Tag: Vivi Andrews

Lightning Review: Ghosts of Boyfriends Past by Vivi Andrews

Posted February 12, 2019 by Holly in Reviews | 0 Comments

Lightning Review: Ghosts of Boyfriends Past by Vivi AndrewsReviewer: Holly
Ghosts of Boyfriends Past by Vivi Andrews
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: January 12, 2012
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 141
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Letting him in could mean losing him forever.

Elizabeth “Biz” Marks has the magic touch when it comes to matters of the heart—except her own. In a slightly tipsy fit of loneliness, she once tried to harness a little love mojo to work in her favor. Instead the spell mutated into a nightmarish curse that kills off her boyfriends on her favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day.

With three permanently ex-boyfriends on her conscience and another hearts-and-flowers holiday approaching, the last thing she needs is a too-gorgeous-to-be-true reporter snooping around.

Biz just has extraordinarily bad luck, or she’s a bona-fide Black Widow who bumps off her boyfriends for a chunk of the inheritance money. Either way, Mark Ellison is sure there’s a story here. Especially when his attempts to charm her send her into a panic.

The harder Biz tries to keep Mark and his beguiling dimples as far away as possible, the harder he digs to get at the truth. Now she’s beginning to wonder if his is the love that will finally break the curse...or if she’ll be burying her heart along with him.

Product WarningsThis book contains curses, meddling ghosts, nosy neighbors and enough peppermint Schnapps to drown the inhibitions of even the most cautious witch.

Ghosts of Boyfriends Past is a cute story about a witch who cursed herself, causing her boyfriends to die on Valentines day. The premise sounded a bit weird, but also intriguing. It’s currently $2.99 at Amazon.

Biz Marks is a matchmaking witch who accidentally cursed herself so all her boyfriends die on Valentines Day. Mark Ellison is a reporter who’s determined to find the dirt to prove Biz is a black widow who kills off her men.

I liked both main characters. I also like that Mark was the more romantic of the two. This was a light read, with plenty of humor and a couple sigh worthy moments. I am glad I gave it a chance.

3.5 out of 5


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Anthology Review: Winter Wishes by Vivian Arend, Vivi Andrews and Moira Rogers

Posted January 14, 2011 by Holly in Reviews | 2 Comments

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Holly‘s review of Winter Wishes by Vivian Arend, Vivi Andrews and Moira Rogers

I was pleasantly surprised by all 3 entries in this series. I picked it up because I’m a fan of Moira Rogers. I hadn’t read the other two authors before. I will be picking up more soon, however.

This collection features strong women, lots of action and men who need saving – either from outside danger or from themselves.

Three romance novellas in three paranormal worlds…

Freeze Line by Moira Rogers

A twenty-first century ice age dulls the magic that emanates from the earth. Shane Sullivan is a lone wolf above the freeze line; He has no desire to join the packs that range closer to the border, where feral instincts can turn a man into a monster. Not until the winter solstice, when he stumbles across a dying witch who needs his help to get back to her people–and her magic–in the south.

Nadia is a powerful woman in her own world, but drained by her escape from captivity in a northern lab. She knows it’s foolhardy to trust a werewolf, but he’s her only chance to survive the vast white wilderness. The farther south they travel, the harder it is for Shane to keep the beast within under control, and as their mutual attraction intensifies, Nadia’s no longer sure she wants him to.

Rogers long ago became a favorite of mine and she doesn’t disappoint here. I’m used to strong emotions from her characters along with a gripping plot, but this was better than I had anticipated. The hero was a perfectly balanced alpha male – strong, tortured and angry, but also tender and caring. Rogers often writes heroes closer to the beta side, so this was a nice surprise. The heroine was another strong woman, though she was also very vulnerable. There were times when she skirted the line of “too needy” but the circumstances warranted it and she never went too far.

I think one of the things that worked best is the almost reluctant emotional connection between the two. He’s closed off and struggling because of a tragedy in his past and his certainty that he’ll be nothing more than a monster if he loses control. She’s vulnerable because an elemental part of herself has been stripped. This opens the door for them to connect on a more primal level.

Very well done.

4.5 out of 5

No Angel by Vivi Andrews

When Sasha’s boyfriend Jay is sucked through a fiery vortex to Hell, an angel reveals that she’s been chosen as the Champion of Virtue in the battle for his immortal soul. As a perennial offender on Santa’s naughty list, Sasha can’t believe she’s anyone’s idea of a girl fighting on the side of the angels. But if she doesn’t save Jay, he’ll be stuck in Hell forever!

Jay aka Jevroth isn’t surprised to find himself back in Hell. His visa to visit the mortal plane expired three months ago, but to steal more time with Sasha he’s been ignoring his mother’s demands to come home to meet his new stepfather: Lucifer.

Sasha has until dawn on the 25th of December to fight the Legions of Hell and rescue Jay, or be trapped there for eternity herself. But now she must decide if the lying, son-of-a-demon is even worth saving…

Much to my surprise, this was my favorite of the collection. Having never read Andrews, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m excited to report a mouthy, strong, capable heroine is what I got. She was everything I love in a heroine – sarcastic, kickass and relate-able. She wasn’t perfect, or too independent or stupid. She was very refreshing. And her man was, of course, totally worthy of her.

Too often a “strong” heroine is one who says she kicks ass but is really just an idiot. That wasn’t the case here. Her strength comes through in her actions, thoughts and references. But she also had a vulnerability about her that made her easy to relate to.

The plot was interesting and kept me turning the pages. Especially because I needed to see what would happen to the sexy hero…yum.

I can’t wait to read more from Vivi Andrews.

4.75 out of 5

Tangled Tinsel by Vivian Arend

Five miles of leather-clad leg is all it takes to lure Kyle Branegan out from his carefully hidden lifestyle as part of the Cougar Corp, a secret branch of the Shifter Enforcer League. He’s hoping for a night of fun and frolic, cat-style, no strings attached. With a sultry swing of her hips, Eloise Scott tangles him up in her ball of tricks, and just when he thinks he’s about to get lucky, she cuffs him–naked–to her bed.

An undercover cop in the human police force, El’s been given a top-secret mission to keep the big cat under her paw until he’s needed to testify in court in the New Year. Her decision to take him home for a quiet Christmas in her sleepy hometown turns out to be far more interesting than she expected. Her parents are suddenly rich, her old boyfriend is sniffing around and all six-feet-plus of sexy cougar male is sleeping in her bed.

And that’s before they announce their fake engagement…

This was my least favorite story in the collection. Though I enjoyed it, it wasn’t as well fleshed out as the other two. I think there was too much going on in the background – I kept feeling like I was missing things. I assume, just based on what I read here, that this is part of a series. Unfortunately, having never read any of the previous books, I felt left out and confused much of the time.

The romance was well done. The couple worked well together and I liked that the heroine was just as strong as the hero. It isn’t often that a female bodyguard is actually a strong bodyguard. I like that Arend didn’t try to “weaken” her. Not only that, but the hero appreciated that she was the strong type. That doesn’t happen often either.

4 out of 5Overall a great collection of stories featuring strong women and the sexy men who love them.

This book is available from Carina Press. You can buy it here in e-format.

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What I Read Last Week

Posted December 6, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 12 Comments

So a pretty interesting week here in Tracyland. Well, really more of an interesting weekend.
First there’s my oldest. You remember last week I told you that she had her first boyfriend? Yeah? Well, he broke up with her the next day. I know! Little shit. lol Nah, he was nice about it but said that he thought they should just be friends. Ok, I understand that because they have been really good friends, but really? He hardly even saw her on Monday after asking her out on Sunday night and he already wanted to break up? Well, she of course, cried and cried like the world was coming to an end *sigh* poor thing. But…the story continues…this past Saturday she went to a birthday party for 2 of her friends and lo and behold the boy (yes, the same boy!) asked her out again! She accepted and was thrilled! Now during the party my daughter was acting rash (I know, how odd for a 12 year old) and she tripped, fell and hit her head. She was unconscious for about a minute (she’s absolutely fine now) but the “boyfriend” called, identified himself by name and as my daughter’s boyfriend and told me what had happened. I went to pick her up and the boy introduced himself, shook my hand – he was just very nice. On Sunday, he broke up with her. What. The. Fuck? My poor daughter was even more distraught this time and I just hugged her and told her that it was going to be ok. I’m not sure she believed me. She wasn’t forthcoming as to his reasons this time but I told her that if he asks again – at any time – she is to treat him like drugs and JUST SAY NO! My poor baby. It’s hard being 12.
On a happy note, I got an early Christmas present – a new phone! It’s a very cool LG Optimus and it has a fun touch screen (which I’m still getting used to with my big Fred Flinstone fingers) and lots of apps and it’s a complete time suck! I love it. And since Kris finally badgered talked me into joining twitter (and no, I have no effin clue what the hell I’m doing) and my phone is the only way I’ve been able to get on it – it’s great! My youngest also adores the phone since I downloaded the paper toss app – she played on that darned thing for nearly 2 hours last night. I kept saying – don’t you have anything better to do and she’d just giggle and say NO!
Now on to what I read this past week:

First up was Tempted by Fate by Kate Perry. This is book 3 in the Guardians of Destiny series. I really liked the hero in this book, Rick, who was just great. I’d read about him in the last book and he’d grabbed my attention then so it was good read about him and still like him! lol I read this one for The Book Binge and you can read my review here. 4 out of 5

Next was Simply Irresistible by Jill Shalvis. This is book one in her Lucky Harbor series and I really liked it. The story follows Maddie, a woman who has been beat down by life and literally beaten by her former fiancé but heads north to Washington from LA when she inherits a “resort” from her mother. There she meets her two estranged sisters as well as local carpenter, Jax. Jax wants Maddie from minute one but Maddie holds herself back and has to learn to trust. The book is about the romance with Jax as well as Maddie developing relationships with her sisters. I really liked this one a lot. I thought it was on it’s way to a 5 star read but it started getting a little too angsty for my liking. Still, a very good read. 4.25 out of 5

My next read was Passions of a Wicked Earl by Lorraine Heath. This was about a wicked earl and his passions. Just kidding. Well, not really, it kind of was but it was more about a husband and wife finally falling in love after A) a big mis and B) three years of separation. You can read my review here. 4 out of 5

Next was another read for The Book Binge called Awakened by a Kiss by Lila Dipasqua. This book has 3 fairy tale adaptations that I really enjoyed. The stories were based on Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood and Puss in Boots and were set in 17th century France. There were all good stories. I’ll let you know when my review posts. 4 out of 5

Winter Wishes by Vivan Arend, Vivi Andrews and Moira Rogers was my next read. This book had 3 very different Christmas paranormal stories in it and all were pretty good. You can read my review here. I rated the stories all individually in my review here but overall I think I’d say it’s a 4 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR challenge read for the week was Mistletoe and Mayhem by Christine Ridgway, Katherine Hall Page, Judi McCoy & Joanne Pence. Yes, another anthology – I seemed to read a lot of them this week. This one was lent to me a year ago at Christmas and I never got to it so I figured it’s about time. There were four stories all Christmas related that each had a bit of a mystery in them. They were all cute but none of them knocked my socks off, unfortunately. 3.25 out of 5

My Book Binge reviews that have posted since last week:
Happy Reading!

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Review: Winter Wishes by Vivian Arend, Vivi Andrews and Moira Rogers

Posted December 5, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 4 Comments

Tangled Tinsel By Vivian Arend

She’s the cat’s meow, and he’s ready to pounce!

Five miles of leather-clad leg is all it takes to lure Kyle Branegan out from his carefully hidden lifestyle as part of the Cougar Corp, a secret branch of the Shifter Enforcer League. He’s hoping for a night of fun and frolic, cat-style, no strings attached. With a sultry swing of her hips, Eloise Scott tangles him up in her ball of tricks, and just when he thinks he’s about to get lucky, she cuffs him-naked-to her bed.

An undercover cop in the human police force, El’s been given a top-secret mission to keep the big cat under her paw until he’s needed to testify in court in the New Year. Her decision to take him home for a quiet Christmas in her sleepy hometown turns out to be far more interesting than she expected. Her parents are suddenly rich, her old boyfriend is sniffing around and all six-feet-plus of sexy cougar male is sleeping in her bed.

And that’s before they announce their fake engagement…

El decides to take Kyle to her family’s house for the Christmas holiday because A) she’s supposed to make an appearance and B) she thinks it’s the best place to hide him.  Not a lot of media attention where she’s from.  When she gets there, however it seems that her parents’ life has changed considerably.  Instead a bungalow there’s a huge mansion and they now seem to know lots of important and influential people.  It’s not what she expected but she wants to make the most of it.  While she’s there though she finds that Kyle is a much different person than who she thought he was and they seem to get closer together.  

But she doesn’t want to get closer and then have to give up her cop job and he is still investigating a case through his secret unit and what he and El find isn’t what they expected or want to see.

I liked this story for the most part.  I really like the way Vivian Arend writes with her hot smokin sex as well as her sense of humor and that was in huge supply in this story.  But I found by the end of the story that there were some issues that were skimmed over and I found myself frustrated.  (Kyle’s uncle seemed totally different to Kyle than he was growing up but it wasn’t explained why.  The whole bad guy issue was a little fuzzy as well and all the players involvement (I don’t want to say who’s involvement and give anything away)). 

Overall I found this a fun, light read that had lots of smokin smexin in it. 
3.5 out of 5

No Angel By Vivi Andrews

When Sasha’s boyfriend, Jay, is sucked through a fiery vortex to Hell, an angel reveals that Sasha’s been chosen as the Champion of Virtue in the battle for his immortal soul. As a perennial offender on Santa’s naughty list, Sasha can’t believe she’s anyone’s idea of a girl fighting on the side of the angels. But if she doesn’t save Jay, he’ll be stuck in Hell forever!

Jay-aka Jevroth-isn’t surprised to find himself back in Hell. His visa to visit the mortal plane expired three months ago, but to steal more time with Sasha he’s been ignoring his mother’s demands that he come home to spend time with his new stepfather: Lucifer.

Sasha has until dawn on the twenty-fifth of December to fight the Legions of Hell and rescue Jay, or be trapped there for eternity herself. But now she must decide if the lying son-of-a-demon is even worth saving…

Sasha’s just positive that her boyfriend of 6 months, Jay, is about to break up with her, and on Christmas Eve!  He’s been acting funny and she can’t figure out why.  

Jay knows that he has to tell Sasha that he’s half demon but he just doesn’t know how to go about it.  He’s totally in love with her too and he’s afraid that she’ll kick him to the curb when she finds out.  Jay doesn’t get that chance as he’s sucked into hell right before the big reveal.  

Sasha takes it well though (better than I would’ve) and is then visited by an angel (they’re “out” in this world) and told that she can save Jay but she has to do it before dawn on Christmas Day.  Well, that’s not a big order is it?  Yikes!

But when Sasha gets all the facts she’s not sure that she wants to save Jay…or that she even could.

I really enjoyed this story as well.  Sasha had such a wonderful sarcastic sense of humor that I just loved.  She knew what she wanted but was afraid to let herself truly care and it was touching to see her come to grips with it all.  

4 out of 5

Freeze Line By Moira Rogers

She can’t survive in his world; he can’t stay sane in hers

A twenty-first century ice age dulls the magic that emanates from the earth. Shane Sullivan is a lone wolf above the freeze line. He has no desire to join the packs that range closer to the border, where feral instincts can turn a man into a monster. Not until the winter solstice, when he stumbles across a dying witch who needs his help to get back to her people-and her magic-in the south.

Nadia is a powerful woman in her own world, but she’s been drained by her escape from captivity in a northern lab. She knows it’s foolhardy to trust a werewolf, but he’s her only chance to survive the vast white wilderness. The farther south they travel, the harder it is for Shane to keep the beast within under control, and as their mutual attraction intensifies, Nadia’s no longer sure she wants him to.

Shane finds Nadia wandering in the freezing cold, takes pity on her and takes her back to his home so that she can thaw out.  Over a couple of days they talk and Shane agrees to get Nadia back below the freeze line so that her magic, which is kind of freezing her from the inside out, can help her live.

Shane and Nadia become closer as they make the trek through the ice and snow covered lands but Shane feels that he can’t let himself be who he is because if he does he’ll lose control of his werewolf and possibly hurt Nadia.  Nadia finds herself falling in love with Shane but how can she be with him. He needs to be in a cold place that restricts the magics flowing through the earth and she needs them to survive.  Besides that, can Nadia see that Shane is wonderful in all of his forms?

This was a post-apocalyptic type story and it was my favorite of the bunch.  It was a meeting of minds as much as a romance and though I love the sigh worthy type romances I appreciated this one just as much for the starkness of its reality.  It wasn’t just a survival of their environment, it was also the coming to terms with who and what they were and finding a way to survive their attraction and love and make it work.  I’d definitely like to read more stories set in this world.

Just a well written story that I very much enjoyed reading. 
4.5 out of 5

This book releases from Carina Press on Dec. 6

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What I Read Last Week

Posted August 9, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 10 Comments

Hey there peeps! I hope you’re having a wonderful Monday. Mine started out strangely with some weird calls at work but it’s looking up now.
It was a quiet weekend – we just went backpack shopping for the girls to get ready for school. Yes, they start on Thursday! It just doesn’t seem like it’s been 2 months since they got out of school but apparently time flies when you’re having fun. lol! They’re both very excited – my youngest to see her friends and my oldest to start Jr. High. Oy, I still can’t imagine she’s old enough to start Jr. High but the facts are staring me in the face so I guess I gotta go with it. lol
It was a good reading week. I look at my list of weekly reads on Goodreads and sometimes I’m honestly shocked that I’ve read so much. It just doesn’t feel like I have, especially this week as I spent most of the weekend watching movies with my girls and playing the wii. J
So what did I read this week?
First up was Serengeti Heat by Vivi Andrews. I’ve had this novella for a while and finally decided to delve in. It was about a girl in a lion shapeshifter pride who is the smallest lioness in the bunch. Ava gets the worst of everything because the pride always fights for what they want and since she’s so small she doesn’t win. She decides she’s going to go out and get some human booty one night at a bar but is stopped by the new alpha, Landon, who puts the big kibosh on her anticipated night of sex. But he’s not immune to the little lioness and decides small or not she will be his new queen. He just has to convince her of that. I liked the story for the most part – Ava was just too insecure for me – only when she was in bed did she let loose. I guess that was good for Landon! lol 3.5 out of 5
Next was the second book in the Serengeti Shifters series called Serengeti Storm by Vivi Andrews. Another novella within the lion pride but this one was about Shana who had left the pride when Ava became queen. Now she’s back and she’s out to get Landon. But Caleb, Ava’s brother, has always been in love with the woman and he’s decides she’s finally going to be his. I liked Andrews’ writing in this story as well but Shana was a brash, harsh, bitchy woman and I just couldn’t like her too much. I thought it was great that Caleb loved her despite her faults, and there were many, but I just didn’t get the attraction. 3 out of 5
The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter was a darned good book. This is book 6 in the Lords of the Underworld series and was Gideon’s story. He’s the keeper of lies and he was introduced in the previous book to Scarlet who is the keeper of nightmares – oh, and she says that she’s his wife! He has no recollection of ever marrying her, but there are definite signs that he knows her – like his tattoos that match hers. It was just a darned good story – along with info on Amun, Strider, Paris and we got to see a bit of Torin in this book as well. 4.25 out of 5
My next read was for The Book Binge. Ravished by a Highlander by Paula Quinn tells the story of Rob who gets attached to and decides to protects a nun named Davina. Only she’s not a nun yet, and she’s being protected by the king for reasons that she can’t tell Rob. They fall in love but there are major roadblocks to bypass before they can have their HEA. This is the first book in the Children of the Mist series but kind of a continuation of the MacGregor family. We read about Rob’s parents in Laird of the Mist. 4 out of 5
Next was The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller. This is a new YA book that will come out on August 31. It’s the story of Haven who has visions of her past life and finally decides to investigate. I’ll be posting my review of this book on reincarnation on Friday.
Next was Claimed! by Vicki Lewis Thompson. This was a cowboy/bartender romance. You can read my review here. 3.5 out of 5
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was The Key by Lynsay Sands. I just love her historical romances and this was no different. This one told the story of an English woman who married a Scottish Laird’s son. She starts making changes in the household and he’s just not happy with them. The one he’s most unhappy about is that she puts on a chastity belt and refuses to have wifely relations with him until he bathes. But he’s not going to change his routine for her, who does she think she is?! He bathes twice a year and the next time is at the end of July and it’s only June…so no! OMG, just a fun, funny historical. 4.25 out of 5
My next read was a novella that I think every person should read whether they read m/m romance or not. It was Fugly by KZ Snow and it was so wonderful I can’t tell you how much I loved it. The story involved characters Adin Swift and Jackson Spey but they were in it just a bit. It told the story of 4 gay friends – 3 of whom are always on the hunt for the most beautiful men to sleep with. They’re condescending to those they don’t feel are pretty enough or up to par and never ever look beneath the surface – in their prey or in themselves. Jackson decides to show them that there’s more to people than their looks and puts a spell on them so that they have facial lesions – only not everyone can see them. They themselves can and the people they are attracted to can see them and now the 3 men are the ones getting spurned for not being the perfect specimens of manhood. Watching the three men come to terms with who and what they really are inside and finally seeing other people for who they are and not what they look like was incredible. I laughed, I cried. Just. So. Good! A very definite 5 out of 5 from me.
Razor Burn by Scott & Scott was my August pick-it-for-me challenge book. Ben picks up Blayne in a coffee shop. Though Blayne is adamant that he isn’t gay he agrees to have lunch with Ben. Ben takes him back to his apartment and the two men have a bit of afternoon delight – after which Blayne tells Ben that he’s married. Ben’s friend Emily decides to have some fun and sends unemployed Ben’s resume to Blayne’s work – where Blayne’s father, the owner of the company, hires Ben to be the Creative Head on his ad campaign for the new razor they’re coming out with. The story revolves around Blayne and Ben’s relationship but also the relationship between Blayne and his father and a bit about Blayne and his wife. It involves amnesia, power struggles and so much more. There were some issues I had with the book but overall a pretty darned good read. 4 out of 5
And last on the list for the week was Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey. A story about a woman who works for a magazine that wants to the scoop and scandal from a reclusive best-selling author. When Keri’s editor finds out that Keri is Joe’s ex-girlfriend she sends her to get the interview. She’s to get the interview or lose her job. I’ll be reviewing this on Wednesday.
My Book Binge reviews that posted this past week:
Happy Reading!

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