Hawke or Tohr?

Posted May 20, 2009 by Casee in Discussions | 20 Comments

I’ve read the Psy/Changeling and BDB series almost from the beginning. In the first book of each series, I had my preference of what character I wanted to get his/her own book.

In the Psy/Changeling series, it was Hawke. He was an intriguing character from the beginning. Alpha to the SnowDancer pack, he immediately jumped off the pages for me and I thought “More, more more”! After every Psy/Changeling book, I always email Nalini and ask about Hawke. I’m sure it’s gotten old by now, but I can’t help it. I really want more Hawke, especially as his background has started to be revealed.

In the BDB series, it’s Tohr. I knew from the beginning that Wellsie would die. Only b/c JRW said that Tohr would have his own book one day. Therefore it made sense to assume that Wellsie would die. When it happened, it was sad, but not unexpected. Now I know that Tohr has to go through the grieving process, etc., but if a character in that series deserves a happily ever after, it’s Tohr.

I think that there is going to be a long wait for both these books. It is reminiscent of Acheron. Honestly, I don’t want to wait eight damn years for these books. On the other hand, these stories can’t be written until it’s time. Or so that’s what I’ve picked up from Nalini and JRW.

So, if you had to choose, which book do you want more? Hawke or Tohr?
I have to go with Hawke. I’m mad for that alpha and I hope he ends up w/ Sienna.

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20 responses to “Hawke or Tohr?

  1. I am a huge fan of both of these series..but I am going to have to go with Hawke! I WANT his story..Sienna is just waiting for him:) Tohr is not in a good place for a book yet. I’m sure he will get there though.

  2. Hawke. No question. I’ve always been more interested in, and attached to Hawke.
    Not to mention, I’m pretty over the BFB books. Tohr definitely isn’t ready for his book yet, and I’m really feeling that the series is being written into the ground. [I’m gonna get jumped by fangirls, aren’t I?]
    However, I will admit to being worried the same might happen to the Psy/Changeling books. [Now I’m really going to have to watch my back, huh?]

  3. I have to go with Hawke as well. We get tastes of him but not enough to satisfy. We definitely need more Hawke!

    I can’t imagine Tohr with his own book. KB and I were talking about this just a couple of days ago. Tohr loved Wellsie so much how can he he even be remotely ready to meet someone else…its only been about 18 months in the books, right? Will Wellsie be reincarnated? How could he love anyone but Wellsie? IDK. 🙂

  4. Tabitha

    I have not read this other BDB series so I have to go with Hawke. There’s not many glimpses of him and what we’re given is not enough, I want more.

  5. Since I think it’s likely Hawke will end up with Sienna, I’m more curious about how Tohr will get past Wellsie to be with someone else. I recognize that probably more BDB time needs to elapse, as it’s only been a year there.

  6. Kat

    Hawke for sure. Tohr gave the me the shits when he abandoned JM (and I didn’t even like JM at the time).

  7. Hawke all the way. We know who he’ll be ending up with (SIENNA! :-DDD) and I want to see how that happens. He was a fascinating character to me from book 1, because he was so hot and definitely had many secrets.

    Tohr…As you say Casee, it was obvious Wellsie would die (the note about Tohr being the one whose “betrayal by fate would hurt the deepest” on J.R.’s site was pretty telling). Still, because he was mated first, and then disappeared for 3 books, he’s the BDB character we know the least about and while I wish him happiness and I loved seeing him come back to the living in Lover Avenged, he’s definitely not the character whose book I’m most impatient about. That used to be V, and look what JR did with him… I don’t trust JR blindly anymore to write something I’ll enjoy, so I’m more worried about Tohr than anything. I do still trust Nalini though and I think she’ll make Hawke justice. 🙂

  8. Tracy, I used to actually care about that, but now I don’t anymore. I think that if Wellsie comes back reincarnated, it defeats the whole purpose of killing her off. Doesn’t it?

    I’m glad so many of you think Hawke is going to be w/ Sienna. OTOH, Nalini could be reading this while thinking how wrong we really are. LOL

  9. Yep, definitely Hawke all the way!! I loved him from the beginning too and can’t wait for his book.

    As for Tohr, I almost forgot about his character. But then I am two books behind on that series now anyway. lol

  10. I have to agree with Mary M. After what she did to V and then the crap that was Phury’s book, I have a hard time reading her new books.

    In the long run though it is all about HAWKE. His is the story that I keep waiting for. Him and Walker. There is more to Walker also.

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