’s never been to anyone else.

There’s a great balance between strong and vulnerable in Tiny, which makes her easy to relate to. She has an amazing well of inner-strength, but the pressures of her mother’s illness are really weighing on her. She’s moving forward, doing what needs to be done, but she’s living in fear. Her pain and determination were equally strong inside her, which made her reaction to Ian so visceral. She wants someone to lean on, but she’s afraid if she lets go she’s going to break apart.

Ian recognizes right away that Tiny is hanging on by a thread. He wants to soothe every hurt, fix every problem, take away all her fear. He steps in right away to make things better for her; moving her and her mother to a new apartment, taking care of her debts, trying to get her out and about, to keep her mind off her mother’s illness. His frustration when Tiny refused to just take from him was both sweet and funny. Ian Kerr is not a man who is used to hearing no. I love that she challenged him on so many levels.

The revenge plot was kind of cheesy, as was Tiny’s step-brother, Malcolm. I understand why Ian wanted revenge, but the whole thing was kind of weak. This is a personal thing, but I also really struggled with Tiny’s name.  Tiny just isn’t a sexy name for me. And really, she isn’t that tiny. She was described as being around 5’3″, which is about my size. I may not be tall, but I’m not tiny, either.

The next book is a continuation of the story, told from Ian’s point of view, but it this book doesn’t end of a cliffhanger. The suspense aspect of the story isn’t resolved, but it does have an HEA.

Despite the slow beginning, I really fell into the story. The development of Tiny and Ian’s relationship was so well done. I really loved the romance. There was quite a bit of depth to the story. Though there was some cheesy and predictable parts, overall I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait for the next installment.

3.75 out of 5


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