Tag: Susanna Fraser

Guest Review: Freedom to Love by Susanna Fraser

Posted April 12, 2019 by Tracy in Reviews | 1 Comment

Guest Review: Freedom to Love by Susanna FraserReviewer: Tracy
Freedom to Love by Susanna Fraser
Series: Freedom to Love #1
Publisher: Carina Press
Publication Date: January 5, 2015
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
Point-of-View: Third
Cliffhanger: View Spoiler »
Genres: Historical Romance
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Series Rating: four-stars

Louisiana, 1815

Thérèse Bondurant trusted her parents to provide for her and her young half-sister, though they never wed due to laws against mixed-race marriage. But when both die of a fever, Thérèse learns her only inheritance is debt—and her father’s promise that somewhere on his plantation lies a buried treasure, if she can find it before her white cousins take possession of the land.

Then British officer Henry Farlow, dazed from a wound received in battle outside New Orleans, stumbles onto the property. Thérèse insists he stay with them to recover, and he is quickly captivated by her intelligence and beauty. Thanks to her care, he is back to full strength just in time to fend off an attack by her cousin, inadvertently killing the would-be rapist.

Knowing they will find no justice in the law, the trio flees. Henry risks being labeled a deserter, but more than duty compels him to see the sisters to safety, and Thérèse comes to rely on Henry for more than protection. On their journey to freedom, they must navigate another new territory—love. But when they arrive in England, an unexpected inheritance puts their newfound commitment to the test.

Henry Farlow is a British officer who was injured in battle.  He was left there after the battle, everyone presuming he’s dead. He manages to leave the field where the battle took place and finds himself at a plantation.  He comes across a woman and a girl who are digging in the lawn.  They take him to the house and take care of him, but they want him to leave asap.  Unfortunately, despite the fact that the plantation house belonged to their father, it doesn’t belong to them.  Their father has died and left it to a nasty relative.  Unfortunately that relative shows up while the trio is there.  He’s drunk and when he tries to take advantage of Thérèse’s sister, Jeannette – who’s a slave, Henry protects her and accidentally kills him.  Then the three of them are on the run. Henry must make it to a fort to prove he’s not a deserter.

Thérèse’s father was a plantation owner but Thérèse’s mother was his mistress and a seamstress.  She is cuarterona (someone who is ¼ African descent) but she’s also Native American. Though Henry doesn’t care and starts to fall in love with her, she’s not sure what their future looks like.  They decide they’ll make their way to Canada, where slaves are free, and start a life.  With Henry and Thérèse pretending to be married, and Jeannette their slave, it puts them in close quarters.  Henry and Thérèse start to fall in love, but how can they be together when interracial marriages are illegal?

Right when they think things are looking up for the trio, they head to England to deal with Henry’s parents (to prove that he’s alive) and then they’ll head back to Canada to start their life.  Once they get to England, however, they find that Henry’s life will never be the same, which means Thérèse’s won’t either.

I really loved the first part of this story.  I loved Thérèse and Jeannette and their determination to make a better life for themselves.  I really liked Henry and his honor.  The trio’s journey was fraught with danger and I was completely sucked in.

Then they got to England. I wish I could say that even that part was wonderful, but I personally think it got boring.  It was definitely more personalized because of Henry’s family and how they dealt with Thérèse, but I started to dislike Henry a bit and it just wasn’t as good as the first part of the book.

Despite things changing for me in the second half of the book, it was still good.  I’d still definitely recommend this as it was well written and kept my attention.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5


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Guest Review: A Christmas Reunion by Susanna Fraser

Posted December 9, 2014 by Tracy in Reviews | 0 Comments

Guest Review: A Christmas Reunion by Susanna FraserReviewer: Tracy
A Christmas Reunion by Susanna Fraser
Publisher: Carina Press
Publication Date: November 24th 2014
Pages: 78
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Gabriel Shepherd has never forgotten his humble origins. So when he discovers a war orphan at Christmastime, he resolves to find a home for her—even if that means asking help from the very family who found and raised him, only to cast him out for daring to love the wrong woman.

Lady Catherine Trevilian has spent five years poring over the British Army's casualty list, dreading the day she sees Gabe's name. She's never forgotten him, and she's never forgiven herself for not running away with him when she had the chance, though she's agreed to a marriage of convenience with a more suitable man.

When Gabe returns home on Christmas leave just days before Cat's wedding, a forbidden kiss confirms their feelings haven't been dimmed by distance or time. But Cat is honor-bound to another, and Gabe believes she deserves better than a penniless soldier with an orphan in tow. How can Cat reconcile love and duty? She must convince Gabe she'd rather have him than the richest lord in all of England…


Tracy’s review of A Christmas Reunion by Susanna Fraser

When Cat was 18 years old she was caught kissing – and a bit more – with Gabe, her cousin’s cousin. Her uncle, who was her guardian at the time, found the two together and immediately sent Gabe off to join the British Army. Now it’s five years later and Gabe finds himself back on British soil. He has a toddler in his care that he’s trying to find a home for so writes to his cousin Richard for assistance (Richard has now become the Earl). Richard immediately tells Gabe that he must come home for Christmas and they’ll deal with the child then.

Cat is so excited to have Gabe returning home but it’s a bit bittersweet as she’s to be married on New Year’s Eve to a man who she considers friend. The minute that she sees Gabe again she knows that the feelings she’s tried to squash are still in full force but she also knows that she can’t jilt her fiancé, Anthony, as he’s been jilted before and it would just cause too much of a scandal.

Gabe is still in love with Cat but is resigned to the fact that she’s to marry another. He knows that he’s not good enough for her as he’s baseborn but that doesn’t stop him from longing for her.

When certain details come to light Cat and Gabe find that they may have a chance to be together after all.

A Christmas Reunion was a very short sweet tale of reunited love. It was an enjoyable read and I liked seeing Gabe and Cat get together after such a long separation. Strangely I didn’t feel the pull or intensity between them that I’ve felt in Fraser’s other couples in previous books. They had been separated for a long darned time and frankly I expected that they’d fall upon each other at the first chance but unfortunately that didn’t happen. I appreciated the honor that Cat showed to her betrothed by NOT falling on Gabe at her first opportunity but I admit that I would have loved to have seen a bit more excitement when did finally kiss the first time.

Ellen is the little girl that Gabe has found himself in charge of. He was taken in at Christmas and felt that when the little girls mother died he couldn’t leave her to be taken to a foundling home. While he initially thought to find a good home for her he got attached to the little one (who was about 18 months old) and I found that incredibly sweet. Gabe was so sweet with the child and she seemed to have latched on to him with both hands and heart. I really liked Gabe all the more because he ended up attached to her as well.

In the end I found the book to be a pleasant holiday romance.

Rating: 3 out of 5

This title is available from Carina Press. You can buy it here or here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


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What I Read Last Week

Posted November 12, 2012 by Tracy in Features | 6 Comments

Hey there,

Another week has gone by and wow – they’re going so fast.  Yesterday the fam headed down to Anaheim to have an early family Thanksgiving dinner with my hubby’s family which was really fun.  The girls were apparently having fun with mom’s phone in the back seat while on the way down there.  Here’s just 2 of the MANY photos that were on it lol  Who would know that just 2 hours earlier they were at each others throats?  Ah, the joy of childhood. lol

So on to what I read last week:

I started off the week with The Sergeant’s Lady by Susanna Fraser.  This story was about Anna who was following the drum with her soldier husband but he was a complete ass.  She is on her own and trying to get home when her convoy is detained by the French.  When one of the French commanding officers decides that Anna would make a tasty treat in bed.  She’s saved by Sergeant Will Atkins.  They escape and while traveling start a sexual relationship that turns into so much more.  But they can’t be together because she’s a lady and was an officer’s wife and he’s just a  sergeant.  This was a really great book of love and trying to maintain that love while trying to deal with class differences.  It was emotionally charge and oh so good. 4.25 out of 5

Next up was An Infamous Marriage by Susanna Fraser.  The story follows Elizabeth and Jack’s marriage after he’s been gone in Canada for 5 years and been cheating on her.  But now he’s back and wants to make a go of the marriage.  You can read my full review here. 3 out of 5

My next read was All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey.  This is the 5th book in the Kowalski series and it was the story of Ryan Kowalski and Lauren who was once the wife of his best friend. They finally get together after many years but it’s not an easy road  You can read my full review here.  4.25 out of 5

Under the Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis is a short story in the Lucky Harbor series that comes out next month.  This story is one about Tara and Ford’s daughter Mia and her relationship with Nick who hasn’t known love his entire life.  It was a good one and definitely one that shouldn’t be missed.  4 out of 5

Wolfishly Yours by Lydia Dare was the story of a girl, Livi, who is sent by her father from New Orleans to England to her grandfather to learn how to be a lady.  She’s pissed off and wants nothing more than to be home running wild with her brothers in the swamps.  She meets Grayson who is besotted with her and ends up offering for her hand. When he doesn’t show up for his own wedding though things get a bit hairy.  Cute story but there certainly wasn’t enough shapeshifting with the shapeshifters for my liking.  lol  3.75 out of 5

Heart of Danger by Lisa Marie Rice was my next read.  Fugitive soldiers, psychic scientists and hidden fortresses.  You can read my review on Wednesday.

What Binds Us by Larry Benjamin was an m/m story about friends who meet at college, become lovers but then just friends again.  Dondi is a total playboy and sleeps with any and every man.  He’s definitely in it for the fun.  Thomas-Edward is a black student who loves Dondi but after a year of a relationship Dondi breaks it off in their sophomore year.  Still friends T spends a summer at Dondi’s family home and ends up falling in love with Dondi’s brother, Matthew, but neither make a move.  The story is about friendship, love, the horror of AIDS and the strange ties that bind people together.  It was a really good book and highly emotional especially at the end.  I cried more in this book than any other that I can remember.  The epilogue threw me off a bit and some things throughout the story did as well but overall very good.  4.25 out of 5

Last for the week was Mr. Real by Carolyn Crane.  The story is about a woman who brings a man to life through a spell on her computer and things are not exactly how she expects them to be.  You can read my review on Thursday.

My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Charmed by His Love by Janet Chapman
Rescue My Heart by Jill Shalvis

Happy Reading!

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Review: An Infamous Marriage by Susanna Fraser

Posted November 8, 2012 by Tracy in Reviews | 1 Comment

Northumberland, 1815

At long last, Britain
is at peace, and General Jack Armstrong is coming home to the wife he barely
knows. Wed for mutual convenience, their union unconsummated, the couple has
exchanged only cold, dutiful letters. With no more wars to fight, Jack is ready
to attempt a peace treaty of his own.

Elizabeth Armstrong is on the warpath. She never expected fidelity from the
husband she knew for only a week, but his scandalous exploits have made her the
object of pity for years. Now that he’s back, she has no intention of sharing
her bed with him—or providing him with an heir—unless he can earn her
forgiveness. No matter what feelings he ignites within her…

Jack is not expecting a spirited, confident woman in place of the meek girl he
left behind. As his desire intensifies, he wants much more than a marriage in
name only. But winning his wife’s love may be the greatest battle he’s faced

Jack Armstrong comes back to England
from Canada
where he’s spent years and finds his childhood best friend, Giles, on his
deathbed.  Giles had just married a mere
10 days earlier so when Jack comes to visit, Giles is determined to have his new
wife taken care of.  Giles makes both
Jack and Elizabeth promise that they will get married after Giles dies – which they reluctantly
do.  Elizabeth
is mourning Giles but must marry Jack in just a few days time as his leave is
almost over and he must head back to Canada.  Jack promised Giles but he’s more than pissed
off about it.  Elizabeth is not the type of women he
normally goes for – what he sees is a shy, mousy girl with no backbone and he’s pretty happy to be heading back to Canada.
Jack and Elizabeth try to do as well as they can the first two years together,
despite their strange marriage, via letters. 
Jack finds himself liking Elizabeth’s
letters and looking forward to them.  Elizabeth starts to fall
in love with her husband a bit as his letters show him to be quite a
character.  Then a woman in Elizabeth’s village who like to cause trouble comes to visit with nothing but vile
intentions and lets Elizabeth know what Jack is
up to with all his many women in Canada.  Elizabeth
is hurt and for the next 3 years their letters are cold and terse, with Jack not knowing why the change has occurred..
Jack finally comes home when the threat of war ends and
finds a completely different woman than the one he left 5 years earlier.  She’s strong willed, confident and he is more
attracted to her as each day passes.  Elizabeth makes no bones
about why she’s pissed off and isn’t sure she can forgive Jack.  They eventually come together and fall in
love but the past has a way of jumping up and biting you in the ass when you
least expect it and this is exactly what happens to Jack.
Let me start by saying that I normally don’t read books that
deal with infidelity. They’re just not my cuppa and I try to steer clear of
them.  Despite that I picked this one up
because I had liked the first two books by this author so very much and was
pretty sure she could write the story so that I didn’t hate the hero.  She definitely did that but unfortunately
the book didn’t speak to me the way her other two did.
After Jack and Elizabeth get married Jack leaves for Canada almost
immediately.  The marriage is unconsummated
and as the blurb said Elizabeth
didn’t necessarily expect fidelity but Jack should have shown some decency and
discretion in his sexual exploits.  For
him to think that what he did in Canada wouldn’t reach Elizabeth’s ears in
England was just ridiculous and showed that for all Jack’s days in the military
he still hadn’t grown up emotionally.
I was quite happy that Elizabeth
gave him the what-for when he got back to England but I have to say that she
capitulated way before I thought she should. 
She definitely should have made him suffer longer.  When Jack’s past came back to haunt him later
in the book I wasn’t surprised at all as the story was set up in such a way
that I couldn’t help but know what was coming by the way he thought to himself –
yeah, she’ll never know about that.  You know when men say that to themselves in a book that they’re going to be proven
completely wrong. lol
I did enjoy Elizabeth’s
personality in this book and also the battle scenes having to do with the
Battle of Waterloo – those were both huge pluses for me.  I didn’t, however, feel the emotional union between Elizabeth and Jack. 
It wasn’t his past…I just wasn’t feeling the love.  Yes they were close but for some reason I
just wasn’t getting the emotional connection that I think I was supposed to
feel.  I know that this author can make
me feel that closeness because I just finished her previous book, The Sergeant’s
, which was excellent.  So in the end
while I found this book good and entertaining it just didn’t knock my socks
Rating: 3 out of 5

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Guest Review: A Marriage of Inconvenience by Susanna Fraser

Posted April 20, 2011 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 5 Comments

Tracy’s review of A Marriage of Inconvenience by Susanna Fraser

Left orphaned and penniless as a young child, Lucy Jones learned to curb her temper, her passions, and even her sense of humor to placate the wealthy relatives who took her in. She became the perfect poor relation–meek, quiet, and self-effacing. She clings to her self-control because she can control nothing else.

James Wright-Gordon also lost his parents at a young age. But he became a wealthy viscount at fifteen and stepped into full control of his fortune and his birthright as a parliamentary power broker at twenty-one. At twenty-four, he is serenely confident in his ability to control everything in the world that matters to him.

At a house party in the summer of 1809, James quickly discerns Lucy’s carefully hidden spirit and wit and does his best to draw them out. After being caught in a compromising situation, they are obliged to marry. But can two people whose need for control has always been absolute learn to put love first?

Lucy gets engaged to her cousin, Sebastian, whom she’s always admired. He was always the kind one of the family, the one that was most attentive when she went to live with his family after her parents died. Lucy knows that Sebastian doesn’t love her but she thinks herself in love with him so she accepts his proposal. Sebastian’s mother wants the engagement kept a secret because she doesn’t want the limelight taken from Sebastian’s sister, Portia, who is to be married soon. Soon after the proposal Lucy and her family heads off to the country for Portia’s wedding. While there Lucy meets Portia’s soon to be neighbors the Viscount Selsley and his sister, Anna Wright-Gordon. She builds a quick bond with both but with Lord Selsley, James, she finds she can be herself and feels quite comfortable with him.

When Sebastian meets Anna Wright-Gordon he is instantly smitten and finds that he can’t seem to stay away from her. Lucy is quite hurt at the attention that Sebastian dotes on Anna but since no one knows that he and Lucy are engaged she can’t really show her ire.

When the head of Sebastian’s family comes to the country to reveal that he has lost all of the family’s money Lucy is jilted by Sebastian immediately due to the fact that Anna has a boatload of money and can save the family. Lucy and James are then found in a compromising situation and are then wed.

Up until this point in the book I was really loving this story. I didn’t particularly care for Sebastian because I knew there was something hinky going on with him and that he wasn’t the fine upstanding honorable citizen that he portrayed. When he jilted Lucy I just wanted to crawl into my ereader and give him a big ole punch in the jaw. I felt so badly for Lucy but she soon found herself with James which was so much better for her. I loved seeing the friendship and attraction grow between James and Lucy and I wanted them together so much it was ridiculous. But I also really loved Anna and didn’t want that nice young lady stuck with yucky Sebastian (and as the book goes on he gets worse and worse).

But then everyone gets married – first Lucy and James, then Portia and her man and then Sebastian and Anna – and the book kind of changed for me. Lucy, though she seemed a bit cowed by her family and their hatefulness in life, was quite a strong person overall. However, when she married James she seemed to become a different person. Yes, I can imagine that becoming a viscountess when you’ve only ever thought of growing up and being a companion or a governess could be quite daunting, but the way she was handling things didn’t seem to be quite in line with what we knew of her personality prior to the marriage. Also, while I knew from the first part of the book that Lucy had learned to hold her tongue quite a bit (hence being a strong person because of living with mean people) I never thought of her as one that was totally in control. When she married James one of the big things was that she couldn’t let herself orgasm because it felt like she was losing too much control and she had always been in control. I just couldn’t see that from what I knew of her. She lived in a family that basically controlled her life – what she did, what she learned, who she knew, how she dressed – when might she have had control? It was a bit confusing.

Then there is quite a large incident in the story that puts James and Lucy at sixes and sevens and it was a biggie. I can’t tell you what happened cuz that would be too much of a spoiler, but it was enough to possibly tear them apart for good. While I felt that James overreacted a bit I had to remember that though he was a viscount he was only 24 years old! It helped to get me through the rough patch.

In the end I really loved the first part of the book and felt just ok with the second so my rating reflects the middle road. I really liked the author’s voice and will definitely be reading more of her books in the future. I would have loved to have found out more about Anna and Sebastian but after looking at the author’s website I realized that Anna’s story has already been told – which is good for me since I want to know what happened! lol

Rating: 4 out of 5

You can read more from Tracy at Tracy’s Place

This book is available from Carina Press. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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