What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted November 17, 2008 by Tracy in Features | 19 Comments

Hey folks! Happy Sunday!

Things around these parts were quiet this week – I like it that way more often than not.

I did get to Rancho Cucamonga yesterday where there was a Southern California Get Together. Not everyone from So Cal was there but there were a few of us and it was great getting to finally meet some of these folks! We shopped at Borders for a while then went and had some lunch then had a book swap (17 more books to add to my collection). Fun! Unfortunately there were a ton of fires going on in So Cal yesterday and lots of freeway closures so Nikki and I had to take a long roundabout way of getting to the get together but we made it. Alice got to the GT but then due to a closure couldn’t get home. She ended up going home with Rosie. Then Wendy and her Man got evacuated because there was a fire practically in their backyard. They met us all and then went home with Rosie as well. I was kind of jealous of the fun slumber party they were having! 🙂 (btw – Wendy and her Man are home now and their apartment is safe! YAY!) Here we all are in all our glory:

Alice, Nikki, Rosie, Wendy, Me & Lori
Ok – On to the books I read this week. I read a lot this week. A lot of the stories were novellas or shorts (some uber short). And, I want to be a nice, kind person and post book covers for you…but I just don’t have it in me tonight, sorry. Hopefully you’ll survive!

Up first was Moon Madness by Mina Carter. A short novella about a werewolf woman running from her pack alpha and having lots of hot sex! lol You can read my review on The Book Binge.Next up was Demon Bound by Meljean Brook. Holy demons Batman! Just an awesome, awesome read. You can read my thoughts a couple of posts back. Meljean is just an incredible story teller and I love reading her books.

Riding Temptation by Jaci Burton was next. The second book in the Wild Riders series. This was a great story about Diaz and Jesse and I loved it. Burton’s such a fun author to read.

Sugar Shack by Paisley Scott was next. Cute little novella about a man and woman who hadn’t seen each other in 10 years. She’d broken up with him because he wanted to stay put in Vermont and she wanted adventure. She’s back in Vermont now and seeing the error of her ways. I thought our hero accepted her a little too quickly for what she’d put him through but overall it was a good story.

Next up were 3 short stories: Mischief in the Garage by Liza James (7 pages) this was a small continuation story of one she’d previously written. Sex on a riding lawn mower – I haven’t tried that one yet. Cute story. (this is actually a free read from Wilder Rose Press)
Then there was Cowboy by Delilah Devlin. Great little erotic short (about 10 pages) of a woman and a cowboy stuck in a storm. This was my fav of the 3.
Then there was One Sinful Night by Jalena Burke (22 pages and I couldn’t find a site for her to link to). I did not like this story at all. Sorry. Woman at a party kissing a guy – suddenly transported to a different house – wakes up and has had sex and been turned into a vampire. Vampire guy nowhere in sight. The woman was just TSTL let’s put it that way.

Another novella: Passions by Jennifer Cole. Woman working at Caribbean resort and meets 2 men from a different universe who say she’s their mate. Review will be up sometime soon on TBB.

Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase. Just a great, well written book. I loved the h/h and their banter throughout the book. Dain was a great ass but redeemable. Jessica was a little like a Mack truck in some parts of the book but I loved them when they were together. Loved this one.

A Delicious Taboo by Jennifer Cole. After reading Passions I was a little curious about her other work. I got this book and I basically misunderstood the premise. I thought there would be 2 different menage’s involved. Actually it was a 4 man 1 woman group romp. Huh. 2 male bi couples each want the woman to be their 3rd. They basically try to see who she’ll pick. Things get uh, heated.

Heaven by Jet Mykles. I’ve been meaning to read this forever and finally did it. It was an interesting m/m story about Johnnie Heaven and his obsession with a straight hotel manager. As much as I liked the story I thought there wasn’t as many getting to know each other parts. It’s probably the girl in me since the story was about men, but still. I’ll definitely be reading the other books in the series.

And last but not least…Wild by Lori Foster. As Nikki and I were in the car for a few hours yesterday we of course were talking about books. She recommended this one that I hadn’t read and lent it to me. I really liked the story – and having not read the previous books in the series it was fine as a stand alone.
Happy Reading!

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19 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. That is sooo totally cool that you have a small group of friends you can get together with and share books and stuff!

    I’m a bit envious :). I have my mom and I’m thankful for that, but…

  2. Oh!! I love the GT picture!!! I’m so happy that you guys all met and had so much fun together. I wish I was there, too! 😀

    I have been hearing about the wildfires on the news and thinking of all of you. I’m so glad you’re all safe… and I hope it stays that way.

    Looks like you’ve had a great week of reading, Tracy. I love Jaci Burton’s story telling. She writes some really wonderful relationships and pretty awesome sex scenes, too.

    I’m hoping to buy Demon Bound this week. Lurve Meljean. 🙂

  3. OMG I just had a huge comment to everyone and blogger just gave me an error message and ate it! waaaaah! lol

    Lori – It was great meeting you too! It does seem like it was long ago – doesn’t it?

    Amy – It was nice getting to meet everyone and of course the book swap was great. I found out Nikki lives in the same city as me and works very close to my work so I’ve got yet another book swap friend nearby!

    Wendy you looked great and you were safe – that’s what’s important. And believe me – after riding in Nikki’s convertible I was a little windblown – but it was so fun!

    Sula – LOS was fab! Are all her books that good?

    Christine – there is a fire in my city currently but not near my work or home which is good. The air quality is horrid – it’s like breathing hickory mud.
    Burton is great – I don’t think I’ve read anything of hers that I didn’t like.

    KB – you have so many bloggers near you. You need to have NJ/NY blogger get together!

  4. OK. Now Tracy there is a POSSIBILITY that I’ll be in LA in Feb. I want to see you guys too!! WAH!

    I’ll let you know. Maybe we can have lunch (no.japanese.beer.)

  5. Hey what do you have against Japanese beer? lol

    OMG that would be so incredible! Keep me posted and I’ll have my people call your people. (I mean, I’ll email you.)

  6. So excellent books LOVE the Heaven series but I understand what you mean by that. You might like the next few b/c the guys all know their SO’s a little bit better. This is my guilty pleasure LOL

    Love LOS glad you were able to read it.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing okay with the fires that has to be extremely scary. Keeping you guys in my thoughts!

  7. Hey Tracy! I had NO IDEA you’d read Sugar Shack. You are so sneaky! 🙂 Thanks for the mention and I’m glad you liked it. It’s part of an upcoming anthology where I — along with 3 other Scarlet writers — wrote my take on Dan Fogelberg’s song: Same Old Lang Syne. Two lovers meet after breaking up years before, etc…
    You’re a sweetie for reading it and reviewing it! (And I love the pic of you up there!)

  8. I must have screwed up my comment on your blog though, cuz I thought I told you! Oh well lol. Thanks for visiting Paisley. I love that Dan Fogelberg song so maybe I’ll have to check out the anthology. 🙂

    Kristie – I wish everyone could have been there but I understand it would have been hard to travel to CA for the day! lol

  9. I had so much fun and excitment. The parking lot book swap was one of the best part. 😀

    I do wish everyone was there and that Wendy didn’t have to go through that scare, but I’m still happy we all made it.

    More people next time for sure.

  10. Jealous jealous jealous. Not only of the meet up but also of the # of books you read this week. Cripes! I think I finished one last week. 🙁 So sad.

    I still can’t believe you only just now read LOS. Aren’t you so sorry you waited so long? 😛

  11. Sarai – thanks for the heads up on the second book – it did sound really good.

    Alice – It was SOOO fun. Just a great time. It was funny to see Wendy’s Man just looking at us like we were aliens. I don’t think he really believed there were women out there that were as crazy about books as Wendy is! lol

    Holly – yeah, I’m not sure how I finished that many books – but most were novellas and shorts so that’s probably it.
    LOS – I kept meaning to read it but I felt guilty about getting a book from the library when I have a crap load at home to read! lol

  12. Hi Tracy! I sure hope you enjoyed Mischief in the Garage by Liza James (my alter ego *G*)! You’ll have to try the riding lawnmower sometime. Best research I ever did…LOL I also write non-erotic romance as Donna marie Rogers, so hopefully you’ll give me a try sometime. 🙂

  13. Hey Donna/Liza!

    Thanks for popping by. I DO plan on reading the first part of the story sometime soon. I’ve been trying to be good about not buying books because my TBR is HUGE! 🙂 I will look into your DMR books as well – thanks for the heads up.

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