Holly: I’m happy to report that my slump seems to have been busted. Sort of. I’m reading. Quite a bit actually. But I’m only reading the Drake Sisters series by Christine Feehan. I have a love/hate relationship with this series. The sisters are amazing to read about. I adore their relationship with each other and the paranormal elements (they’re all psychic in one way or another).Now comes the hate part – the heroes. I hate how controlling and quasi-abusive they are. Only..I don’t hate them. At heart, they really only want what’s best for their woman. Which is kind of hot. But the way they talk to them sometimes is just..wrong. I can’t explain it, except to say sometimes I hate how much I love them. I finished reading Hidden Currents
Friday night. Against my better judgment, I started Water Bound
yesterday. It’s an offshoot of the Drake Sisters series, set in the same small town and featuring some of the secondary characters we met in the previous novels. I adored it the first time I read it. I’m curious to see if it’ll hold up during a re-read. Especially after practically over dosing on the Drake Sisters series.
Casee: I’m reading Veil of Shadows by Shiloh Walker. I’m enjoying it, but I think I’m getting burned out on paranormals. I finished Blood Trinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love right before I started Veil of Shadows. I’m thinking about starting Just One Taste by Louisa Edwards or Unforgivable by Laura Griffin. I also have the past two Rachel Gibson’s that I haven’t read. I’m think I’m leaning toward something lighter.
Rowena: The only thing that I’m reading right now is Montana Legacy by R.C. Ryan. So far, the book is good but I’m not sure why it’s so easy for me to put the book down. I’m trying to finish that book so that I can move on to the next book because I’m curious to see how Wyatt and Zane’s books are so I guess you can say I’m anxious. I think I’m in the mood for a straight up contemporary so after I’m finished with these Montana Cowboys, I’m going to start looking into reading Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie. I’m sure that will feed my contemporary loving heart.
So, it’s a new week…what are you guys reading?
I just started Touch of Evil by Colleen Thompson.
Does the Norwegian-English dictionary count?
I just started Seaside Letters by Denise Hunter.
I am almost done with Last Dragon Standing by GA Aiken and have started re-reading the third Harry Potter book as I make my way through a re-read of that series.
Started Feehan’s Dark Peril. I can’t seem to quit this series. I like parts but other parts bug the heck out of me. There are a few characters that I want to read their stories so I’ll probably keep reading the series until then.
My gym book is The Golden Season by Connie Brockway. Also reading The Virtu by Sarah Monette and Trent’s Last Case. (Classic mystery.) And I just got Stardoc from the library, to see what I think of the rape scene talked about over at the Book Smugglers. Don’t know if I’ll read it all though. — willaful
I’m enjoying Carolyn Crane’s Double Cross (in print) and Lynsay Sands’s Born to Bite (electronic.) I am not, however, enjoying my weekend NFL games…hate it when my teams do so poorly!
I finished Tracy Anne Warren’s Wicked Delightd of a Bridal lBed – this is the book I won here – thanks again!! it was my first Tracy Anne Warren and I really enjoyed it.
I needed something totally different form the books I have been reading lately so I picked up Nora Roberts’ Daring to Dream. Haven’t read a NR book in ages.
oh wow, I’m currently in the middle of Riding the Night by Jaci Burton and it’s sooo hot and gorgeous and I can’t put it down for a minute!!!
@Holly: Water Bound is on my TBR pile and I can’t wait to read it – have heard a lot of good things about it!
@Casee: burned out on paranormals?? I haven’t heard that
Am reading Irresistible by Susan Mallery.
Rosie G.
Broken by Shiloh Walker, just finished Fragile. Both are great.
His Darkest Hunger by Juliana Stone and I just finished Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell which I really enjoyed