Tag: The Guardians

Meljean Brook Contest Winners Announced

Today is the official release day of Demon Bound!! Happy Release Day, Meljean! The three winners of copies of Demon Bound from yesterday’s giveaway are: LoriWillafulandJuliet CONGRATS LADIES! I can’t wait to see what you think of it. Please email me at contests@thebookbinge.com with your snail mail addys and we’ll get your prizes out ASAP! […]

**Excerpt**Demon Bound**Excerpt**

Posted November 3, 2008 by Holly in Promotions | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments

I told you Demon Bound was amazing, but I didn’t want you to have to take my word for it. Read the following and then try to tell me you don’t want to read it yourself. ____________________ He was the damn cowardly lion. Jake slumped in his chair and watched the foam on his beer […]

Guest Author Meljean Brook: What the Hell Was I Thinking?

Guest Author Meljean Brook: What the Hell Was I Thinking?

There have been quite a few times while I’ve been writing the Guardian series that I’ve thought to myself, “What in the hell was I thinking?” Some examples: 1) Lilith. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love her. But as I was writing Demon Angel, I remember thinking more than once, “Oh my god, what […]

Review: Demon Bound by Meljean Brook

Review: Demon Bound by Meljean Brook

  This is the most recent addition to Meljean Brook‘s Guardian series. It’s no secret that I’m 100% obsessed with this series and that I have a major girl crush on Meljean herself. I think she’s brilliant as an author, and what I know of her as a person is just as wonderful. Having said […]

Buy a Book, Win $100

Buy a Book, Win $100

One of the main reasons we started this book blog is because we love sharing books with other people. When we find an author or book we adore, we want others to share it with us. Throughout the years, we’ve pimped book after book, hero after hero, author after author. Today, I’m here to pimp […]