The Kids’ Halloween Costumes

Posted November 1, 2012 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 5 Comments

As I said in my Monday post, the youngest took ill and all her Halloween plans went down the drain.  She was supposed to go trick or treating with her best friend and a large group of children and adults then spend the night at a friends house (which was extra special since it was a school night).  Yeah, none of that happened.  We did let her go out for almost an hour with us and after that she was pooped. 

I was exhausted from work and wasn’t thinking clearly when the girls got ready to go and I completely flaked on getting pictures of them before we left the house.  The picture’s here of my youngest were actually taken on the 20th when she went to a friends Halloween/Birthday party. 

The Mad Hatter
Trying to look “Mad” – Not bad. lol

 This one of my oldest was post trick or treating and she was exhausted as well.  She had actually taken her dress off and I made her put it back on so I could get a photo so she’s a bit disheveled and obviously not thrilled with me AT ALL. She refused to put her boots back on so I just got the top part of her. Yes, that’s my Smirky McSmirkerson. sigh lol 

Female Robin Hood

I think these were actually my favorite costumes in recent years – they both looked so darned cute!   Overall it was a fun night. 

So did you or your kids dress up and if so what was your costume?

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5 responses to “The Kids’ Halloween Costumes

  1. Tam

    Kristen wore dark red pants, and a t-shirt and hoodie to match and then they made a little hat that looked like a party hat. They were crayons. Her friends dressed in other colors. But she didn't go out, they just wore that at school, and kept getting asked if they were birthday candles. 🙂

    She answered the door last night so I didn't even see any kids' costumes, although she said there was one family where Dad was Captain America, Mom was Thor, little boy was Iron Man and the baby was the Hulk. Cute.

    Glad your little one got to go out for awhile anyway. Sucks to be sick on the holiday.

  2. Tam – How inventive is your daughter…and her friends? Great yet simple idea.

    That family of super heroes sounds super cute!

    Yeah, oldest wore her costume to school yesterday and people thought she was either A) a serving wench or (get this) B) Peter Pan. Obviously those kids don't know jack about peter pan. lol, C) Oktoberfest girl.

    Maybe I should have made her a bow and arrow to go along with it. 🙂

  3. They both looks so great! 🙂 My sister is having her Halloween party tonight and she's dressing as Mad Hatter as well! She made her own hat 🙂

    And LOL, I can kind of understand your oldest not being happy to have to put back on the costume… but then, again, her fault for not having her picture taken before LOL. And wow, she looks so mature! Don't you miss the days when she didn't have boobs yet? LOL

  4. SidneyKay – I dressed up as a Mom this year. It was difficult to find the costume but I managed to piece it together from my closet – I'm clever that way. 🙂

    Nath – Oh you'll have to take pictures of the Mad Hatter outfit – I'd love to see it.
    I know I shouldn't have made her put the costume back on (bad mom!) but I didn't get ANY pictures of either of them last year because they went with their friends and dressed there. I just didn't want to miss another year.
    Yes, I totally miss the days when she didn't have boobs. She went from flat to fluffy in 2 point 5 seconds. Too fast for my liking!

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