Author: Casee

Giveaway: Snapped by Laura Griffin

Posted August 23, 2011 by Casee in Giveaways | Tagged: , , | 26 Comments
Giveaway: Snapped by Laura Griffin

The wonderful folks at Pocket have offered to giveaway a copy of Laura Griffin’s upcoming book, Snapped, which comes out on Tuesday 9/6. I can attest to the fact that romance suspense fans will love this book. Here is a blurb for your pleasure: SOPHIE BARRETT THINKS SHE’S LUCKY TO BE ALIVE. SHE MAY BE […]

Review: Deadly Sins by Kylie Brant

Review: Deadly Sins by Kylie Brant

Casee‘s review of Deadly Sins (Mindhunters, Book 6) by Kylie Brant. An unknown assassin has appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner, brutally taking out high-level human targets citywide. And the list of suspects is a sensitive one: an Iranian diplomat, a U.S. senator, and a vengeful priest. It’s just the kind of case to test […]

What Are You Reading, 7/22/11? (67)

What Are You Reading, 7/22/11? (67)

Casee: I’ve been going back and forth between a romantic suspense kick and a paranormal kick. Right now I’m on a paranormal kick. Right now I’m reading Deeper Than Midnight by Lara Adrian. It wasn’t much interested in it at first because the heroine seemed rather wimpy. Now that I’m halfway through it, it’s pretty […]

What Are You Reading, 7/8/11?

What Are You Reading, 7/8/11?

Casee: It’s that time again. Time for you guys to tell us what we may be missing. I was on a romantic suspense kick for awhile then went to paranormal but have now jumped back to romantic suspense. I read the new Dark Hunter book, Retribution by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I didn’t really have hopes one […]

What Are You Reading, 7/8/11? (65)

What Are You Reading, 7/8/11? (65)

Casee: It’s that time again. Time for you guys to tell us what we may be missing. I was on a romantic suspense kick for awhile then went to paranormal but have now jumped back to romantic suspense. I read the new Dark Hunter book, Retribution by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I didn’t really have hopes one […]