Category: Features

Updated: #DFRAT Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Alina Adams

Updated: #DFRAT Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Alina Adams

ETA: The contest details mysteriously disappeared from this post the first time it went up, so we’re extending the contest through the end of this week. Want a chance to win? Check out the details below. YOU WRITE THE BOOKSBy Alina Adams The first four romance novels I published, a pair of Regencies followed by […]

What I Read Last Week

What I Read Last Week

Well it was an ever so exciting week in Tracyland this past week. As I stated last Monday my new boss started and so far so good. She’s a very nice woman and though it was a pretty quiet week with her getting to know the place, etc. it was all good. Cross fingers that […]

What Are You Reading? 7-6-12

What Are You Reading? 7-6-12

Rowena: I’ve had a good reading run lately and I’m hoping that it sticks around because I’m loving all of this reading that I’m getting done, which is weird since I’m super busy with family in town for my niece’s farewell (she’s going to serve a mission for our Church in Paris, France…lucky!) and then […]

What Are You Reading? 7-6-12 (115)

What Are You Reading? 7-6-12 (115)

Rowena: I’ve had a good reading run lately and I’m hoping that it sticks around because I’m loving all of this reading that I’m getting done, which is weird since I’m super busy with family in town for my niece’s farewell (she’s going to serve a mission for our Church in Paris, France…lucky!) and then […]

#DFRAT Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): P. Kirby

#DFRAT Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): P. Kirby

There are certain things you can count on. The sun will rise in the east and set in the west and on any given day, some literary author will promote their latest book by slagging on ebooks. This of course, begs the question: Why does it have to one or the other? Why is a […]