Series: Bullet Catcher

Throwback Thursday Review: Then You Hide by Roxanne St. Claire

Posted June 6, 2019 by Casee in Reviews | 1 Comment

Throwback Thursday Review: Then You Hide by Roxanne St. ClaireReviewer: Casee
Then You Hide by Roxanne St. Claire
Series: Bullet Catcher #5
Also in this series: First You Run
Publisher: Pocket Star
Publication Date: June 24, 2008
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Pages: 349
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

When Bullet Catcher Wade Cordell is offered a cushy assignment to track down a woman on vacation in the Caribbean and persuade her to meet her birth mother, the secret ops sharpshooter decides it's the perfect antidote to his stressful job. Except spirited and sassy Vanessa Porter isn't on vacation, she's on a hunt for a friend who has disappeared. Wade's news doesn't faze a woman who swims with the sharks on Wall Street -- Vanessa knows she's adopted and has no intention of meeting or helping the woman who gave her up in a black market scheme. But as it becomes clear that her missing friend is deep in hiding and deeper in trouble, Vanessa strikes a shaky bargain with the sexy bodyguard who's an expert at finding people who don't want to be found. How high a price will she have to pay the Bullet Catcher willing to put his life on the line for her? Will she sacrifice her pride . . . her heart . . . even her life?

*** Every Thursday, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. Enjoy! ***

This review was originally posted on June 26, 2008.

This is the 7th book (including anthologies) in St. Claire’s Bullet Catcher series and the 2nd in the trilogy that is out this year. The trilogy started with First You Run, where the Bullet Catchers are trying to find three women-triplets-that were given up in black market adoptions thirty years before. As the story unravels, the Bullet Catchers now believe that finding these three women may be the key to solving a thirty year old murder. A murder that their birth mother has been in jail for since shortly after their births.

When Wade Cordell heads to the Caribbean, he figures he can get in a few days of relaxation after convincing Vanessa Porter to go to South Carolina to meet her birth mother. What he doesn’t count on is Vanessa herself. A southern boy at heart, Wade is ill prepared for the brash, fast, and no-nonsense Vanessa. Now, a job that should have been easy is anything but that when he finds himself chasing Vanessa from one Caribbean island to another.

Vanessa is in the Caribbean for one reason and it isn’t vacation. After a good friend disappears, seemingly without a trace, Vanessa follows him to the Caribbean. Determined to find him no matter what the cost, Vanessa has no time for Wade Cordell or her murderess birth mother. When she realizes that she’s in over her head, Vanessa grudgingly accepts Wade’s help. In return, she agrees to go to South Carolina after they find Clive. It’s not long before Vanessa is glad to have Wade on her side.

I really enjoyed Vanessa and Wade. Wade was almost scandalized by the language that would come out of Vanessa’s mouth, which was extremely amusing. These two are as opposite as two people can get, yet it works somehow. Those are the best romances. Though they quickly fall into an affair, Wade knows that there is more to Vanessa than the ball-busting persona she shows the world and he’s determined to get past that. Vanessa has to get past her own childhood hangups if she wants anything more w/ Wade. Their relationship was funny and sweet, yet hot and exciting.

The mystery arc that is continuing over the course of the three books gets more intriguing in this book. I look forward to the conclusion of this series and am confident that the author won’t disappoint.

4 out of 5

This book is available from Pocket Star. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

Bullet Catcher


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Review: First You Run by Roxanne St. Claire

Posted April 11, 2008 by Casee in Reviews | 4 Comments

Review: First You Run by Roxanne St. ClaireReviewer: Casee
First You Run by Roxanne St. Claire
Series: Bullet Catcher #4
Also in this series: Then You Hide

Publication Date: March 25th 2008
Genres: Fiction, Suspense
Pages: 368
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars


Bullet Catcher Adrien Fletcher is on a mission to track down a baby given up in a black market adoption thirty years ago. He has a list of possible names and one tantalizing clue: the infant girl had been marked with a tiny tattoo. And since tattoo-hunting will mean getting up close and personal with the women on his list, he's the perfect man for the job.

But when Fletch meets Miranda Lang, he knows she can never be just a name on his list. If she's not his target, he should move on and find the right woman, despite their electrifying attraction. But Miranda is on her own mission, and every step takes her closer to a deadly trap. Fletch may be the only man who can protect her...forcing him to choose between duty and desire.


Bloody buggering hell.

I can totally see Fletch saying that, right down to the expression on his face. That’s how well Rocki St. Claire has written this character. Fletch is definitely one of my favorite Bullet Catcher’s now.

Fletch has agreed to help his old friend Jack, even after the cluster that got Jack booted from the Bullet Catcher team. Risking the wrath of Lucy Sharpe, Fletch asks to use Bullet Catcher resources to help track down a woman who was given up as a baby in a black market adoption. Trying to appeal to Lucy’s softer side (if she has one), Fletch tells her about the woman who gave birth and now sits in jail dying of leukemia. Oh and she’s innocent of course.

Bloody buggering hell.

Reluctantly given permission by Lucy, Fletch starts his mission. After crossing several candidates off his list, Dr. Miranda Lang is next on his list. Arriving where she is discussing her very controversial novel about the Mayan Prophecies, he’s on hand to help Miranda when the discussion takes a turn for the worse. Instant trust is established, of course. Why would it not be when Fletch got Miranda out of what could have turned into a very dangerous situation?

Getting to know Miranda makes Fletch realize that seducing her and leaving her might not be as easy as he originally thought. Though prepared to do what’s necessary, Fletch will also protect Miranda from the fanatics who are so opposed to Miranda’s take on the Mayan Prophecies. Convincing her to let him accompany her to her next two signings turns out to be the best decision Miranda ever made. This is after the bookstore she’s supposed to sign at is blown up.

Bloody buggering hell.

Now Fletch has to not only protect Miranda, but possibly tell her she’s adopted. Since she obviously has no clue that she was part of a black market adoption, that will be rather tricky.

This is another stellar addition to the Bullet Catcher Series. While I wasn’t too impressed with Miranda as a heroine, I luuuuved Fletch. I think fans of this series will enjoy this latest addition.

4 out of 5.

Series Order:

Kill Me Twice
Thrill Me to Death
Take Me Tonight
First You Run
Then You Hide (July ’08)
Now You Die (Sept ’08)


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