Holly: I read A Girl Named Summer by Julie Garwood last night. It was way better than I expected, considering it was her first novel. Today I started Starlight by Carrie Lofty. I’m only a page or two in, so it’s too early to say how it’s going to be. I’m sure I’ll like it, though. Lofty is always a winner for me.
I ended up DNF’ing The Darkest Day by Britt Bury. I just couldn’t handle the ridiculous actions of the main characters and the cheesy dialogue. Others have loved it, but it wasn’t for me.
Casee is off camping this week. Hopefully she’ll be back next week..if she doesn’t get eaten by bears or mosquitoes.
What are you reading?
Perfect storm
Any winners picked for July and June, thanks
I finished The Great Escape and liked it. It was a little heavy- handed, however, in the political correctness dept and never explained the name Panda.
I never like SEP characters when I first start to read her books. I almost have to force myself to start them. I’m reading the Great Escape right now and since know it’s a sequel and that I read the first book it should be easier to read but it’s not.
I DNF’d The Darkest Day, too. Glad it wasn’t just me! I’m reading by Shannon McKenna and Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance by Lois McMaster Bujold.
Uh… Blood and Fire by McKenna. Don’t know here that went.
@kh – soon! I promise.
@Willaful – *clings* I thought I was alone. Everyone else has raved about it.