I have been reading the Bailey Brothers series by Claire Kingley. I just finished Rushing In (Bailey Brothers #4). After that I decided to reread an old favorite. After the Night by Linda Howard has certainly not aged well. I’m having a difficult time not wanting to junk-punch Gray. Hard.
I listened to Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood this week & I just love this book. Madelyne is one of my top five heroines of all time. Duncan is pretty amazing himself. I’m going to keep my JG streak going & listen to Ransom or Gentle Warrior.
I finished Magic Unleashed by K.M. Shea, then moved onto the third trilogy set in that world. I read Hunted and United, but I didn’t realize the third book, Fated, isn’t out until the end of February. I think I’m ready for a break from that world, so it probably worked out for the best. I’m enjoying the series overall, but 6 book at once is a lot.
I am currently listening to A Farewell to Charms by Molly Harper, the 6th book in the Mystic Bayou series.
I’m reading Elizabeth O’Roark’s THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA. She’s a new-to-me writer and I originally grabbed the book from KU because of the smoking-hot cover model (yes, I’m very shallow). I wasn’t expecting much, but the book is actually a quite well-written antagonists-to-lovers story of an unhappy pop star who falls for her ex-boyfriend’s brother.
Over the past week ~
— continued my reread of Andrea Höst’s Touchstone series with Lab Rat One, Caszandra, Gratuitous Epilogue, In Arcadia, and Snow Day. I enjoyed revisiting this science fiction series. The first book, Stray, is FREE for Kindle readers in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia.
I read my first Meghan Quinn’s The Wedding Game as well as Tracy Solheim’s Just for Kicks and really enjoyed both of them. I also read both of Susanna Allen’s Regency PNRs A Wolf in Duke’s Clothing and A Most Unusual Duke both of which I also enjoyed a great deal. There aren’t enough historal PNR books out there.