Tag: Stephanie Klein

Rowena Meets Stephanie Klein!

Posted June 12, 2008 by Rowena in Promotions | 2 Comments

Monday night, I rushed over to Book Soup, a small bookstore in West Los Angeles where I was to meet today’s author interviewee, Stephanie Klein.

Stephanie is author of two books, Straight Up and Dirty and Moose. The Greek Gods are surely smiling down on her because Stephanie Klein has led a life that you would totally read about in our favorite books and she’s very open about her less than confident childhood, where she battled with her weight in Moose.

I walked into the bookstore a few minutes late for my interview (damn that L.A. traffic) and I walked around until I found Stephanie, happily chatting away with a group of people. She looked adorable in her summer dress and before I could blink, we were led into a really small room where the interview was conducted.

My first impression of Stephanie was that she was one of the prettiest redheads I’ve ever met in real life. She’s also very confident and proud of her accomplishments and I enjoyed my time with her.

Now on with the interview:

About Stephanie and Her Writing:

Book Binge: What did you want to be when you were younger?

Stephanie Klein: A writer. Or Annie. I have memories of myself standing on my front lawn singing, The sun will come out tomorrow…I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was in 4th grade. In English, we got those papers that was half blank and half lined, where you had to draw a picture and then write a story. I used to love those.

BB: How long did it take you to write your first book?

SK: A little over a year.

BB: What was going through your mind when you got the call that you were going to be a published author?

SK: I cried. I remember the first person I called was my Dad. I told him and I cried and I just couldn’t believe that I was being rewarded for something that I love to do.

BB: What did you do to celebrate the day you held your first published book in your hand?

SK: Well, there were different stages of celebration. When I first got my contract, I celebrated by having drinks with my friends. Then the book came out and I did some more celebrating with my friends, a lot of my celebration included lots of adult drinks.

BB: What were you doing 5 years ago?

SK: I wasn’t blogging yet. I was working full time as a VP for an Advertising Company and I was single and picking up dog crap.

BB: What are you reading now?

SK: I’m reading all of the old Judy Bloom books.

BB: Who’s your favorite author?

SK: It depends on my moods but I love David Sedaris, John Irving and Catherine Mansfield.

BB: What’s your favorite thing about being a writer?

SK: Being able to connect with readers. There’s nothing better than knowing that your words have helped others realize the good in themselves, to know that you have made a difference in other’s lives is really the best part of being a writer.

BB: What can we look forward to from you?

SK: Well, right now I’m writing a Young Adult book. It’s about a bunch of girls who are 9 going on 17 and are forced into the Girl Scouts and the hilarity that ensues.

About Moose:

BB: This is going to sound really pervy by I’ve got to ask…2nd grade? In your book, you mentioned that a girl in your second grade class, Maria was rubbing her vagina up against the edge of her desk and your teacher told her to stop but she wouldn’t. You said you knew what she was reaching for. Did you really play show your vajayjay with girls and you really knew what Maria was working toward that young an age?

SK: Oh yeah. I remember that the girl in my class who was caught was named Maria. I remember that it was Mrs. Kategan who scolded Maria and I knew exactly what Maria was doing. I knew that she was rubbing herself to an orgasm, I was always more sexual than other kids.

BB: Do you keep in touch with any of your friends from Yanisin? If so, who?

SK: I changed the name of the fat camps because there was a total of about 4-5 different camps and Yanisin means Ashamed in Navajo which is basically what everyone is when they show up at Fat Camp…ashamed. I do keep in touch with about 20 or so of my friends from camp, that’s one of the good things about fat camp is that you meet really great friends there.

BB: How if your relationship with your parents now? What did they have to say about your book Moose?

SK: They’re okay with it. My father knows now that it probably wasn’t right for him to crack up laughing when I came home from school crying because the boys were calling me Moose and he’s apologized for everything and I’m not the type of person to hold grudges so we’re all okay now.

BB: How is life treating you, post fat camp and all that? What are you up to now?

SK: Well I’m married with twins now, living in Austin, Texas and I’m pretty happy. My first book, Straight Up and Dirty was picked up by NBC and I’m just really busy, happy but busy.

BB: Why did you write Moose?

SK: Because people tend to forget their adolescence and they live by that “Someday Syndrome” where everything is, ‘Someday when I’m thin’ or ‘Someday when I’m more accomplished’ and when that someday never comes they’re unhappy with themselves. Moose is about learning to love yourself and be happy with who you are.

BB: Quick…why should people read Moose?

SK: It’s different with everyone. Teens should read this because they’ll feel less alone. They’ll learn that they shouldn’t conform to anyone’s rules. They should live in the moment because your childhood doesn’t make you who you are, you do. And Adults should read it because it’ll give them a look into their pasts. It’ll help everyone learn for themselves that they’re not so bad just the way they are.

Random Questions:

  1. Pepsi or Coke? Diet Coke.
  2. What’s your biggest weakness? Emotional neediness, I want to be wanted.
  3. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
  4. Favorite Movie? Little Women.
  5. Favorite T.V. Show? It’s a toss up between Grey’s Anatomy and Lost.
  6. Favorite color? Green.
  7. Mexico or Hawaii? Hawaii.
  8. Beach or Mountains? Beach.
  9. Fly or Drive? Fly.
  10. Boston Celtics or Los Angeles Lakers? I have no idea but I’ll drink to whoever wins.

A special thanks goes out to the folks over at Harper Collins for making this interview happen. It was a learning experience for me and I enjoyed this little venture into journalism and Stephanie Klein was a worthy first live in person author interviewee. I’d like to thank her for taking the time to meet with me and for letting me pick her brain on her life, writing and her books. She’s in the middle of a book tour right now so she’ll try to make it online to hang with us today but we can’t promise that she’ll be around.

The Book Bingers would like to wish Stephanie Klein good luck in her writing career and the different ventures she will go through in life. It was a pleasure getting to know her and I was fortunate enough to have Daphne along at the book reading/signing. She’s such a cutie! =)

Congrats to Mandy, who won a free copy of Moose which I held off in sending to her because Stephanie Klein was nice enough to sign it personally for Mandy so we hope you enjoy your book, Mandy!

Sorry the pictures are all fuzzy but on my phone, they’re crystal clear but when I open them up on my computer, they look like that…sigh* Sorry guys, but hey you still get pictures!*

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Check Out A Clip of Stephanie Klein on The Today Show.

Posted June 4, 2008 by Rowena in News | 0 Comments

STEPHANIE KLEIN, AUTHOR OF: MOOSE: A Memoir of Fat Camp, was a guest on THE TODAY SHOW this morning, Wednesday, June 4th.

To watch the clip, click here: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/24893686/.

I’m meeting with Stephanie Klein this coming Monday and I cannot wait, she looks great and so nice! Stay tuned for more information on Stephanie Klein visiting Book Binge next week. =)

This book is available from Harper Collins. You can buy it here.

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Posted May 30, 2008 by Rowena in Giveaway Winners | 3 Comments

The winner for the hard cover of Moose by Stephanie Klein was picked out of a hat by my niece, Cheridan and she was super excited to be apart of the choosing of this winner. =)

And the winner is:


Congratulations Mandy and thanks to everyone who entered the little contest, we here at Book Binge really enjoy giving books away and we love to spread the wealth so there will be plenty other contests! =)

Mandy, please email us at the book binge at gmail dot com (no spaces) with your snail mail addy and we’ll get that book shipped off to you as soon as we can.

Thanks again to everyone who entered and happy reading ya’ll!

-Rowena, Holly and Casee

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Contest Round Up: Last Chance To Enter

Posted May 30, 2008 by Holly in Giveaways, Reviews | 5 Comments

Today is your last chance to enter some of the great contests we’ve got running this week.

Only four hours left until the Pimp Jessica Andersen contest is closed. If you haven’t already, go post a quick note on your blog/website/myspace page about it, then leave a link for us in the comments. You have to do it by noon today according to the timestamp on the blog, though.

Leave a comment on Rowena’s review of Moose by Stephanie Klein and be entered to win a hardback copy. You have until midnight, so don’t delay! D’oh! I really shouldn’t try to post stuff before I’ve had coffee in the morning. The contest for Moose actually ended at midnight last night, which means the winner will be announced today (in like half an hour). Really, I’m going home and going back to bed. *sigh*

Leave a comment on Midnyte Dupree’s guest blog and you just might win a free download of her most recent novella, Finding Her Place.

And don’t forget to check out Shiloh Walker’s Scavenger Hunt!!

Also, be sure to check back next week. We have some great guest authors lined up to visit and quite a few more contests in store.

Guess what? It’s FRIDAY!!!! TGIF!

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Review: Moose by Stephanie Klein.

Posted May 27, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 14 Comments

Grade: 4 out of 5

With acerbic wit and captivating insight, the author of the wildly popular, Straight Up and Dirty continues her memoirs series with a funny and touching look at adolescence, sharing her memories of a summer at fat camp. Long ebfore she was a glamorous young divorcee and world-famous web personality, Stephanie Klein was an eigth grader with a weight problem; the boys called her “Moose,” and her nighttime beauty routine involved soothing “chub rub” on her inner thighs. Yearning to be thin, Klein unsuccessfully dieted. Sessions with a nutritionist known as “The Fat Doctor of Roslyn Heights” ended in frustration. By summer, Klein was enrolled in fat camp, embarking on a journey that would teach her more than just how to shed pounds. Moose is a raw and remarkably honest account of a woman who realizes at age 12, “I would be fat for the rest of my life, even if I looked thin.” Campfires, cabins, first loves, and summer are the backdrop of this coming of age story that will appeal to anyone who has ever felt like an outsider. Moose is about the universal trials of adolescence that we carry throughout our lives: the struggle to find friends, discover ourselves, and realize that who we are has little to do with our waistlines.

I saw this book on Amazon a while ago and wanted to read it when it came out. I wanted to read this book because I remember reading the author’s blog a few years ago. It was when I was going through that dating phase, where I loved reading all of those dating blogs, and then our romance community blogs and when I spent way too much time on the computer.

When I received a review copy of this in the mail, I was more than a little happy. I was pretty excited. I don’t even know what I was thinking going into this book, I just knew that I was going to enjoy it.

Now, what I liked most about this book is that this is a book about a fat girl who didn’t whine and complain about the state of her weight. This is a book about a girl telling her story, a girl who went through some really tough things growing up and didn’t let it take over her life.

A lot of people will admire Stephanie Klein more because of this book and I’m one of them. She was a worthy heroine for a good book.

She went through life being overweight. She suffered from mindless eating and she went through a lot of things to try to overcome her problem. One of the things that stood out for me while reading this book was something Stephanie said. She said something like, “I knew that I would be fat for the rest of my life, no matter how thin I get.” That stood out to me because it’s true. Holly and I have talked about this before, where “fat” is a mindset and no matter how big or how small you are, if you think you’re fat, no number on a scale is going to convince you otherwise. Stephanie Klein covered this in Moose and I thought it was eloquent because I’ve often thought this very thing.

This book is not a romance, it’s not a chick lit book, it’s a memoir of fat camp. We get to know the friends Stephanie made at fat camp and we got to know just who Stephanie Klein was and what she went through. Being fat is not easy and it’s never any fun, especially if you can’t accept the fact that you’ll never be a size 0, it’s a really good to give you perspective on life and what’s important and what’s not.

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who wants to read about what goes through an overweight teenager’s head while she’s growing up. Especially a female teenager who’s overweight. It’s never easy and it’s even worst when your peers are not nice. You won’t find a whiny tale about an overweight kid who is bemoaning her lot in life. It’s just a straight up, in your face story about Stephanie Klein.

I enjoyed it and could relate to a lot of the things that Stephanie thought about and went through. This is an easy read that opened my eyes to things about my childhood that I never really thought about. It made me realize a lot about myself and I’m glad that I read it.

Check back in a couple of weeks, I will be meeting Stephanie Klein here in L.A. and I’m totally looking forward to it. She has a great blog that is straight up in your face what she’s thinking about, holding nothing back. You can check it out, Greek Tragedy.

This book is available from William Morrow. You can buy it here.

**CONTEST ALERT** Leave a comment here to be entered to win a hardback copy of Moose! One lucky winner will be chosen at random from the comments Friday, May 30th, so be sure to comment before midnight Thursday, May 29th!! **CONTEST ALERT**

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