I have been really into dragons the last few months. I’m currently reading Drakon’s Prey (Blood of the Drakon #2) by NJ Walters. I’m also reading Taste of Darkness (Darkness #2) by Katie Reus.
I’m listening to The Secret by Julie Garwood. I love this book and narrator.
Some number of years ago, reader Kareni recommended Stray by Andrea K. Höst (free for Kindle currently). I downloaded it then and tried to read it several times, but had a hard time getting into it. This week I pushed through the first 1/4 and I’m really glad I did. I’ve since finished it, Lab Rat One, the second book, and am in the middle of Caszandra, the third book. While I have found parts of the series to be very slow, it’s very intriguing and I can’t wait to see where things end. Many thanks to Kareni for the rec!
Otherwise, I started listening to Her Baseborn Bridegroom by Alice Coldbreath, but I ended up setting it aside. I plan to go back and read it. The narrator just wasn’t working for me.
@Holly, I’m so pleased to learn that you’ve been enjoying the Andrea Höst books! There are six works in the Touchstone series so more to enjoy.
We’ve had company over the past few days so less time to read ~
— quite enjoyed The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid which I read for my distant book group.
— read a new contemporary romance that I won in a giveaway ~ Did Not Finish by Nicola Marsh. This had a few issues but overall was a pleasant read; I don’t see rereading it though.
— read Retribution: A Gripping Paranormal Thriller (The Psychic Detective Kate Pierce Crime Thriller Series Book 1) by C. M. Sutter. Gripping is a bit generous, but I did finish the book! I don’t imagine I will reread it though. Incidentally, the book is currently free for US Kindle readers.
I’m reading Annika Martin’s BUTT-DIALING THE BILLIONAIRE. It’s part of her Billionaires of Manhattan series, and this one features a billionaire hero working undercover at one of the many businesses he owns. The heroine is a designer who works at the same business. There’s an antagonists-to-lovers vibe in the story, along with a lot of heart and humor.