What I Read Last Week

Posted October 29, 2013 by Tracy in Features | 0 Comments

Hey Ya’ll!

Sorry this is late. We’ve been having a little boyfriend drama at my house so I’ve been dealing with real life instead of my pretend one here. 😉 My oldest’s boyfriend of 6 weeks broke up with her and after having her cry all weekend (and I do mean all weekend) he’s now saying they were on a break but not broken up. OMG I just can’t stop thinking about Friend with Ross and Rachel! Too funny. Anyway, they’re talking calmly now and we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

Other than that nothing much happened this past week so on to what I read:

I started off with The Wrong Billionaire’s Bed by Jessica Clare. A great book about a woman who thinks herself in love with her childhood friend but when she meets his friend she’s nothing but confused – and more. You can read my full review of the book here. 4 out of 5

Archangel’s Legion by Nalini Singh was up next and Oh. My. God. This was just an amazingly fabulous book that I just couldn’t put down once I picked it up. The story has Raphael and Elena back as the main couple and holy shnykies they are wonderful together. I thought so in book 1 and have continued to think so over the course of the series but this just absolutely cemented it for me. They’re fighting together to keep what they’ve built and I loved it. 5 out of 5 (read for Book Binge)

The Virgin: Revenge by J. Dallas was the first novella in a serial having to do with Shannon seeking revenge against Drake who she fell in love with when she was 17. Now it’s 10 years later and she’s applying for a position as his assistant thinking he won’t recognize her. The story was ok but there were too many things alluded to that were never fleshed out. I understand this is a serial but I needed something to make me want to read the next one and I didn’t feel like I got it. 2.5 out of 5 (read for Book Binge – review will post on the 30th if you’re interested in reading more of my thoughts)

Sweet by Erin McCarthy was a great book in the True Believers series. It has Riley and Jessica living together for a week and finding that they don’t dislike each other half as much as they believed they did. The story was really good and I can’t wait to read book 3. You can read my full review here 4 out of 5

Last for the week was Throwing Heat by Jennifer Seasons. The story is about a baseball player who’s got the hots for a fellow players sister. They almost have a night together but then he stops and she’s rejected. Now it’s 3 years later and he wants another chance and she’s not about to give it to him. I read about 60% of this book and stopped. I think the problem for me was that there was a boatload of introspection but not a ton of dialogue and when I found myself skimming I put the book down. I’m an every word reader 99% of the time so when I start skimming that’s a bad sign. I may go back to this eventually but for now it’s a DNF.

My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:

Happy Reading!

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