Street Game by Christine Feehan
Series: GhostWalkers #8
Also in this series: Predatory Game, Ruthless Game, Shadow Game, Power Game, Murder Game, Covert Game, Toxic Game, Phantom Game, Ghostly Game
Publisher: Jove
Publication Date: December 29, 2009
Point-of-View: Third Person
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 423
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For Mack McKinley and his team of GhostWalker killing machines, urban warfare is an art. But despite a hard-won knowledge of the San Francisco streets, Mack knows from experience that too many things can still go wrong. Danger was just another part of the game - and now he's come face-to-face with a woman who can play just as tough.
She's Jaimie, a woman with a sapphire stare so potent it can destroy a man. Years ago she and Mack had a history - volatile, erotic and electric. Then she vanished. But now she's walked back into Mack's life again, as a spy with more secrets than are good for her. Against all odds, she's hooking up with Mack one more time to take on an enemy that could destroy them both, or bring them back together in one hot, no-holds-barred adrenaline rush.
It’s official. I’m done with Christine Feehan. By done I mean that I mean she’s gone to the “Get at Library” list. Her Carpathian series has gotten repetitive. Really, at 20 books how can you keep it fresh? The GhostWalker series has stayed fresh for the most part. Until Street Game. She’s turned this series into the Carpathian series without the Carpathians. The GhostWalkers can do everything Carpathians can do plus they can be out in the sun. They can talk telepathically, teleport, see through walls, etc.
Good Lord was this book wordy. 448 pages and 150 of them were about encryption, fail safes, virtual back doors, and hacking. It read as an ‘IT For Dummies’ manual. Even if I wasn’t an IT analyst, I’ve seen Hackers. So I mostly skimmed those parts. Holly said that CF has always been wordy, but it was her sex scenes that were wordy. Now she just puts crap in there as a filler that isn’t even necessary.
Jaimie (who doesn’t have a last name as far as I know) left Mack b/c he loved his work more than he loved her. Mack was filled with manly pride and didn’t go after her. He thought that she would realize that she couldn’t live without him and come crawling back. What is it with CF’s heroes? They are all such asses. Mack is no exception. He unabashedly uses Jaimie for her psychic talents. He knows the affect it has on her, but is arrogantly certain that she will be fine if he’s watching over her. It was ridiculous.
Jaimie is really no better. I do give her props for leaving—and staying away—from Mack for as long as she did. She wouldn’t even have been back in her life is he wasn’t led there. Other than that, I found her lack of spine inexcusable. She let these men back into her life when she tried so hard to make a life for herself. In her own way she continued to help the people she considers her family, but that was the extent of it.
The bottom line between these two is that Jaimie wants Mack to be someone he’s not and Mack wants Jaimie to be someone she’s not. But the sex is really good so it’s worth it.
The overall storyline didn’t really advance either. Peter Whitney is still evil and mad as a hatter. He thinks of the GhostWalkers as his own personal puppets. No one but him can hurt them. The only thing I found remotely interesting about this book was getting to know more about the GhostWalker Violet. Is she good? Is she bad? Honestly, I don’t know if I care enough to find out.
Rating: 2.75 out of 5.

I think I’m still in the minority of people who still like the Carpathians. LOL. Though I never got into this series. It annoyed me from book 1. I just hated, hated, Lily and my hatred of her ruined it for me. Of course I still pick up the books (LOL) when I come across them at the library though.
So glad I didn’t buy it. When I started this series it was so fun, but now it’s just trying to find when’s it going to end. Each story gets more convoluted than the last.
At least with the Carpathians she had Ivory, who was kick ass. Also, it seems to be wrapping up.
Thanks for the review.
I am probably the minority then that enjoyed street game and the carpathian series. I look forward to her new series!
I think Deadly Game was the last one I read. I don’t remember so I guess I’m not missing this series too much. 🙂
The Carpathians I still read but they are library reads – I will not pay HC prices for those.
Thanks for reviewing and saving me from continuing with this series. 🙂
I have to agree with you.
Christine Feehan is no longer an auto buy for me and I’m even thinking about stopping to read her at all. Sad but true.
That’s too bad you didn’t like it. While not one of my faves the Ghostwalker books are still ones I automatically pick up in the bookstore. I didn’t like Mack but I’m glad a new team was introduced and I am interested to read the other members stories.
I thought it was nice to see Kane back.
For the Carpathian books I couldn’t get into the earlier ones but I found myself enjoying her more recent ones. I’ve only read 3-4 of them so far.
Lynette and Mariana–I only read Dark Slayer b/c of Ivory and Razvan. I can’t say that I’ll stop reading the Carpathians. They have a special place in my readers heart.
Debbie–I feel like she’s pulling in too many teams. What did you think abt Violet? Good or bad?
I think if she wants to keep the series going she has to pull in more teams. Not sure if she’s going to make this series as long lasting as the Carpathian one. That’s one mistake I think authors make is not knowing when to end a series.
I don’t know about Violet. I think she will do whatever fits her own agenda. I don’t see her having any loyalty to the other Ghostwalkers.
It used to be that I would pick up anything by her, but now I only get her when there is nothing else to get. I read her books from the library, well except for the Drake Sisters and the leopard series still has potential. I am excited to see that the new series will start with Ilya’s brother.
Like someone else said I think that the carpathian series is winding down. Three maybe four more books, anything past that and she will be in overkill. I had no desire to read Street Game, I like the original two teams and will read their books, but beyond that I will read them from the library.
I’m in the minority in that I still am a CF fan. Yes, some of her books are not a fave, and some even has taken me a few times to read the whole story. But I still like her and hope to read more of her works.
ok some of CF’s books i may not be all that wild over but i am a HUGE Carpathian and Ghost Walker fan, Im only on book four of the later and have read every single one (including the horrible Dark Symphony) of the former, while sometimes i don’t liek the characters for various reasons (or they just do nothign for me *cough* dayan *Cough* i don’t call her a bad writer or diss an inter sereis (or tewo.)
i have but one thing to say to you for dissing the carpathian. F U!
I loved your blog. Thank you.