Review and a Giveaway: Twice Tempted by a Rogue by Tessa Dare

Posted July 6, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways, Reviews | 26 Comments

Review and a Giveaway: Twice Tempted by a Rogue by Tessa DareReviewer: Holly
Twice Tempted by a Rogue by Tessa Dare
Series: Stud Club #2
Also in this series: One Dance with a Duke, Three Nights with a Scoundrel

Publication Date: June 22nd 2010
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 384
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Series Rating: four-stars

The daring members of the Stud Club are reckless gamblers and no strangers to risk—until love raises the stakes in Twice Tempted by a Rogue. Luck is a double-edged sword for brooding war hero Rhys St. Maur. His death wish went unanswered on the battlefield, while fate allowed the murder of his good friend in the elite gentlemen’s society known as the Stud Club. Out of options, Rhys returns to his ancestral home on the moors of Devonshire, expecting anything but a chance at redemption in the arms of a beautiful innkeeper who dares him to take on the demons of his past—and the sweet temptation of a woman’s love.
Meredith Maddox believes in hard work, not fate, and romance isn’t part of her plan. But when Rhys returns, battle-scarred, world-weary, and more dangerously attractive than ever, the lovely widow is torn between determination and desire. As a deep mystery and dangerous smugglers threaten much more than their passionate reckoning, Meredith discovers that she must trust everything to a wager her heart placed long ago.
From the Paperback edition.

This is the 2nd book in Dare’s Stud Club series. I was really looking forward to it because Rhys intrigued me in the first book. He was so bent on self-destruction I wanted to see how his character would develop and what his past would reveal.

On that score I wasn’t disappointed. Rhys really came alive for me. His past and his self-destructive bent were explained well, and we got a lot of insight into his character.

On the opposite side was Meredith. If Rhys was dark, brooding and complex, Meredith was light, open and uncomplicated. She was just a simple woman trying to make a living for herself, her father and the village she loved.

Rhys decides fate had decreed that he and Meredith marry. He thinks it’s because of him she’s had to work hard to make a living for herself all these years and that her father was injured and lost his job. He also feels responsible for the state of the village. His solution is to marry Meredith and rebuild his manor, which will save her from having to work so hard plus offer jobs to the village people.

But the way he presents it to Meredith pricks her pride. She wants to be wanted for herself, not because fate decreed it. And Rhys doesn’t help the situation at all, being the oblivious man that he his.

I understood where both of them were coming from; Rhys wanted to make things right and finally settle down with someone who would give him peace; Meredith wants to be wanted for herself, not because fate said so or Rhys had “nothing else to do”.

Unfortunately something was lost in translation. While I appreciated both their positions, I wasn’t as emotionally invested in either of them as I expected to be. I became annoyed with both of them on several occasions for not talking things out.

I was also very bothered by the thought of a Peer of the Realm marrying a tavern owner/widow who’d had several lovers. Not that I begrudge Meredith her fun (hey girl, get you some), but it wasn’t plausible at all that a Viscount would marry a tavern owner/stable master’s daughter and it not be seen as a problem. Maybe this wouldn’t have bothered me if it had been addressed, but it was totally glossed over.

Having said that, there were parts I adored. When Meredith and Rhys visit Bath and each are battling their own insecurities I was really touched. I also loved that Rhys was so set on Meredith and refused to back down. When he had the banns read at church without telling her he was doing it I laughed out loud. I was also amused at several of the scenes when he was ‘courting’ her.

I really liked the end, too. The way things all came to a head and Rhys really let go..well, it was beautifully done. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough to elevate my enjoyment of this book to the same level as the last one.

3.5 out of 5

The Series:

One Dance with a Duke
Twice Tempted by a Rogue
Three Nights with a Scoundrel

Interested in winning a copy? Leave a comment telling me what you think of the the idea of a Viscount marrying a tavern owner and I’ll throw your name in the hat.  Contest ends Tuesday, July 13.

This book is available from Ballantine. You can buy it here or here in e-format.


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26 responses to “Review and a Giveaway: Twice Tempted by a Rogue by Tessa Dare

  1. I’m both appalled and curious by the idea. I mean in all the historical romances I’ve read the aristocracy marry either aristocracy or new rich (and even that is already scandalous). I’m not sure I like the idea of a Viscount marrying a tavern owner because it doesn’t sound very authentic. But I’m very curious and i’m up to new challenges lol. 😉

  2. Kim

    Even though it may be historically inaccurate, this type of literary license really doesn’t bother me. Sloppy writing and misspelled words that take me out of the story are more bothersome. If the story is well-told, I’m willing to overlook this type of inaccuracy.

  3. While not historically accurate at first blush, it’s a freaking romance people! Why wouldn’t I like it if it is well written? Unless Tessa has gone nutso and made her a real common wench I think it will workout. I can’t wait to read it!

  4. Great review, and it sounds really interesting if a bit inaccurate historically. Thank you so much for being on the tour.. onto book 3!

  5. I’m looking forward to reading Twice Tempted by a Rogue!
    This kind of literary license doesn’t annoy me. It’s fiction after all.

  6. Emma_I

    I’m a bit sceptical of the historical accuracy of a viscount marrying a tavern owner, but as long as it’s well written and engaging, then I don’t mind suspending my disbelief for a while.

  7. I don’t have a problem with an aristocrat marrying a commoner. I’m sure it happened occasionally, and it would have caused problems with the wife and any children being accepted into society. But that could always be overcome with unimpeachable aristocratic friends and/or lots of money.
    I’m looking forward to reading this new trilogy.

  8. Hmm, interesting premise. I don’t mind who marries whom actually – as long as they are written well. It might not be historically accurate but fun to read all the same. I haven’t read the first book yet but its at the top of my TBRs.

  9. maered

    I have no problem with it, as long it is written well. But that is the same for any book or plot.

  10. I don’t find the idea very plausible. But it would make for an interesting relationship with interesting stories to share.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  11. I don’t mind the idea of a Viscount marrying a tavern owner but I would usually expect to see some sort acknowledgement regarding society and it’s view of them etc.

    BTW, who won the first book in the series – I’ve had a look and I can’t find the winner announcement. I’m probably blind…

  12. ritu

    In a way, I’m curious about the viscount marrying a tavern daughter because I’d like to see how the author handles it. If she glosses over it, then I would be disappointed. I loved the first book in the series, so willing to give this one the benefit of doubt!

  13. As much as I’m looking forward to reading this book, that can a bit of a sticking point. I suppose a viscount can marry a tavern owner if they’re out in the boondocks somewhere and that no one in London or the King will ever hear about it. Otherwise, the social repercussions may be too great.

    However, this is a book and as long as the characters are compelling and fun to read about, I don’t care who marries whom.


  14. Whether it’s historically accurate or not, I love it when there are class differences between the characters, but I want it to be a meaningful part of the plot, not just something tossed in as a one off idea.

    jen at delux dot com

  15. I’m not as bothered by this as everyone else seems to be. My history from college is more than a bit rusty, but I’m pretty sure the ancient Egyptian word for tavern owner/bar keep was the same word used for wife. Similarly, in Hammurabi’s Code whenever there’s a rule referring to a tavern owner, it’s describing a woman’s profession — then again, I could just be making this up 😀

  16. I just love Tessa Dare! I’d love to win this book. I have absolutely no problem with a Viscount marrying a tavern owner. My hubby’s family didn’t want him to marry me because I came from a family with lots of divorce and very poor. We’ve been married now almost 19 years!

  17. It’s definitely a different premise, but don’t really have a problem with it – love doesn’t see social boundaries. I have the first in this series and would love to win this one.

  18. I am fine with the idea of a Viscount marrying a tavern owner, if they love each other. After all what’s most important is love.


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