Weekly Reread: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Weekly Reread: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

A goal of mine is to eventually write a review for all the books I’ve ever read and so each week I plan on doing a Weekly Reread post so that I can revisit all the books that I’ve read and loved from way back in the day. This weekend’s reread was Honor’s Splendour by […]

RE: The hub-bub in Romancelandia

Posted May 3, 2007 by Holly in Discussions | Tagged: , , , , | 7 Comments

We’ve all been there, done that. Yes, yes, we know. Reviewers are meanies and poor delicate editors and/or authors don’t understand why we have to be that way. Is the horse dead yet? I say we move on. So, what has everyone been reading lately? Anything I can’t live without. I seem to be in […]

We Have A Winner

Posted May 2, 2007 by Holly in Giveaway Winners | Tagged: | 13 Comments

We want to thank everyone who participated in the Pimp Book Binge Contest. We’re so pleased so many people decided to join us in our new venture. Change isn’t always easy, but we’re very excited about this one and appreciate all of you who shared in that excitement. As promised, we’re announcing the winner of […]

Welcome to Our New Home!

Welcome to Our New Home!

This is a sticky. Please scroll down to see our regularly scheduled programming. Thank you Holly, Isabel and myself used to post for Sanctuary’s Finest. But sometimes, a fresh start is in order and we felt that we needed a fresh start. So now you can find us here at Book Binge where we’ll talk […]