Summer Binge Contest

Posted June 30, 2007 by Holly in Giveaways | 28 Comments

There’s nothing I love better than summer. Even living in Southern Cali where temps can soar into the mid 100’s, I still love it. I love the sunshine, the trips to the beach, the BBQ’s, the fireworks, moonlit walks on hot summer nights and reading. Is there anything better than laying by the pool with a cool drink and a hot book?

To help kick off summer, and to celebrate Independence Day, we here at Book Binge want to help you overload on good books. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite books by our favorite authors along with some new summer releases. We love nothing more than sharing our favorite books with our friends, and that’s exactly what we’re doing now.

We’ve each complied a list of our five favorite reads and we’re offering one lucky winner 2 books of their choice from each of our lists. That’s a total of 6 new summer reads.

But that’s not all!

We’re also offering two new releases of your choice. And the kicker? It can be any two new releases for the entire summer! Dying for the new Harry Potter book, but not too excited about spending the money for it? Well, we’ll take care of it. Want to try the new Linda Howard, but don’t want to pay the hardback price for it? We’ve got you covered. As long as the release date is between the months of June and August, it’s yours from us.

Holly’s List

  • Paradise by Judith McNaught
  • Virgin River by Robyn Carr
  • Demon Moon by Meljean Brook
  • Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
  • Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie

Isabel’s List

  • The Wedding by Julie Garwood
  • The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
  • One Night of Scandal by Teresa Medeiros
  • To Tame a Highland Warrior by Karen Marie Moning
  • Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas

Rowena’s List

  • See Jane Score by Rachel Gibson
  • The Kept Woman by Susan Donovan
  • Heart of Fire by Linda Howard
  • Heartbreaker by Julie Garwood
  • The Unsung Hero by Suzanne Brockmann

Entering is simple and easy. We want to know what you love best about summer. Is it the lazy, hot summer nights with your significant other? The extra time with your children? The trips to the beach? Simply answer here in our comments section or on your own blog, and then leave us a link. Your name will automatically be entered and on July 1st we’ll draw the name of the lucky winner. Your books and tote will be mailed no later than the 2nd so you’ll have them for the July 4th holiday. Our international readers can enter, too, but unfortunately we can’t guarantee you’ll have your books by July 4th.

Enter today!

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28 responses to “Summer Binge Contest

  1. Karen W.

    I’m first? Well, I live in south Florida, and it’s hard to love summer with all the heat, humidity, and hurricanes, so I’ll be snarky and say what I love about it is that the tourists and snowbirds finally go home. 😉

  2. Summer still means “School’s Out!” Of course with Shmoo going to be a senior next year, I guess next summer will have a whole new meaning.

    But right now it still means more time with my kids and family. We stay up late, sleep late and have game night with friends and family. Too hot to cook, so lots of BBQ and microwave popcorn. Of course, no summer is complete without movies, movies, movies! Right now we are excited to see Harry Potter and the new Bourne movie.

    This is a fab idea.

  3. I have to say the pool. I’m always reading more because the kids entertain themselves in the pool while I read my book.

    Of course, once they go in the deep pool I have to put the book down and go be good Mummy and get in with them.

    I’m also lucky to live somewhere where it’s pretty warm all year around.

  4. I love summer because that’s when the city comes alive with events. There are many summer festivals that get the people of the city out and about, to celebrate food, dragon boat races, cultures, music, fireworks…there’s something of interest for everyone!

    My favorite is the HSBC Celebration of Light. Four nights of fireworks competitions. It’s free, your on a beach and the sky lights up for 20 minutes to music. It’s simply magical!

  5. Lori

    Wow – you guys totally rock! I’m here in So Cal, too, and I just love all that sunshine, getting tanned and laying out, sweating in the sun on a towel with one foot in the pool. I also love being able to eat dinner outside on the patio every night. On paper plates LOL. And I love laughing at myself the way I do every year when I say how much I can’t wait for school to end, and then about two days later I can’t wait for school to start again. *g*

  6. Holy Generosity Batman!

    What I love about summer?

    hmmm lets see there’s:

    boogie boarding on waves,
    rita’s italian ice,
    the sting of sunburn,
    swimming pools,
    backyard bbq’s, and of course,
    my birthday!

    LOVE summertime!

  7. Awesome contest. I mentioned it in my blog for ya.

    I love summer because it’s the opposite of winter, lol.
    I love the heat, the sun, the sweat. I love playing outside with my kids and collecting bugs and other summer nature samples to investigate under the microscopes.
    The best is when I have a big baby belly, and I get to show it off in my faourite little black bikini. I can never show off my tummy in the winter unless I want to freeze.

    Another good thing about summer is being able to kick my kids outside when they start to drive me mental. Running around and having water-fights all day is fun to watch. Although, the mess on my floor when they come back inside the house isn’t pretty. Logan is old enough to clean that all up himself now. Hehe.

    The absolute number one best thing about summer, is swimming naked in our pool. We can’t do it during the day because there is always a neighbor who ends up knocking on the fence door wanting to be let in. Once it’s dark and most of the people around here are sleeping, it’s lovin’ in the pool time.

  8. I love summer because it’s warm and it’s usually vacation time 😛 no school 😀 and you don’t have to wear as much clothes 😛 LOL 😀 and you can hang out outside without freezing!

    girls, thanks for doing this contest 😀 it’s awesome!

  9. Wendy

    Living in So. Cal., every day is summer – but I’m going to go with vacation and my birthday. If life is going according to plan, I usually take some sort of vacation in the summertime and my birthday is in July. I’m still not old enough to dread my birthday 🙂

  10. I love Summer time. The fact that it is still light for a couple of hours after I get home from work, so can sit on the deck and have a drink or whatever, instead of it being dark and cold.

    Given that we are in winter now, and I am sick of being cold, I love it when the mornings are warm enough so that it is pleasant to go outside, and I love being able to go for a walk after work without freezing!

  11. I love Summer because I’m a water baby at heart. I love swimming whether it’s in a pool or the ocean. If I could afford my own indoor pool, I would be in Heaven all year round lol.

  12. Mad

    I love summer because I get a break from all the running around I do during the school year with the girls! Sleeping in, staying up late at night, reading more, all those good things. 🙂


  13. I love wearing sandals or going barefoot, the cool drinks, being on the water, the sun! The great music – being able to go to an outdoor evening concert at the park is always fun.

  14. Jill Dunlop

    Wow, what a generous contest ladies!

    I love summer because it stays light out much longer. I also like the laid back feeling that the summer months evoke. Someone else mentioned movies and I have to second that. All the big blockbusters usually come out during the summer.

  15. Sounds fun!

    My answer is simple. We don’t have 4 seasons, and summer is the only season we have over here, so of course we have to love it! LOL.

  16. My favorite thing about summer is being able to spend time outside after the long cold winter and the rainy spring. I love to go to the beach and read. I also love to sit outside on the screen porch in the wee hours of the morning before work and relax. Oh, and vacation. I always get time off from work during the summer. I think that has to go to the top of my list. lol

  17. What do I love about Summer? I love the warmth. Actually it gets downright hot here in North Carolina, so when your in the scorching heat and then you walk into a place with air conditioning, I swear that’s similar to Heaven. And I have to say, I love not having to deal with school bus caused traffic jams.

  18. Wow! What a great contest!

    I think my favorite thing about summer is being able to go to the beach for the day (or longer). I’m not a swimmer or a sun-tanner. I just love to be near the ocean, to wander along the coast, and to breath in the sea air. I think I’ll go this weekend!!

  19. I love summer because it’s warm enough to sit on my porch and read or just observe nature and people. Now that I have kids, they are starting to enjoy sitting on the porch too. My oldest throws a fit when I make her come back inside. I love eating ice cream and popsicles and just soaking in the warmth. It’s so inviting and comforting at the same time. If I’m not sitting on my porch I love Camping and swimming! Summer is definitely the best season.

  20. Marie

    I love summer because the days are longer, and you can get more done. I love my sandals with the little heels… they’re so fun to wear with everything. I love the HEAT.

  21. what i love about summer is all the blockbuster movies. eating popcorn in a nice cool theater is the best.

    also, taking max to the beach-he loves swimming!!

    great contest ladies. 😛

  22. Ooh, squeaking in under the wire. I’m not a huge summer fan. The heat and humidity get to me after awhile.

    I do like wearing the kiddies out with lots of outside time so they go to bed early:)

    Also eating ice cream and Italian ices.

    Oh, and my birthday.

  23. Well, I hate winter so yeah, I love summer. Hot weather, shorts and loose Ts, bonfires, pools, BBQs. Going to towns nearby and shopping along the street. Fairs, kids laughter, windows open in the house and car, laying in the pool and staring at the night sky.

    Love it!!


  24. Summer rocks! I live in PA where we get all the seasons, so every year I wait with baited breath for summer to come. I love going to work, getting out and it still being light out. I love wearing my sexy skirts with no panty hose and cute sandals. I LOVE the beach with the sand and salty ocean air, then walking on the board walk and eating pizza and ice cream.
    I love my kids playing so hard outside all day that when night comes they literally crazy on their beds. I love the healthy tan that brightnes up my kids faces, and the icecream truck that has them screaming. I just plain old love the heat….Oh and lets not forget all the hotties with their gym shorts and workout shirts outside washing their cars. YES I TALKING ABOUT MEN! Dirty dirty girls! lol.

    There are a million other things I love about summer but I’ll leave it at that for now. lol.

    Great contest.

  25. What I love best about summer? Watermelon and vacation, but not necessarily in that order 🙂 I hate the heat, so it’s definitely not the weather!

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