I Need Help!

Posted January 12, 2009 by Holly in Discussions | 12 Comments

A few months ago my neighbor invited me to join her book club. Approximately 10 ladies (all teachers or former teachers) get together to discuss various books. My first month we discussed Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. The month after we discussed The Road by Cormac McCarthy (what a dark, depressing read). This month we’re discussing Demon Angel by Meljean Brook (it was my pick, as I’m sure you guessed).

The problem? I need book discussion questions. Do you know the kind I’m referring to? Here’s an example from Random House‘s website for The Road. Since I’m feeling decidedly unable to come up with intelligent questions, I’m asking all of you for help.

I probably need 5 or 10 good discussion questions. Anyone feel up to the challenge? Please?!!?

I would really appreciate it. I’m sure the book club would, too.

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12 responses to “I Need Help!

  1. I’m so sorry Holly. This is sitting by my bed to be read by me later this month, so I’m completely clueless when it comes to the plot!

  2. Rowena

    Damn, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read this one. I don’t remember anything, let me get back to you on this one.

  3. Nalini, Please don’t stop – keep going!

    I don’t suppose you’d be willing to type up questions for me? Please?!?!

    I just can’t seem to think lately. it’s depressing.

  4. Are most in your book club new to romance?

    If so, this may not help, but you could discuss how Meljean Brook defies traditional romantic conventions such as placing High in the role of innocent and Lilith as the seducer.

    Because you’ve read Twilight: maybe also a discussion regarding how the paranormal mythology in Twilight compares to that in Demon Angel.

    Sorry I’m not more help! I’m in a romance book club, but we don’t come prepared with questions. We basically just end up talking mostly about characters and the romance- what worked, what didn’t, etc.

  5. I guess they used to just sit and discuss the books, but then they found the question lists and decided to have them prepared beforehand. I normally wouldn’t worry too much about it, but since they don’t read much romance and I suggested the book, I kind of feel like I need to set a good example.

  6. One comment I see a lot — and are always varying opinions on — is about the structure of the book, especially the very long Part I.

    Some readers love that section, some see it as a long, unnecessary prologue. So you might ask whether the structure worked for them/added to the romance, or detracted from it.

    I’ll come up with a few more as I think of them.

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