The Boy Next Door (Boys #1) by Meg Cabot
Series: Boys Series #1
Also in this series: Boy Meets Girl (Boys #2), The Boy is Back
Publisher: Harper Collins, Avon
Publication Date: October 11th 2002
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 374
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I swear, I need to read a new Meg Cabot book like every few months because I HEART HER! I didn’t have any new Meg Cabot books to read (Daphne, let’s fix that this weekend, what do you say?) so I took out a book of hers that I read last year and holy hannah, I enjoyed the hell out of the book all over again…it was as my cousin Dovie would say, “SO THE BUSINESS!”
I’m hella loving the whole email, IM, letter storytelling. Meg Cabot had me cracking the heck up with all of the emails from Mel and her best friend Nadine, the emails from the coworkers who were trying to hook up with Mel’s left overs and then the whole hot damn HR department threatening to write Mel up for being tardy to work, yet again.
All the emails and all the activity running around this book should have confused the socks off of me but it didn’t. I was so wrapped up in this story, laughing and just breezing right through this book that I finished it not too long after I started it…such a good, fast paced, solid story. I mean, I still think that Mel was a bit harsh in her punishment to John after she found out just who he really was or whatever, but aside from that, the story flowed well, kept the laughs coming and I really enjoyed it all over again.
Melissa Fuller is a gossip columnist from New York and she lives next to this old lady who is attacked in her apartment, Mel being the kind hearted heroine that she is, calls 911 to report the accident and then she risks losing her job because she stays behind to oversee everything that needs looking after in the old lady’s apartment.
The old lady has a nephew who is supposed to come through and take care of things while she’s recovering in the hospital, only the guy that Mel thinks is the old lady’s nephew, really isn’t the sleazebag Max Friedwhatever, the real Max is in the islands sexing up a really hot model. He called in a favor from an old college mate who owed him to come and dog sit and be the water plant guy for his aunts apartment so he doesn’t get disinherited and all that madness.
I really hated that Max freak. Like, wanted to do him bodily harm hated him. I wanted him to contract a tropical sexually transmitted disease and then I wanted him to melt away like the wicked witch did in the movie with Dorothy and Toto.
I loved Mel and I loved John. I hated that John had a lie to upkeep and I cringed when the truth came flying out and John was trying to do damage control. I hated reading through all of that but the light at the end of the tunnel was shining brightly and I pushed right through it all and was glad for my trouble because man was this a good book. I’m still kind of irritated with Mel for the punishment she inflicted on John but overall, I was really happy with this book the second time around.
It was just a funny, laugh a minute book that kept me turning and turning trying to find out what hilarioius email, IM or whatever else I was going to read. You would think that a story like this wouldn’t work, would be confusing to follow along with but it’s anything but, Meg Cabot sure did toot ‘dat thang with this book because the book was hecka enjoyable and just all around good, I really really recommend this book, like for real!
I hella loved John’s family. His two nieces (who’s names have totally slipped my mind, goodness I’m getting old) had me rollin’ when reading their letters and emails to him, his sister in law who was seriously on pakalolo stuff was a funny one but my favorite emails were the emails between Jason and John. The brothers. Man, the emails these two sent to each other never failed to crack me the hell up because they remind me of my brothers, they’re such manly emails and just all around funny.
Man but this was a good book, seriously….GO GET IT AND READ IT, you’ll enjoy it if you’re looking for something light, fluffy and hilarious.
This is all you need! =)
I love this book!!!!!
Have you read Meg Cabot’s newest book, Jinx? I just finished it last night and thought it was pretty good. I’m going to try to post a review of it later this week. She’s so good! 🙂
I haven’t read Jinx yet but I want to…I want to read her entire backlist, teen books and all..she seriously rocks my socks! Welcome to Book Binge Em, I dont’ think I’ve ever welcomed you, glad you found our blog! Happy Reading!
I still haven’t read this author. I will soon though.