August 2, 2008…

Posted March 12, 2008 by Rowena in Discussions, Promotions | 15 Comments

….who’s going to read it?

I haven’t yet decided what I’m going to do about Breaking Dawn. Dare I read it and hope for the best and possibly be so disappointed and disgusted with Bella like I was in Eclipse that I will totally and utterly forget the perfection (okay almost perfection) that was Twilight? On one hand, I want to know what happens but on the other hand, I’m scared of what might happen. So many things can happen to either make me happy or piss me the hell off that I’m stuck trying to find out what part of me is going to win.

So tell me guys…

Who’s going to read Breaking Dawn and are you excited?

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15 responses to “August 2, 2008…

  1. I am beyond excited about this book! Will Edward and Bella get married? Will she changed? Most importantly will the have sex? I NEED TO KNOW!!!

  2. Excited? Meh. More curious than anything. I will definitely read it I too have to know what happens but I’m with you I’m worried about Bella’s TSTL antics. Guh.

  3. I’m definitely looking forward to reading it. I don’t know about “excited”, but I’ve preordered it rather than getting on the request list at the library.

    I’ve read the whole series, discovering Twilight shortly after it was published and eagerly anticipating each new release. Yes, I’ve been annoyed with the characters at times, but overall think the books have been creative, well-written, and interesting.


  4. I’ll be buying and reading it as soon as it comes out. I want resolution to Bella & Edward’s story and I really need to know what’s going to happen to Jacob. I agree with you, Rowena, that Twilight absolutely outshines both New Moon and Eclipse, so while I anxiously await the release of Breaking Dawn, I am not expecting the magic of Twilight.

  5. Rowena


    I want to know all of those things too especially the ..will they finally have sex? Yeesh.


    Yeah I know what you mean…I’m jumping for joy at the prospect of reading it like I was for New Moon and then Eclipse…oh goodness, after Eclipse all of smiles and happy dances just faded into the sunset.


    YES, you do.


    You’re right…these books are well written and written to get people talkin (whether purposely or not, they are) and I’ve been so pissed off at Bella that months after I’ve read it, I still get red in the face (and not from blushing) remembering Bella and her “love” for Jacob…*rolls eyes*.


    I’d love to know what happens with Jacob as well…and I’m really dying to know who will play him in the movie.

  6. Oh man, I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven’t read any of Meyer’s books. I will have to see what all the fuss is about. Hmm, some research is in order.

  7. Caitlyn

    i can’t wait for breaking dawn to come out i hope that Bella and Edward to get married and i don’t care about jacob i have no interest in him.

  8. Rowena

    Jill D,

    Let me save you some trouble. The order of the books are as followed:

    New Moon

    And in August,

    Breaking Dawn

    When you read them, let us know how you liked them, they’re wildly popular! =)

  9. Dev

    I’ll be reading it, definitely. I’m not as excited about it as kiddo, of course, but I’m looking forward to it.

  10. I’m super stoked to read Breaking Dawn. I think I’m one of the very very few that actually loved Eclipse and found it the best book of the three so far *ducks* And personally…I love Jacob, moreso than Edward *ducks again*

    Will Bella ‘turn’? Will she and Edward really get married? I’m excited to see how Ms. Meyer handles the story.

  11. I read Twilight but wasn’t caught enough by it to keep reading the series. I think I donated it to charity (I can’t recall for sure–I’m in a dorm and most of my paperbacks are still at home).

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