Tag: Stupid People Piss Me Off

The Story Siren: How to Gracefully Act When You’re a Plagiarist

The Story Siren: How to Gracefully Act When You’re a Plagiarist

When the story broke about Kristi of The Story Siren being a plagiarist, we all watched – completely dumbfounded – as she made non-apologies and refused to accept responsibility for her actions. Here’s what I wanted to see happen: Dear Beautifully Invisible and Grit and Glamour, I’m sorry I plagiarized your posts. I did it […]

The Story Siren is a Plagiarist, Not a Victim

The Story Siren is a Plagiarist, Not a Victim

Holly: Over the last few days, the blogging world has blown up over a plagiarism scandal. I first learned about it from the Smart Bitches website. After following the yellow link road, I was appalled and frustrated by what I was seeing. I’ll let you visit the SB site, or Grit and Glamour and Beautifully […]

Book Review Contracts?

Book Review Contracts?

Holly: Jackie (aka Insane Hussein) put up a copy of a review contact Aziza Publishing, a company I’ve never heard of before, is making their authors send out when requesting reviews from bloggers. The idea of a review contract isn’t too bad when taken on its own, but the fine print is enough to make […]

A New Form of Plagarism: Authors Beware

A New Form of Plagarism: Authors Beware

The other night on Twitter, Donna and Bree, the writing duo that makes up Moira Rogers, were talking about finding one of their novels on Scribd, Bookrix and other sites for writers to share their original work. In this case, the writer in question, one Angela Priest, had taken a novel of Rogers, changed a […]

Sour Grapes?

Sour Grapes?

Here’s the scenario: Last year an author released a book that was labeled as contemporary romance. It was part of a long running series and this character’s book was much anticipated. Only…it wasn’t a contemporary. The author decided to make it a time-travel/futuristic/sci-fi blend. Readers were pretty upset about it – rightly so, IMO. The […]