Rowena: I think I’ve met my quota for books read in a month. I read 20 books and then kind of shut down. I haven’t read a single thing all week. I’m still not reading a single thing right now. I hope this passes though because I miss reading again. My plan is to finish The One that Got Away by Kelly Hunter this weekend. So that is what I will be reading after work.
Holly: It’s been a slow reading week for me. I read The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After, which is a collection of the 2nd epilogues JQ did for her Bridgerton series. This is the first time I’d read them. I think they would have been a bit more fun had it not been so long since I read the series. Still, it was fun to see the clan again.
Now I’m re-reading The Secret by Julie Garwood. I’m working on a post titled Iain Matiland: The Hero You Wish Your Hero Could Be. I’ve long held the opinion that Iain is the perfect romance hero. I’ll share my reasons with you after my re-read.
What are you reading this week?
I think this is an argument I’m going to win.’s my turn. 🙂
I just finished a Samantha Grace series which was excellent. There is a 4th book coming out later in the year. The most recent was Miss Lavigne’s Little White Lie. I am starting Running Wild, but not sure if I am into it.
Maybe that’s what I need to do in order to get my reading mojo back for February. I’ll re-read that story this weekend. I want to discuss why I think Iain is not the best hero of the world, haha.
I feel ya. I did the same thing around the beginning of the year and now I”m just meh… and I’m trying to read 2 books that I’ve been dying for that were just released. I’ve set them aside for the time being so that I don’t ruin my reading experience. But then again, I’m an emotional reader and someone close to me just died. In fact, funeral was today. So… that’s probably my problem right there.
Oh is it your turn? Damn.
The Secret is one of my favorites by Garwood!! Not that any of her historicals are bad… But I love Ian and then Brodick in Ranson. A great pair of books!!
Hm… perhaps I’ll join the re-read.
I need to cleanse the palate after all those Virgin River books in a row.
No, really, I do.
I’m going to have to try that Samantha Grace series. I’m assuming they’re historical since I haven’t heard of them?
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m pretty sure that’s the culprit right there for your slight reading slump. I hope you get your reading mojo back.
Sandy James,
Brodick was a great hero, one that crept up on me. I’m starting my re-read of The Secret tonight. I’m kind of excited since Holly said I’m Francis Catherine last night, which means she’s Judith and I’m okay with that since as awesome as Iain is, he’s not my favorite.
Which RC books did you read?
Rowena, on this pass I’m stalled at Harvest Moon.
I read The Secret Saturday, I’m working on a brief review. I agree with you, by the way. Ian is awesome, but not my favorite Garwood hero.