Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): HelenKay Dimon

Posted June 17, 2013 by Holly in Giveaways, Promotions | 9 Comments

Just What Travis Wants by HelenKay Dimon

We all have insecurities. We all wrestle with those things we wish we could change or hide or forget. For my heroine in Just What He Wanted, Andie, body image is tough issue for her. I’ve phrased it in terms of weight a few times, but it really is body image. She used be about a size 20 and has lost a lot for weight and is now about a 12/14. It’s the average size for women in the U.S., but a few seconds paging through glossy magazines might suggest otherwise.

But Andie isn’t just about her size. She’s smart and tough. She’s a country girl who can shoot a gun and handle herself. And just as she’s getting her emotional footing after a bad break-up – moving to a new town, starting a new job – she meets Travis. He’s younger, attractive and isn’t hiding his feelings for her. He’s confused she doesn’t see what he sees…and isn’t that the best kind of man? The one who finds you beautiful inside and out and doesn’t care what the number on your clothing tags say.

He describes his immediate attraction to her this way:

But the sensation of being knocked over and dragged a mile at the mere sight of a woman was new. Shocking and strange, and he had no idea how to handle it. Especially not when the woman in question dropped an age block between them. No part of him, from his brain to his lower half, noticed the years. She sure did.

Convincing Andie how he feels about her takes some time:

“You own a mirror, right?”

The temptation to turn her hand over and slip her fingers through his hit her hard enough to make her dizzy. She blinked a few times to stop the room from spinning. “Meaning?”

“The smoking blonde thing.” A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as his thumb rubbed over the back of her hand.

It was the double whammy of hotness. Touching, sexy talk, true or not, and her body joined her head in floating around the crowded room. “Me?”

He glanced to his left and right. “Who else is sitting here?”

“Come on. I don’t exactly have the ideal body type.” And why was she talking about that with him?

His gaze dipped then. Went right to her breasts and came back. “Who says?”

“Uh, everyone?” Magazines, doctors, men, women…her mother had even let it slip now and then, usually under the guise of suggesting no one needed second helpings at dinner.

“You can’t be serious.”

Much more of that and she might just crawl over the table and right onto his lap. Andie pulled back her hand and broke the contact before she could talk herself into doing exactly that.

Watching Andie handle her insecurities and her growing feelings for Travis were the best parts of writing this book. Because, really, every woman deserves to feel beautiful.

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9 responses to “Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): HelenKay Dimon

  1. This books sounds wonderful and uplifting. As a healthy rounded women – it is nice when the heroine isnt super thin…I love a realistic heroine!

  2. Christina G

    Love to have someone like Travis fall all over me! Great teaser!! And thanks for the giveaway!

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