Category: Features

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Books I Want for My Birthday

Posted July 17, 2008 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , , , , | 7 Comments
Thursday Thirteen: 13 Books I Want for My Birthday

13 Books I Want For My Birthday In No Particular Order: 1. Demon Bound by Meljean BrookThe world Meljean has created with her Guardians series is fantastic and I can’t wait for this book. 2. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie MeyerYes, I know I said I was done with this series, can I not read […]

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What a nutty week! With my little one’s b-day and then the hair/make-up party yesterday…and the camera breaking and me not getting anything but blurry pics on my cell phone…I need a nap! We were everywhere yesterday! Chuck E. Cheese (yes, I finally caved), Sweet and Sassy salon for the “Glitter Glam” party, the mall, […]

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

It was an interesting week this week. The kids were kind of off and anyone with children know that if your kids are feeling off then it kind of throws off the whole household. This happened to me. Also my dad, who lives about 20 minutes away from me and is watching my kids this […]

Great Harlequin Presents Contest from Lucy Monroe and an Excerpt!

Great Harlequin Presents Contest from Lucy Monroe and an Excerpt!

Lucy Monroe is hosting a wonderful contest on her blog. Comment between now and Sunday to be entered to win a wonderful prize pack worthy of a Princess..or a special romance reader. via Lucy Monroe’s blog 7/1/2008 Today is the release of Lucy’s Forbidden: The Billionaire’s Virgin Princess, part of the Royal Brides Duo. To […]

Review: The Spaniard’s Defiant Virgin by Jennie Lucas

Review: The Spaniard’s Defiant Virgin by Jennie Lucas

  I’ve been a fan of Harlequin Presents novels for years, but here’s the thing with them: 95% of the time you have to suspend all disbelief in order to believe in the stories and the HEA’s. I’m more than willing (and totally able) to do that when reading these. Sometimes the stories work better […]