Author: Casee

Review: Whatever it Takes by Christy Reece

Review: Whatever it Takes by Christy Reece

Eli Slater was in the first Grey Justice Series book, Nothing to Lose. Even then, I could tell that he was going to be a strong force in the series. Eli is a big believer in doing what is right, but to protect those he loves, he will bend and/or break any rule or law. […]

Review: Brotherhood in Death by J.D. Robb

Review: Brotherhood in Death by J.D. Robb

Brotherhood in Death wasn’t what I was expecting, yet it made complete sense by the middle of the book. Dennis Mira and his cousin, Edward Mira, are in a dispute over their grandparents house. Dennis made a promise that the house would never be sold. Edward on the other hand is doing everything he can […]

Review: Azagoth by Larissa Ione

Review: Azagoth by Larissa Ione

Azgoth is Larissa Ione’s novella that was published in 1001 Dark Nights, Bundle 2. I usually don’t read novellas because they are just too short and I don’t believe the author has enough pages to develop a story, let alone a character. Supposedly this one clocked in longer than your usual novella and I really like the […]

Five Books Everyone Should Read: Casee

Posted May 24, 2015 by Casee in Features | Tagged: , | 0 Comments
Five Books Everyone Should Read: Casee

Five Books Everyone Should Read is a new feature we’re running in 2015. We’ve asked some of our favorite authors, readers and bloggers to share five books that touched them or have stayed with them throughout the years. It was really hard for me to pick my five books. There are so many great books […]