Rowena: It’s the first weekend of the last month of the year. Reflections from the last year are going on, goals are being set for next year but for me? I’m just getting my reading mojo back. November was a shit month for reading for me but I’m hoping to change that this month, despite the madness that will come with Christmas just a few weeks away.
I’m reading Blind Dates and Other Disasters by Ally Blake, Fiona Harper and Barbara Hannay which I’m enjoying more than I thought I would, this being a collection of shorter stories but for the most part, I’m really enjoying it. Let’s hope my reading mojo is back to stay because I have goals to be met before December 31, 2011 so wish me luck!
Holly: My reading has been pretty slow the last few weeks. I guess having a baby messed with my reading mojo. I did read an excellent book this week though. Oracle’s Moon by Thea Harrison, her upcoming Elder Races book. I adore that series. If you haven’t read it you really need to.
Right now I’m reading Guardian of Honor by Robin D. Owens. I love her Celta series and figured this one wound be just as good. It started out really slow. I’m enjoying it now (200 pages in) but not as much as her other series. We’ll see if I change my mind as I read more.
What are you reading?
I’m finishing up Head Over Heels by JS. (Yes Wena – I love, love, love it!) Not sure what I’ll read after that.
Just finishing up Immortal Rider, which has been a torturous read — not because it’s bad, but because there’s so much torture! And looks like there will be lots of dangling ends to keep us salivating for the next one. Next up is The Forbidden Rose. — willaful
Haha, I’m so glad Dev! How adorable is Sawyer? I freaking love him!
Am reading Bloodlust by Michelle Rowen – not a huge fan, OK, not a fan at all, of 1st person narrative but I really enjoyed the first book Nightshade. Decided to take a chance of it after reading a sample.
Lots of twists and turns in the story and blessedly free of the ‘instant-lusting-you-are-my-mate-scenario ☺
Then I have Immortal Rider waiting in the wings ☺
I just finished Brazen by Margo Maguire which was good. Now I can’t decide between Fates Edge by Ilona Andrews or Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook. Coin toss time.
Nothing for the past couple of days–which is very sad, because I have now three short ebooks waiting for me to get on with it!
Holly, here’s wishing you a return of the reading mojo–and that baby girl sleeps the nights away really, really soon!
At the moment I’m reading Ghangeling Moon, a pretty good werewolf romance by Dani Harper that I got for 50% off at Kobo on Cyber Mondayi
Currently reading Generation 18 by Keri Arthur. Next up might be The Stars At War by David Weber or In Her Name:First Contact by Michael R Hicks
I’m reading The Black Hawk by Joanna Bourne.