GoodReads and Holly’s January Reading List

Posted February 2, 2009 by Holly in Features, Giveaways, Reviews | 46 Comments

I don’t make New Years Resolutions because I always feel like I’m setting myself up for failure when I do. Why put that kind of pressure on yourself, you know? Especially since 95% of the time you set resolutions that are ridiculously hard to achieve (or at last I do).

Even though I don’t do resolutions, there were some goals I set for myself. One of them was to keep track of all the books I read, even if I don’t review them all. It’s a good thing I put that qualifier in there about not reviewing them all, too, because so far that reviewing thing isn’t going so well for me.

I have been keeping track of the books I read, though. I set up a GoodReads account to keep track. I made two bookshelves: Read-in-2009 and ReRead-in-2009. So far the system is working. I’m not making any promises about the future, but for now, to help keep me motivated, I’m going to try to do a monthly list of reads. Maybe Rowena and Casee will see this post and decide to keep me motivated, you think? *coughhinthintcough*

For those of you who are friends with me on GoodReads, I don’t plan to catalogue all the books I own. I only plan to keep track of the books I read in 2009 and possibly – if I’m not too lazy to enter them all – my TBR pile. If anyone is interested in what I’m reading, you can friend me here.

And on to my list!

According to GoodReads I read 14 books this month and re-read 5 for a total of 19. Not too shabby.

Jan. 6 – Be With Me by Maya Banks – 3/5.
Jan. 7 – Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins – 4/5.
Jan. 8 – Mistletoe and Miracles by Marie Ferrarella – 3.5/5 (Re-Read)
Jan. 8 – Chance of a Lifetime by Portia Da Costa – 4/5.
Jan. 8 – Layover by Megan Hart – 4/5.
Jan. 9 – Reining in the Rancher by Karen Templeton – 4.5/5.
Jan. 11 – Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas 5/5 (Re-Read)
Jan. 12 – Talk Me Down by Victoria Dahl – 3/5.
Jan. 13 – Mistress Menage by Jenesi Ash – 2/5/5.
Jan. 13 – Gilt and Midnight: An Erotic Fairy Tale by Megan Hart – 3/5.
Jan. 15 – Demon Angel by Meljean Brook – 4/5 (Re-Read)
Jan. 18 – Hearts Awakened by Linda Winfree – 4/5.
Jan. 20 – Fall Into Me by Linda Winfree – 3.5/5.
Jan. 22 – Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost – 3.5/5.
Jan. 24 – A Mother’s Wish by Karen Templeton – 4/5 (Re-Read)
Jan. 25 – Instant Attraction by Jill Shalvis – 4/5 (Re-Read)
Jan. 25 – Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt – 4/5.
Jan. 28 – Kill for Me by Karen Rose – 5/5
Jan. 30 – Flirting with Temptation by Kelley St. John – 3.75/5

Four of those were Spice Briefs, which means they were very short, so they barely count, and three of them are category length, so they were pretty fast reads. Still, I’m happy with the number for the most part. I used to read two or three a day, but I’m afraid those days are long gone. I have too many other obligations and things that suck up my all time (like Twitter and Facebook – heh).

I plan to review several of them still, I just haven’t gotten it done yet. Soon though, I promise.

I have to say Kill for Me was probably my favorite read for the month, with Instant Attraction by Jill Shalvis and Reining in the Rancher by Karen Templeton as close seconds. Mistress Menage was my least favorite. Overall I read some pretty great books, though.

What about you? Do you keep track of your monthly reads? Are you happy with the number you read? What was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite?

**CONTEST ALERT** Just because, leave a comment on this post answering one (or all) of the above questions and you’ll be entered to win 1 of 3 books. I have 2 copies of Instant Attraction by Jill Shalvis and 1 copy of Kill for Me by Karen Rose to giveaway. Be sure to let me know which book you’re interested in!**CONTEST ALERT**

Also – if anyone is interested in making me a “Monthly Reads” button I would be very appreciative. How about – I’ll offer a $10 gift certificate to anyone who’s willing to make me a button I can use each month.

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46 responses to “GoodReads and Holly’s January Reading List

  1. Dev

    Hey Holly! No need to enter me in the contest 🙂

    Yes, I keep track of what I read, and everything in my TBR pile. For the most part, my goodreads account is just for books I’ve read (or am currently reading); my librarything account has everything.

    I must say though, after actually giving goodreads a try, a think I might even like them better than librarything.

  2. Tabitha

    Hi Holly, don’t count me in the contests either. I already have a copy of Instant Attraction — thanks to you ladies! 🙂 — and my copy of Kill for Me will be on its way shortly.

    …I just want to say I’m so glad to hear that Kill for Me was a great read. I’m looking forward to your review!!

  3. *Four of those were Spice Briefs, which means they were very short, so they barely count*

    Hush it. ALL of them count. We’re all so busy that every bit of reading time is precious. Dammit. *firm nod*

    For the contest:

    Yep, I’m keeping better track this year too, right on a page on my blog. I am very happy that I got thirteen books read in January ’09 (normal # is more four books) and my favorite of the month was the three currently published Vampire Academy series books by Richelle Mead. I’m hurting so hard for the fourth (doesn’t come out till AUGUST now) it’s not even funny.

    And I am definitely interested in Shalvis’ book. Almost bought it then felt guilty about spending and put it back. What the hell’s with that?

    Email me about your button if you don’t already have a taker:

    kendamont at yahoo dot com

    No payment necessary. 🙂

  4. Oh! Instant Attraction attracts me to your contest!

    I use LibraryThing to track my reading. Looks like I read 44 books in January. I rated two of those books as five stars: Angels’ Blood and Evil Ways (Quincey Morris #2).

    I rated two of those books as two stars: Tall, Dark, and Kilted and Oceans of Fire (Drake Sisters #3). (Dear Christine Feehan – Please excise the words “channel” and “sheath” from your s3x scene writing immediately. Thank you.)

  5. I would love to win Instant Attraction!

    I don’t keep track of monthly reads, but I do read several books a month. For January, my favorites were Lucky Charm by Carly Phillips and The Price of Pleasure by Connie Mason. Least favorite- A Christmas to Remember by Kay Stockholm.

  6. I keep track of my yearly reads, but not my monthly. My favorite book for January was Lora Leigh’s, Only Pleasure. My least favorite was Veil of Midnight by Lara Adrian.

  7. I am keeping track of my reads for 2009 also. I did not know about the website though. I have jsut done it on an excel spread sheet.
    I would be interested in KIll for Me. I just bought Jill’s new book today!!

  8. I definitely keep track of all the books I have read. I started doing this back in 2004 just using a Word Document. I would write down the title and then a blurb so I could remember the details of the book. In 2006 I started tracking my reads on an Excel sheet. It not just keeps track of what I read but I can use it to pull stats of the books at the end of the year.
    I can tell you in 2008 I read 110 books… 3 were re-reads all the rest new. I read 21 new authors, 42 audiobooks, 25 ebooks, 4 anthologies. Best month was January with 14 reads and worse was a tie between May and October. The information stored in my sheet is priceless for me. I can see how my reading habits have changed over the years.
    I just posted my January reads on my blog:

    I read 23 books this past month which was Excellent… honestly as long as I can average about 10 books a month, I feel good.

    Favorite this month was Laurell K. Hamilton’s Swallowing Darkness followed closely by Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling books. Worse of the lot was an erotica title by Annmarie McKenna (new Author for me).
    I have never read Shalvis and her book has been everywhere so if my name is pulled out of the hat, I would love to recieve her book.

  9. I’ve read 7 books in January, my favorite was Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris. I’d like to be included for Jill’s book since I already have the read by Karen!

  10. I started that this year. I tried last year, but I was writting it down, this year I have created an excel spreadsheet and I am keeping track that way. So far in Jan ’09 I have started and finished 32 books and I have had 2 DNF. I am curious now how many books I read in a year.
    I already have Instant Attraction but I have kill for Me on my to buy list 😀

  11. Hi Holly, thanks for the giveaway/contest. I would love to be entered for a copy of Instant Attraction. As for latest reads, I really enjoyed Jade Lee’s Blaze title The Concubine. I’m guessing it is fairly historically accurate, and I found it all quite fascinating. As for keeping track, I don’t really. I just keep my latest favs at my bedside table, or go to some comfort re-reads if I’m between new books!

  12. I don’t have a lot of time to read lately as I am busy writing, so I don’t keep track of what I read, I just read.

    I would like Instant Attraction.


  13. No, I haven’t kept track yet, but I like the idea of it, so I might start. I could even do it for last month since all of the books I read last month are currently still sitting right next to my bed.

    My favorite read last month was L.L. Foster’s Servant: The Acceptance. It would be hard for me to choose a least favorite, though, as only the good ones stick in my memory and I’m not at home in order to go through the books I read.

  14. I would love to enter the contest!

    I do not keep track of my monthly reads (not much of a list-maker). My favorite read for the month was probably Dark Fever by Karen Marie Moning (just discovered the series and I’m completely addicted).

    Least favorite…hmm…Christine Feehan’s latest, Murder Game. Bah.

  15. Great list!! The Briefs count toward the count. (sorry really strange smirk there when I re-read.)
    I use my libraryThing for cataloging my books. I use my blog to track my reads (lots of saved drafts). That is a good idea with the goodreads account.
    I had not quite figured out what I wanted to do with that account. Currently I have my e-book list there.

  16. I do try to keep track of the books I read, via Good Reads, but sometimes I forget to update it.

    My favorite book this month? Fire Me! by Libby Malin. No least favorites, I’ve liked them all. 🙂

  17. I too use GoodReads to keep track of the books that I read/reread. It looks like I’m up to 14 for Jan. and I find it’s a great way to keep me motivated.
    I’d love to be put in the contest for Instant Attraction! Thanks

  18. I’ve never kept up with my books to much, only when the new book pile goes down. At the moment am reading Charlotte Featherstone Addicted and I adore it!

  19. I use a spreadsheet program now to keep track of books I’ve read, can keep track of all sorts of info, tailored to me vs. trackers on the net. I read 15 books in January and had a good month, nothing I didn’t like. The best was Marry the Captain by Carla Kelly, followed closely by The Legacy by TJ Bennett.

    I haven’t read Shalvis yet and would like to get that one, though I wouldn’t mind either as both are on my wishlist.

  20. I keep track of what I read too. In three (I know, but I love lists) different places – on paper, paperbackswap, and goodreads. I really like goodreads because I can put down the date I read it too. So far I think Im doing better than usual. For 2009 the number of books read is 9. Favorite so far was Magic Lost, Trouble Found by Lisa Shearin, least favorite was Manhunt in the Wild West by Jessica Anderson (an average read really, I wouldn’t say horrible). Oh and put me down for Instant Attraction.

  21. Tabitha

    I just realized I didn’t answer the questions here…I don’t keep track of my monthly reads because I constantly forget to. But since I can finish most books (full-length novels) every other day or so, I would estimate about 15+ books per month, give or take a few. For this past month, I have read 15 books. If I can read at least 10 a month, I am happy because that meant my commute to/from work wasn’t boring. My fave read for January was Coyote’s Mate by Lora Leigh, Count to Ten by Karen Rose as a re-read, and Love You to Death by Melissa Senate for least fave.

  22. I would love to be entered to win a copy of Instant Attraction by Jill Shalvis.

    I have always kept track of the books that I have and what I have read, but this year I have decided to actally keep track of what I read each month. I plan on transferring my booklist and reads to a spreadsheet but I have just started.

  23. Seneca

    Yay, Holly, I’m thrilled that you are keeping track.

    No need to enter me in the contest, I won the last one 🙂

    I do keep track, I started doing it last year, and I can’t imagine not doing it.
    I read 14 books. The year is off to a good start!

  24. Hey, I said the Spice Briefs barely count. You see that didn’t stop me from listing them. 🙂

    I really like how easy GoodReads is to use and I find it’s easy enough to keep track there. I just added another shelf for months, so hopefully it’ll be easier to keep track that way.

    KMont, I’ll email you shortly about the button. THANKS!!

  25. Lori

    I’m trying to keep track this year. So far I’m just doing it on the sidebar of the blog (and I don’t grade, which makes it all that much easier). All I have to do is click the edit button on the widget and add in my reads as I finish them. Hopefully, that will help.

    But then again, why do I bother? I think it’s just for that end of the year post, LOL.

    Best book last month hands down was The Kite Runner. Worst one last month was probably For the Sake of the Children (A HSR).

    And I would Kill for Kill for Me. Currently waiting for it from the library.

  26. Wendy

    Spice Briefs do to count. Says the girl who has been counting all the HH Undones she’s read.

    I keep track of my reading. I was using Microsoft Access database, but this year I moved it over to a Google Docs spreadsheet. That way I can access it on ANY computer that has an Internet connection. Cuz I have OCD like that.

    Best read of last month? Reining In The Rancher by Templeton. A lot of B and C reads last month, but that was the one that truly stood out from the pack.

    Oh, and yes, I be a contest ho. The Karen Rose please.

  27. Jane

    I have a GoodReads account, but I haven’t updated it in a long time. I don’t really keep track of my monthly reads. I’m pretty happy if I read 10-15 books a month. My favorite read for the month was “The Hollow” by Nora Roberts.

  28. Er, i left an earlier comment but forgot to mention which book I would be interested in: Either would work fine! I’m a fan of both authors!

  29. I have a few spreadsheets that I use to keep track of what I read. There is one for each year that Rosario originally designed. There are graphs to show books read, types and setting, and all sorts of other things! The other spreadsheet I keep is one that I have been keeping for a number of years now and records the books I have read, the ones I own that I haven’t read yet, my TBR list, my library due dates and where I am up to with series that I am reading.

    In terms of reading for January, I have a really crap month. Second month in a row which is almost unheard of, but never mind! It looks as though February is picking up because I have already finished too books! Go me!

  30. Anonymous

    Oooo, would love a shot at Instant Attraction.

    I’ve been keeping track of my reads since I was a teenager. Used to do it with pen and paper, now just use a simple form in my word processing program. I also keep track at paperbackswap, it helps me not order duplicate books.

    My favorite read for January was probably Midsummer Moon by Kinsale. Can’t remember my least favorite. — willaful

  31. I wrote a long comment but it didn’t go through – just my luck. So this one is going to be a bit shorter

    I write specific details (author, title, how many pages, what was the date, really short synopsis, grade from one star to five star) to these very small books that I have bought from a bookstore. They’re designed specifically for this purpose, and are sold here in Finland.

    I read 15 books in January (one of them was re-read), which is very good because English isn’t my native language (and all of the books were in English). I also read 8 Harlequins, but I don’t count them because there were in my native language (Finnish).

    I loved almost all the books I read. My favorite was Laura Lee Guhrke’s “And Then He Kissed Her”. Also Sherrilyn Kenyon’s “Acheron” and Richelle Mead’s “Storm Born” were really good. My least favorite was one Harlequin because h/h were a bit older (45/50), and I just couldn’t put myself in their position (I’m 27 years old).

    If I were to win the contest, I would like to have “Instant Attraction”.

  32. Maered

    The best book for January is definitely Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs. Her series is getting better and better with each book. Everyone should read it. 🙂

    Either book would be great to win!

  33. Rowena

    Haha, alright, we get the hint..we’ll help you and we’ll even join you and do this monthly list of reads together, what do you think? LOL.

    Alright, I keep track of the books that I read on my blog, in an excel spreadsheet and I was supposed to keep a list going with you (you know, to keep you motivated and all, haha) on Good Reads but I haven’t logged into GR in a good long while. So much for motivation, huh? LOL…maybe you should motivate me? haha.

    My favorite read for last month would probably have to be…The Winter Rose or Dark of Night. Does DoN count since I started it in Jan and finished it Feb? I’m counting it for last month so that’s probably my favorite favorite but TWR really rocked out!

  34. My favorite read in January was by Robin Kaye and I think it’s called Romeo, Romeo, I’m terrible with titles. I read a bunch of books in January since I was too busy during the holidays to read much at all and I don’t usually keep track but now I’m trying to do the Harlequin Challenge so I’m trying to put them down on that. I would love either book since they are both great authors.

  35. No, I don’t keep track. But I should, and perhaps I will try this year. Yes, yes, yes!

    Not especially happy with this past month, but I don’t worry about it either. (Have the urge to sing “There’s Always Tomorrow” – and now I have to look up where that song is from…)

    My least favorite read of the month – so disappointing! – was the short story Stroke of Enticement by Nalini Singh from The Magical Christmas Cat.

    Also in that anthology I had my first taste of Lora Leigh. Ha ha ha! So (melo)dramatic. But I still quite enjoyed it, at least in short form.

  36. I vowed to start recapping my monthly reads as well…gotta do that quick, before Feb 3rd becomes Feb 4th…and so on. Love these lists; glad you’re doing them now too! And thanks for the reminder. *g*

  37. No need to enter me either in the contest 😀 I’m glad that you’re keeping track of your reading list 🙂 I like going through ppl’s reading list and find new suggestions 🙂

    Is GoodReads easy to use? I have to say, google doc is nice.

  38. Hi Holly,

    I don’t keep track of the number of books I read month, but I do have a list of every book I have read over the past 15 years or so. And yes it is overwhelmingly long! I also have a list of all the books in my TBB pile.

    I would love to win “Instant Attraction”!

  39. Contest is now closed.

    Wendy (not SLWendy)
    Jennifer B.

    If you would like to be entered in the contest I need to know which book you prefer.

    Winners will be announced later today.

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