Publisher: Penguin

Review: American Princess: A Novel of First Daughter Alice Roosevelt by Stephanie Marie Thornton

Review: American Princess: A Novel of First Daughter Alice Roosevelt by Stephanie Marie Thornton

I recently saw a meme describing Alice Roosevelt online, which claimed, among other things that, “She smoked cigarettes in public, chewed gum, placed bets with bookies, rode in cars with men, stayed out late partying and kept a pet snake named Emily Spinach, which she often wore wrapped around one arm and took to parties.” […]

Guest Review: The Scoundrel’s Daughter by Anne Gracie

Guest Review: The Scoundrel’s Daughter by Anne Gracie

Alice is thrilled to be alone.  She doesn’t have much money, but she’d rather that then what she had when her husband was alive.  Alice’s deceased husband was an ass (hereafter referred to as The Ass).  He belittled and denigrated Alice at every turn, especially in public.  He was horrid and when he died, he […]

Review: Shadow Fire by Christine Feehan

Review: Shadow Fire by Christine Feehan

Years after he lost the woman he loved due to his own dickishness, Elie Archambault has decided to enter into an arranged marriage. As a shadow rider, Elie is among the elite. The Archambault family is renouned for their ability to ride the shadows. There are few very people in the world that can match […]

Review: Phantom Game by Christine Feehan

Review: Phantom Game by Christine Feehan

Phantom Game is a wonderful addition to Feehan’s GhostWalker series. I haven’t been a huge fan of Feehan in the last few years. This book seemed to be like her earlier books, which was a nice change. After reading Annihilation Road, I thought about throwing in the towel. I was going to force myself to […]

Review: Annihilation Road by Christine Feehan

Review: Annihilation Road by Christine Feehan

Savage is the most, well, savage of the Torpedo Ink members. His brothers and sisters believe that he is a time bomb, ready to go off over the smallest infraction. What his family doesn’t know is that he has a special gift. He can take pain (mental) from people, but then he takes it on […]