Tag: Rowena’s Reviews

Review: All American Girl by Meg Cabot

Review: All American Girl by Meg Cabot

Have I told you guys how much I heart Meg Cabot? Because I totally do. She never fails to amuse me and wrap me up in the little worlds she creates for each of her stories. I was just as absorbed in Sam’s world of black clothes and nerdy geeky art boys who are so […]

Weekly Reread: The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot

Weekly Reread: The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot

I swear, I need to read a new Meg Cabot book like every few months because I HEART HER! I didn’t have any new Meg Cabot books to read (Daphne, let’s fix that this weekend, what do you say?) so I took out a book of hers that I read last year and holy hannah, […]

Wena’s Turn: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Wena’s Turn: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Alright, so I’m finally getting around to reviewing this book. I’ve got some bones to pick with this book, some scenes to gush over and some tomatoes (or something harder and stronger) to throw at Bella…just because I want to. So we’ve got Bella graduating from high school and we’ve got the Cullens trying to […]

Review: Teen Idol by Meg Cabot

Review: Teen Idol by Meg Cabot

FINALLY! I haven’t been able to sit through an entire book to read and enjoy a book the way that I zipped right through this book this weekend. My weekends have seriously slowed down for the next little while with family reunions and social obligations out of the way, so I was able to enjoy […]

Weekly Reread: See Jane Score by Rachel Gibson.

Weekly Reread: See Jane Score by Rachel Gibson.

It’s been a cool minute since I’ve read this book and I can tell you right now that this time around, I loved me some Luc Martineau just as much as I did the first time I picked it up. This is one of those feel good, underdog romances that you can’t help but love. […]