Tag: New Adult

Review: The Fifteenth Minute by Sarina Bowen

Review: The Fifteenth Minute by Sarina Bowen

I’ve been looking forward to this book since I finished Bella and Rafe’s book earlier this year. I adored Lianne and was looking forward to seeing her get her guy in this book. When we first met her, she was this shy young woman who wanted to find herself and not be the Sorceress that […]

Review: Game On by Katie McCoy

Review: Game On by Katie McCoy

I love sports romances. I love athletes and so when this book came across my radar, I wanted to read it. I’m not too wild about journalist heroines but in this book, it wasn’t Sophie that drove me nuts, it was most everything else. Sophie never went to college, she got a job as a […]

Joint Review: The Game Plan by Kristen Callihan

Joint Review: The Game Plan by Kristen Callihan

*We call this a joint review but really it’s just the two of us discussing the book. There may  be spoilers and bad language.  Holly: Fiona is Ivy’s younger sister. We met her in the previous book, The Friend Zone. We also met Dex in the previous book (I don’t remember him from book 1). […]

Review: The Fifteenth Minute by Sarina Bowen

Review: The Fifteenth Minute by Sarina Bowen

Lianne Challice became famous for her role as a sorceress in a popular movie franchise. She’s under contract for one more movie, but she’s ready to experience life away from Hollywood and enrolls at Harkness college. For all her travels and worldliness, she’s on the young side of 19 in terms of her self-confidence. She […]

Guest Review: Crazy, Sexy, Ghoulish by G. G. Andrew

Guest Review: Crazy, Sexy, Ghoulish by G. G. Andrew

  A zombie. A vampire. A witch. Nora Travers is none of these things. But the reformed mean girl has to hide behind costumes all Halloween week if she wants to scare the pants off Brendan, the horror geek with the power to earn her a Halloween bonus. Because Brendan is the nerd Nora used […]