What I Read Last Week

Posted August 17, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 14 Comments

Good morning everyone (or afternoon to some others)!

How are you this fine Monday morning? Doing well, I hope. I’m doing fabulous! My kiddles came home yesterday and damn I missed them! It was so nice to have the house back to normal. As much as I enjoyed some time with my hubby it was a little like a tomb most of the time they were gone. They had a wonderful time but they’re not going anywhere without us any time soon. 🙂

I’ve been very good about my diet and exercise for the past couple of week. I haven’t weighed myself since last Monday but at that point I’d only lost a 1/2 a pound. That’s OK! I figure that it took a while to get the weight on…it will take a while to get it back off. IMHO it should be just as easy to get off as on but that’s just me. I did take a Cardio Barre class this past Saturday and I’m still really stinking sore – especially my thighs. I want to go back but don’t know that I’ll survive! lol

I read some good books this past week! Here they are:

First up was Compromised by Kate Noble. I have to tell you that I tried to read this twice back in March of 2008 and couldn’t get past the first chapter. After reading Ana’s review I decided to give it another whirl. Well it was good! It was a very sweet and charming book about Gail and Max. Max is being forced into marriage by his father and ends up compromising Gail’s sister Evangeline. Max and Gail don’t really get along but they get along better than Max and Evangeline. When they discover that they have feelings for each other what will they do? Just a good, sweet historical read. 4.25 out of 5

Next up was a new YA series by Rachel Vincent, My Soul To Take, which is the first book in the Soul Screamers series. This was a pleasant surprise. Anna had a short ARC review that grabbed my attention so when I saw it in the store I had to grab it. I’m so glad I did. Even though I had been intrigued by the review I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the book since I don’t normally read YA novels. This was the story of Kaylee who keeps having “episodes” where she feels the incredible urge to scream and she knows when a particular person is going to die. Her best friend and a new friend, Nash, try to help her deal with it. Nash explains more than she ever imagined and together they try to figure out why teens are dropping like flies. I thought that the story was well done and the relationships between Kaylee and her family was given as much attention as her relationship with Nash. I’ll be looking for other books in this series. (There is an audio prequel out now, but I haven’t listened to it yet.) 4 out of 5

Next was Sindustry Volume II another m/m anthology by Dreamspinner Press. Like volume I all of these stories involve rent boys, strippers, hookers and porn stars and them finding happiness. I didn’t like this one quite as well as the first but there were still a few stories in there that I liked. 3.75 out of 5

My next read was a Quickie from Ellora’s Cave – a new release by Savannah Stuart (aka Katie Reus) called Adrianna’s Cowboy. This was an erotic tale of a woman and the ranch hand at her father’s ranch finally exploring the attraction they’ve had for each other for 4 years. It was a hot one, to be sure, but I enjoyed the story as well. 4 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was Wild Card by Lora Leigh. This is the first book in the Elite Ops series but it is kind of a continuation of a story that we first read about in Leigh’s SEAL books. This story was about Nathan Malone. He was captured by the enemy and beaten almost to death, among other things. He gave up his identity, his family, including his wife, thinks he’s dead. He’s now known as Noah Blake and is being put on assignment at a garage in his hometown. The garage he used to own as Nathan and is now owned by Sabella, his wife. I liked the story in this book but it was so hard to get to. It was a very long book considering the story but it had heaps of sex and there was a lot of repeating of the same thing. I found myself wanting to skim stuff, which I didn’t, but I wanted to and that’s never a good sign. There were a couple of characters in the Elite Ops that I’d like to know more about so I might read the next full length novel, Maverick, eventually. 3.75 out of 5

I read the next story in the Elite Ops books by Lora Leigh, Night Hawk, next. It’s considered book 2 in the series but it’s just a 15 page short. It gave us some good set-up info for the the next book and showed us two people who are attracted to each other and about to break some rules to act on that attraction…but then it ended. A little disappointing to be sure. 3 out of 5

Last for the week was Kissing Midnight by Emma Holly. This one I read for The Book Binge so I’ll let you know when my review posts.

Happy Reading!

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14 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. My best friend is currently reading (and enjoying) the Elite Ops books 🙂 They…didn't work for me, but perhaps I'll go back.

    Actually, I'm thinking that about the book I put down last night, which is a DNF. Everyone else loved it…. *shakes head* Obviously I'm in a non-romance mood so I've picked up Ratcatcher (James McGee). It was that or New Moon and I thought the former was the better choice 🙂

  2. KB – I've just been notified from the library that my request for Revealed is in so hopefully I'll like that as much as I liked Compromised.

    Orannia – I just really didn't give Compromised the old college try. I couldn't get past the first chapter either time I started to read it. If I had just gone a leeeeetle farther I would have been beyond pleased. I usually give books a fair shake (about 200 pages) before I give up – I should have done it with that one.
    Maybe putting the book from last night on hold for a while will be a good thing. Go back later and give it a whirl.

  3. Congrats on the return of the kids. And looks like you've been busy with some fun books. that Rachel Vincent looks interesting.

    On Kate Noble, I haven't read her, but isn't it interesting how a book works in some moods and not in others?

  4. Lea

    Glad your kiddies are home Tracy! I'm sure it is nice to have the house back to normal. 🙂

    You did excellent with your reads there. Ms. M. reviewed a Lora Leigh book at her blog today too and gave it about the same rating.

    Thanks for sharing, you always write such great informative reviews.


  5. So nice to have those kiddies back, right? Nice mix of books Tracy… Those Leigh books keep sinking further down on my TBR pile. Thanks for your reviews. 🙂

  6. CJ – The Vincent is good. I think for a YA it was done well. But of course I don't read YA regularly so I don't have much to compare it to. lol
    It is interesting. The problem with this one was just getting past that first hump (which some who read the book might not think of a hump at all) but after that it was just cute.

    Lea – I saw her review, thanks!
    You're so sweet. 🙂 It IS nice to have the kids back. Of course they start school tomorrow so that will be one crazy morning. 🙂

    Hilcia – Which Leigh books do you have? Some are good, and this one wasn't bad but definitely not great for me.

    I Heart – Yeah, the second short was a total set up for the 3rd book but it gave me enough to want to read more about those characters and then it ended. I hope to heaven she'll do a full length on those two.

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed Compromised, Tracy 😀 I think it has a very old-school feeling it. it was a very cute story 🙂

  8. Kate Noble is one of those authors that just keeps popping up! Will have to give her a try.

    Glad you liked the Rachel Vincent. I listened to the audio prequel (it's also avail in pdf format if that makes it easier for you) and went and ordered book 1 from Harlequin on the strength of the prequel.

    Have a great week! 🙂

  9. Aww, that's too cute how much you missed your kids! Glad you enjoyed Adrianna's Cowboy. It was my first Quickie (writing one, lol). Thanks for all the other reviews too, I always add something to my tbb or tbr pile b/c of you 🙂

  10. Tracy, I've had Wild Card — it's been part of my TBR pile forever (it seems), and now Bengal's Heart which I'll probably read soon. 🙂 Hmm… I have some other Breed books too… but can't think of titles ATM, lol!

  11. Dang I got excited when I saw the Emma Holly cover. I have the two most recent Midnight books and haven't had a chance to do much but read the back blurbs. I'll be looking for your review…

  12. Renee – I hope I like the prequel as much as the first book and vice versa for you! Thanks for the letting me know it was available in ebook as well!

    Katie – Yes, I liked AC! Very cute and damn hot! lol
    And always glad to be your book pimp. 🙂

    Hilcia – yeah, Leigh's book other than the breeds have been hit or miss for me, sad to say. I never hate them but sometimes don't LOVE them either.

    Rosie – As I said I didn't read the first 5 books in the series but didn't feel like I'd lost any info. I'll let you know when the reviews post. 🙂

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