Tag: Wena Says

Author Spotlight: Jennifer Crusie – Calvin Morrisey

For the JC author spotlight, here is another post Ween did over at our old blog. Women the world over want one thing from men. One of many things I’m sure, but one thing in particular. To be accepted and loved for who they really are, both inside and out. Now, let’s face it, most […]

Booking Through Thursday: Mayday!

Booking Through Thursday: Mayday!

Quick! It’s an emergency! You just got an urgent call about a family emergency and had to rush to the airport with barely time to grab your wallet and your passport. But now, you’re stuck at the airport with nothing to read. What do you do?? And, no, you did NOT have time to grab […]

Author Spotlight: Linda Howard – Ben Lewis (reduex)

Holly says: Way back when, Rowena used to do a “Hero of the Week” series to spotlight her favorite heroes, but she stopped doing it (it’s a lot of work!). I was trolling through some old posts, though, and found the spotlight she did for Ben Lewis. Since we’re spotlighting Linda Howard this month, I […]

Monthly Author Spotlight: Linda Howard.

Monthly Author Spotlight: Linda Howard.

Here at Book Binge, we have decided to try our hand at spotlighting different authors every month and in addition to spotlighting an author every month, we’ll be doing an author poll of the spotlighted author and then a hero showdown of the all of the author’s heroes from her books. We think that it […]

Preconceived Notions: Can you let them go?

Holly: A few weeks ago, Rosie posted something about being an Ageist. Basically? That she’s extremely discriminate when it comes to the ages of the characters in the novels she reads. I admit, I’m guilty of this as well. My preferred ages for heroines range from 18 – 25 for historicals and 23-32 for contemporaries. […]