Rowena: I’m back and I’m not reading a damn thing…or haven’t been reading much of a damn thing, lately. I missed last week’s post because my niece came home from France and I was at home watching the Finn episode of Glee with her since she hasn’t watched a thing in a year and a half.
On the reading front, I tried reading An Outlaw in Wonderland by Lori Austin and I couldn’t get into it. I kept re-reading the first few chapters because I couldn’t concentrate on anything and finally, I just put it down. I was forcing myself to read it and so I threw in the towel. Since I put that book down, I started Perfect Together by Carly Phillips. I didn’t know that this book was the final book in the Serendipity series. That makes me sad since I like this series. So far, it’s pretty good and I’m glad that I’m finally reading again.
Holly: My reading has been really weird lately. I’m finding it hard to concentrate on books. Yet I’m averaging 3-4 books a week. So strange.
This week I re-read Own the Wind by Kristen Ashley. The truth is I’m reaching a burn-out on Ashley, but nothing else sounded good. After that I decided I needed to put my big girl panties on and read something from my TBR. Letting Go by Maya Banks (read my review and enter for a chance to win a copy). I didn’t love the BDSM aspects but the story was pretty good away from that.
Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti was something I picked up thinking it was a paranormal romance. It ended up being a romantic suspense. I’m sure most of you remember my loathing for RS. Sadly, this book did nothing for me except make my head want to explode. The heroine was a dishrag and the suspense plot weak. I seem to be the minority in this, however, so you should try it for yourself. I admit I do kind of want to read the next book, however.
Frigid by J. Lynn wasn’t too bad. It’s a friends-t0-lovers themed story which I generally enjoy. There were a lot of misunderstandings and the lack of communication grated, but overall I enjoyed it. I’m on the fence about reading the next book in the series (which releases sometime later this year, I think). The couple it features didn’t really do much for me. We’ll see.
I’m not sure what I’m going to read next. Maybe Carnal Sins by Suzanne Wright.
What are you reading this week?
I’m stuck re-reading again–right now, the third book in Nora Robert’s Bride quartet. I hate having so many unread books around the house, and the computer, etc, and having nothing appeal to me. It feels wasteful, if that makes sense. On the other hand, I don’t want to hate-read, which tends to happen when I force myself to read something I am not enjoying.
I completely understand what you mean. I look at the (ehem) thousands of books lying around the house (or on my Nook) and start feeling a bit anxious. None of them sound good. I don’t like hate-reading either, so I avoid them. Reading anxiety. Who knew that would ever be a thing?