Casee: My long dry spell seems to have come to an end. Hopefully I’m not speaking too soon. ::knocking on wood:: I’ve read some really good books this week including Skin Tight by Ava Gray and Touch of Surrender
by Rhyannon Byrd. I decided to pick up a romantic suspense. It’s Unspeakable
by Laura Griffin. I’m not quite sure what I think of it yet. It’s gotten off to a slow start.
Holly: I finished Insatiable by Lauren Dane earlier this week. It was an excellent entry in her Federation Chronicles. I adored the heroine and just wanted to eat the hero up. Good stuff.
I’m currently reading Cold Sight by Leslie Parrish. It’s really good so far, but it’s early yet. We’ll see how it progresses. I’m surprised that I’m enjoying it as much as I am because the heroine is a journalist and the hero is a reclusive author/physic. Not my usual style of read to say the least.
Rowena: It was a pretty good week of reading for me. I finished the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz, read Masquerade, Revelations and The Van Alen Legacy, all books were great YA reads and I can’t wait for Keys to the Repository and Misguided Angel to come out. On top of that, I finished up The Brazen Bride by Stephanie Laurens and now I’m reading The Summer of Skinny Dipping by Amanda Howells.
Now that you know what we’re reading, what are you guys reading this week? Anything fun and exciting? Sound off!
I have Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah, Tessa Dare’s Goddess of the Hunt and My Favorite Mistake by Beth Kendrick all downloaded into my Kindle…I just have to pick!
I just finished Jennifer Estep’s Spider’s Bite (loved it) and am now reading Liz Maverick’s Crimson & Steam.
I am just bizarrely off reading books lately. It’s so weird, and I hope temporary. I’m listening to “North and South” — the second version from Librivox. What awesome service that is! — willaful
hey, I’m like
Barbara – halfway through ‘Spider’s Bite’ and liking it so far
Wow, me three, I just snagged Spider’s Bite at the UBS this week and it’s at the top of my TBR pile. I’ve heard such good things about it.
Just finished My Reckless Surrender by Anna Campbell. It’s gotten mixed reviews, but I actually liked it. Lots of really hot smexing going on and I adored the hero although the heroine was definitely a twit.
I also started reading the Virgin River series by Robin Carr, thanks to a special Kindle bundle of 4 books for $10, and I absolutely loved it. I powered through all 4 books this week and can’t wait to read the next ones.
What am I reading? What am I not reading? I am reading a cazillion Ellora’s CAve Quickies along with one I don’t like very well that is full length. I am reading Anna’s Return by Marta Perry ( a quick read with a review pending as I promised) and of course I am sitting in my office drooling over all the books I brought home from the gathering Saturday. I have quite a few ARC’s to read so will be getting started on those as well. Am hoping to read Beth Williamson’s newest as well. Lots to do to get ready for my train trip on the 30th, so will be packing, reading, blogging, packing, reading, etc. Happy week to you all!!
Holly i am so jealous, i cannot wait to read Insatiable, i love her books. Glad you liked it 🙂
I am currently reading Prey by Rachel Vincent and Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione.